chapter 37

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Sia sat in the comfort of her home, a sense of relief washing over her that she hadn't had to face Taehyung in these past few days. The constant fear and tension that had haunted her seemed to ease slightly, knowing that she was safe within the confines of her own space. Despite the lingering unease, she found solace in the quietude of her surroundings.

As she busied herself in the kitchen, the rhythmic clinking of utensils against countertops provided a distraction from her thoughts. However, her focus was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell echoing through the house. A frown creased her forehead as she glanced towards the door, wondering who could possibly be visiting at this hour.

Despite her reservations, Sia made her way to the front door, her steps hesitant yet determined. The anticipation gnawed at her as she reached for the doorknob, unsure of what or who awaited on the other side.

Sia opened the door to find a stranger standing before her, dressed in a uniform. She eyed him with confusion, wondering who he could be.

"Who are you?"

she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

The man cleared her confusion with a polite smile.

"I'm from the electricity department," he explained. "Last night, there was a power outage in this area due to a transformer explosion. Our department has sent us to check the connections of every house to ensure there's no damage."

Sia paused, considering his words. It was true that there had been a power cut in the neighborhood the previous night. After a moment's thought, she stepped aside, allowing the man to enter her house. She realized it was important to verify the safety of her home's electrical connections.

Once inside, the man got to work, meticulously inspecting every nook and cranny of Sia's house. After thorough examination, he turned to Sia and inquired, "Ma'am, could you please show me to your bedroom?"

Sia regarded him with a pensive expression before leading the way to her bedroom. The man carefully examined the connections there as well, ensuring everything was in order. Satisfied with his inspection, he bid Sia farewell and left the premises.

With the man gone, Sia returned to her tasks, feeling a sense of relief now that her home's electrical connections had been verified.

In the serene afternoon light, Sia was nestled in her bedroom, engrossed in a novel. Her body lay sprawled on the bed, one hand clutching the book while her hair cascaded freely around her. Oblivious to her surroundings, she absorbed herself in the story, her features calm and tranquil.

Unbeknownst to her, a pair of intense eyes fixated on her every movement, scrutinizing her with unwavering attention. Taehyung, hidden behind the screen of his laptop, observed her with a predatory gaze. His breath hitched as he watched the sunlight dance upon her flawless skin, accentuating her beauty. Her hair, like strands of silk, framed her face, adding to her allure.

As Sia nibbled on her pink lips in concentration, Taehyung felt a surge of desire course through him. His heart raced as he yearned to taste those lips, to feel their softness against his own. Unable to resist, he licked his own lips in anticipation, his longing for her growing with each passing moment.

As Taehyung's winter-grey eyes fixated on her every move through the screen, a low growl escaped his lips. Frustration coursed through him as he longed to touch her, to hold her close. Each passing day without her felt like torture, driving him to the brink of madness. His body ached for her warmth, for her presence by his side.

Unable to bear the separation any longer, he succumbed to his desperation and decided to install hidden cameras in her house. With these devices in place, he could now watch her every move without constraint, satisfying his intense craving for her.

She had driven him to insanity with her absence, igniting a possessive fire within him.

"Soon, Sia. Soon, you will be mine,"

he murmured to himself, a wicked smirk gracing his lips. Thoughts of the retribution he would exact upon her for playing this game of hide and seek danced through his mind, fueling his determination.

Taehyung knew she couldn't hide from him forever. Once he set his sights on something, he stopped at nothing until it was his. And now, his focus was squarely on Sia.

Two days slipped by with Taehyung maintaining his vigilance over Sia through the screens. His obsession with her grew with each passing moment, driving him to the brink of madness.

Until one day, his when his patients reached its peak when he will witness something which he will ignite a raw feeling of hatred for her.  His eyes will witness the things which he could never imagine that proke a ruthless monster inside him , his psychotic side would come out.

Taehyung's insanity for sia has grown too much

What do you think what is he going to do?

And what is he going to witness.

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