chapter 10

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Natasha's eyes widened and fear struck her body seeing sia falling lifelessly on the floor.  Panicked she bent down to her leve taking Sia's head on her lap .

" Sia sia open your eyes dear . Don't scare me"

She cried shaking sia to wake her up . Natasha' put her on the floor and went to grab water . Getting a glass of water from thier kitchen Natasa hurriedly walked towards Sia sprinkling some water of her face she waited for her to get consciousness . Sia squeezed her eyes when cold water droplets fell on her skin. Opening her eyes slowly she saw Natasha's panicked state.  Natasha helped her to sat down and made her drink water.patting her head she asked Sia about the call.  Which made sia tear up more. Her eyes turned glossy with accumulated tears.  She looked at nat and spoke.

" I…it was a man ..he called From hospital, he infromed me that Jungkook was admitted in hospital and told me to come there"

Sia said the things which that man told her . Making fear visible in Natasha's eyes too.  

" Sia we should go there immediately..did he tell you from which hospitals he was calling?"

Natasha aked . Sia noded her head and told her the address than that man told her before she got unconcious. Natasha and sia immediately rushed towards the hospital..

After reaching at the hospital sia and Natasha ran towards the reseption to aks about Jungkook . Standing in front the reseption table she asked the girl about jungkook

" E…excuse me you know the man named Jeon Jungkook. I..I'm his wife. Someone had informed me that he is admitted here"

The girl looked at her with pitiful gaze as she remembered about the condition of jungkook . In what state he was brought there . She felt sad for his wife that how would she reacts after getting know about his condition. Sighing heavily the girl uttered which made sia froz at her place.

" Sorry to say this man but your husband's condition was not good when someone took him here . Some men found him lying on the street all bloodied. They took him here. And evryone was terrified seeing his State. He was beaten brutally to the death.  He was injured badly that no one could say that he would be alive or not"

Sia felt like ground under her feel slipped hearing this shocking revelation..she lost her balance but Natasha was quick to hold her.  She knows what her friend must be feeling right now… sia teared up badly hearing all this can this happen to him.? Who was behind all these? 

" Where is he now? Can we check up on him?"

Natasha asked handling sia on other hand.  After the girl told her the room thy both went to the palce where jungkook was.. sia with trembling legs walked towards his operation theatre which was still going on.. 

She doesn't know who's evil eyes caught their happily married life. Why this was happening to them . First she lost her job. And now this..she didn't know what would she do? How she is going to handle everything on her own..

All the time Natasha was present beside sia . She made her sit on the bench. And they waited for doctor to come. Natasha didn't know how long they would have to wait there and she knew sia must have not eaten anything so she decided to get something to eat for her. Walking out of the passage she went to canteen and brought some sandwiches for them. Natasha' offered sandwich to sia to which sia refused. She wasn't ready to eat anything until she gets some news about her husband..

As Sia paced anxiously outside the sterile, white walls of the hospital's operation theatre her heart raced like a runaway train. Her husband, the love of her life, lay inside, fighting for his survival. She clutched the crumpled handkerchief in her trembling hand, her eyes filled with worry and desperation. 

The minutes felt like hours, and when the heavy door to the operation theatre finally swung open, her pulse quickened even more. The doctor emerged, his face etched with grave concern. He approached her with a somber expression.

Sia ran to him in sheer desperate . 

Doctor: "what is your relation with this person.?"

Doctor asked her seeing her standing infront of him wanting to know about her husband. 

Gulping down sia told him that Jungkook is her husband. After hearing her reply doctor gave sia a look of sympathy and letting out a heavy sigh he spoke.

", I'm afraid I have some distressing news. Your husband's condition is critical. He's been brutally beaten and exposed to dangerous drugs. It seems someone did this to him deliberately."


Hearing him Sia's eyes welled up with tears, she. doesn't know who can do this brutality to her husband . Thinking about the pain he had gone through sia couldn't help but agressive tears steamed down her eyes.

Seeing her condition even doctor felt pity on her  

Doctor: "We're doing everything we can, but he needs extensive treatment, and the cost is quite high."

Doctor said after some time making Sia lift her head and look at him with her tears filled eyes. 

" H….how much will it cost for the treatment doctor"

Sia asked shuttering.

" The estimated amount is 5million"

The ground under her feet sliped, her heart stopped beating the moment Sia registered his words . Sia stumled on her feet but Natasha' was quick to hold her   , even Natasha's eyes widened hearing the cost of his treatment.5 million was very big amount of sia.  How is she going to manage such a big amount. On the top of that she didn't have any job or saving left that she could use . 

Joining her hands Sia begged to doctor. Sia felt bad for asking such favour from doctor but right now she had no option left rather than to request the doctor.

" Doctor please do something..I…. don't this much money. "

Doctor felt pity on that poor soul but there was nothing in his hand. Taking a deep breath looking at her he replied. Breaking Sia's all hopes..

Doctor: "I wish I could, Mrs. Jeon, but it's not in my hands."

" Please arrange money as soon as possible mrs Jeon. Or else we can't keep him here"

Sia looked at him with her pleading eyes . He looked at her with pity and left the palce  ..he was walking towards the exit when that doctor recommended somthing. A person who can help her.turnig around he again walked towards Sia. Natasha saw him coming towards them . Doctor looked at sia who was sitting on bench with her  head hung low .

With a heavy heart, the doctor handed her a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

Doctor: "Here, call this person. He  might be able to help. I've heard they have influence in such matters."

Sia took the paper with trembling hands, her mind racing with uncertainty. Little did she know that this phone call would lead her to someone from her past, someone she had insulted just a few months ago.

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