chapter 29

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Sia stood on her balcony, captivated by the city lights shimmering in the distance. The gentle breeze tousled her hair as she lost herself in the nocturnal beauty. Just as the silence embraced her, the persistent ring of her phone shattered the tranquility. With a curious gaze, she answered.

It was him .

"Hello," Sia spoke, her voice carrying a touch of intrigue as she waited for Taehyung to continue.

"What are you doing, Sia?" Taehyung's curiosity seeped through his question. Sia, in a monotonous tone, replied

, "Nothing"

"I've sent the dress for you, for tonight's party. One of my trusty man will bring it within half an hour. Wear that tonight, okay?" Taehyung informed her about the upcoming event.

"Yes," Sia affirmed, her response succinct. The call concluded, leaving Sia in contemplative silence. After half an hour, the doorbell rang, capturing her attention.

"It must be him," Sia thought, a sense of anticipation building. She made her way to the door, ready to receive the dress for the night's event.

Sia opened the door to find a man of average height standing before her, dressed handsomely in a black suit. His face bore a stoic expression, but his eyes held an intense scrutiny that made Sia uncomfortable. Averting her gaze, she felt the weight of his eyes on her.

The man smirked, relishing the effect he had on her, and cleared his throat to break the tension. "Hi, Sia. I'm Jimin, Taehyung's legal advisor and his best friend," he introduced himself, offering a heartfelt smile.

"Hello," Sia replied softly, acknowledging his introduction. Jimin then extended a bag towards her, containing the dress for the party.

"Thank you," Sia expressed her gratitude as she took the bag. As she attempted to close the door, Jimin remained in place, his scrutinizing gaze still fixed on her. Feeling uneasy, she hesitated but didn't want to shut the door in his face.

"Ummm... Do you need something, Mr. Jimin?" Sia inquired, wondering if Taehyung had asked him to convey a message.

A soft chuckle escaped Jimin's mouth in response to her question, adding an enigmatic layer to the atmosphere.

A frown etched across Sia's face as she observed Jimin's seemingly insincere smile. Something about it felt off, as if it concealed secrets.

"Now I know why Tae doesn't stop talking about you," Jimin remarked, a statement that piqued Sia's curiosity. Her ears perked up, and thin lines of anticipation appeared on her forehead.

"Sia, Sia, Sia – the name I've been hearing from my best friend's mouth. Tae talks about you incessantly, day and night," Jimin continued, creating an air of mystery. Sia's curiosity heightened.

"I was wondering who could be that lucky woman who caught my Tae's attention that he couldn't stop chanting her name like a mantra. Now I know, you absolutely worth all the appreciation," Jimin concluded, dropping a revelation that left Sia in shock. She stood there, processing the unexpected revelation about Taehyung's constant discussions about her.

"W... What do you mean?" Sia asked, her mind still grappling with the unexpected revelation.

"Oh, Sia, don't act like you don't know anything. Even a blind person can see that Taehyung is whipped for you. The way he looks at you, anyone can say that he is insane for you," Jimin disclosed, delivering a revelation that left Sia in shock. The weight of his words felt like a heavy burden, and a sick knot formed in her stomach.

"Y.. you are mistaken. H.. he must be talking casually... It's just..." Sia stammered, struggling to form coherent words. The information was overwhelming, and she didn't want to entertain the idea that this conversation might be leading somewhere she couldn't handle.

"H... He said he'll leave me soon..." Sia blurted out in panic, revealing a fear she hadn't dared to acknowledge until now.

"Whom are you fooling, Sia, you or me? You must have known by now that Taehyung would never leave you. You must have noticed his actions. He never spent this much time with any woman. No woman could stay with him for this long. They were just his toys, whom he played with and threw away when he got bored. But look at you, Sia. He has been with you for more than six months. You are the only one he never got bored of. And now, I'm afraid he will never let you go," Jimin dropped another bomb, leaving Sia's mind numb.

"N... No, this is not true. This can't happen," Sia whispered in fear, shaking her head.

"Learn to accept the truth, Sia, and make peace with your fate. I know my friend very well. I know how he is, what he is. I've seen the insanity, the possessiveness in his eyes for you. I know what he feels for you. He is crazy for you, Sia. You made him crazy."

"Don't dare to leave him, not even in your dreams. He will go insane. He will burn the world. He will bring you even from hell and take you with him. Only I know to what extent he can go to get what he wants and what extent he can go to keep what belongs to him. I'm telling you all this because I don't want you to take any wrong step in the future that you will regret. I don't want you to see his dark side, which you could not bear. And I don't like to give false hopes to anyone. I know you are smart enough, Sia, to know what is right for you," Jimin concluded before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving Sia petrified.

Sia watched his retreating figure, his words echoing in her mind, making her feel numb. The impact of his words was too much for her to digest, filling her entire being with extreme fear.

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