chapter 5

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Taehyung sat on the seat in an enamorously magnificent hall. Around five hundred parents were attending this function. They were all excited to see their kids perform on the stage. Watching your kids perform is the best feeling in the world. Taehyung sat like a king in his seat. Legs crossed on one another, his pericing winter gray eyes watched blankly at the stage in front of him. He wasn't interested in this.

Soon the principal came on stage; he was in his mid-50s. He stared at the introductory speech and thanked all the guests and teachers for not wasting too much time. He walked out of the house.

The annual function started, and one by one, kids started coming on the stage.
The first show started with the welcome dance, where senior students performed and welcomed Taehyung.

And the program continued.

Now it was the turn of the kids, who were going to give speeches on their favorite topics. One by one, all the kids who participated in the speech came and gave their speeches. Now it was Ji's turn.

Sia walked towards Ji-hoon; she patted his head, encouraging him. Giving him comfort, she walked with Ji-hoon on the stage.

Sia guided him to stand at the center, and giving him an alluring smile, she wished him all the best. Ji-Hoon smiled at her little one, as the boy was very nervous because he was performing for the first time in his life in front of so many people. It was obvious for that kid to get nervous.

Holding the mic in his hand, Ji-hoon shot a breathtaking smile at the audience, which stole every person's heart.
Bringing his mic close to his mouth, he stared at his speech.

"Good morning to all the wonderful people present today, my dear teachers, principal, and all my friends. It is a pleasure that I got the opportunity to stand in front of you all and represent my speech. We have all gathered here for the Annual Day celebration, which is held to celebrate the talent and skills of our children and reward them for the same.
And today I'm also going to show my skills. I would like to represent a small speech.
To be honest, this is not a speech; these are my feelings from the bottom of my heart about my parents, who meant the world to me, and today I'm going to give a small speech to my parents.
Parents are the most precious gifts anyone can get.
We entered this world because of our parents. It is our parents who have given us life, and we must learn to be pleased with it. I am grateful to my parents for everything they do for me. Through my parents essay, I wish to convey how valuable they are to me and how much I respect and admire them.
Parents are one of the most beautiful things in this world because they give us life, nurture us, teach us, give us a good upbringing, and dedicate their entire lives to us. So, we should always love and respect our parents, and we should always care for them.
It is said that heaven lies at the feet of parents. We must take care of them and listen to their entire world, and we should never disrespect or lie to them because whatever they do, if they beat us, is for our benefit. So we should always respect our parents.
Thank you, everyone."

Ji-Hoon completed his speech with a smile. And a loud applause of clapping reverberated in the call. Everyone gave a standing ovation to that seven-year-old kid who gave such a wonderful speech to parents. Ji and Sia were on cloud nine after seeing the response of the audience to his speech. He got the best response among all the students.
Overjoyed in happiness, Ji-Hoon ran towards Sia and gave him a tight hug, who was standing in the corner preparing other kids. Sis hugged him and ruffled his hair.
"Did you see Miss Sia? Everyone liked my speech."
Ji was so happy after getting such a good response. He didn't know if he would win or not, but he was happy to see everyone giving him a standing ovation. He was in ninth heaven.

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