Chapter 14

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Sia came out of the hospital after checking upon Jungkook . It's been two days since he was in the hospital. Her racing heart calmed a little after hearing the news from the doctor , according to them Jungkook's condition was getting better now . He was responding to all the treatment and medicine which he was given. Soon he will gain his consciousness and will come into senses. As he was badly injured, it would take him time to fully recover.

Sia rejoiced in happiness after hearing that news . She joined her hands in front of doctors who treated her husband who brought him back From the embrace of death . But the reply from the doctor made her stunned.

" Don't thank us Mrs Jeon . If Mr Kim would not have arranged those machines and drugs on an urgent basis from another country we wouldn't be able to save him.

You don't know some of those equipment costs an Arm and leg yet he arranged them using his resources. without those medicines we would not have been able to treat him. If you want to thank someone then it should be only mr Kim."

His words resonated in her mind ..It is true that he has done a lot of favor to her ,but she has paid the price for that favor by selling her  honor to him . She sold her dignity and her virtue to him; she gave him her most precious thing to him: her virginity.

She was aware of his help. Next day after that night when sia went to hospital with money , doctor told her that along with money they need some specialized machines to perform his operation which were  available in other country, sia  felt extreme helpless hearing him because how could she arrange this equipments , was a big question for her but to her surprise the doctor informed her that they somehow managed to arrange those equipments, in evening.  But why did he help her ? He only agreed to give her money at the price of spending a night with him which she did , then why did he help her again ? That question was eating her for two days ?

Sias' eyes welled up in warm tears after remembering that sinful night she had shared with him. How inhumanly he treated her body he was feasting on her body like he was starving for ages. Those disgusting acts he did to her. How he was biting and licking her skin like an animal. Feeling of disgust crawled on her body after remembering those events..she felt used . She felt impure after getting touched by other man .

Wiping her tears, Sia came out of that hospital building to get some fresh air..her head started to pain lightly because of that hospital smell. In addition she was feeling too tired so she decided to go into the garden which was present just outside the hospital premises. 

Sia walked in that direction where the garden was.  It was a small garden with beautiful water  fountain situated at the middle..the place was illuminated with dim yellow light . Her eyes wandered all over the palce to find a bench to sit. After finding one she walked in that direction. Sia saw a empty bench. She sat on it releasing a shaky breath. She was feeling too tired and drained out . All she wanted to do was get a proper sleep and food as she hadn't eaten or slept peacefully in thses days.

Sighing heavily, Sia looked at the sky . The vast sky was beautifully adorned with that glowing orb and tiny stars . That halo caught her attention as she looked continuously at that celestial body. Sia loves stargazing at night .. She wanted to go on a romantic date at night with her husband as it was one of her favorite things that she wanted to do with her partner. But it never happened. She didn't get any chance to go for stargazing heck she didn't even remember they both have gone on a proper date in this one years of marriage.

Sia was busy staring at the moon for almost fifteen minutes as the presence of the moon in the night sky made her feel calm .
The glowing light of the moon spread across the dark sky made her believe that every cloud has a silver lining made her not to lose that faith on that almighty God which she almost lose when she got to know that there was not any way to save her husband's life .

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