chapter 13

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A low groan escaped from his mouth as he grabbed the bed sheet to cover his body for his comfort .. The temperature of the room was bone chilling because of the air conditioner he kept turned on at low temperatures. Turning to the other side after covering his body.. he felt something heavy on his chest . In Fact he couldn't sleep the whole night comfortably as he was feeling something was keeping him from cheating. 
A frown appeared on his face thinking did he use more pillows last night.

Opening his sleepy eyes slowly he rubbed those winter gray orbs in order to clear his vision.. Once his blurry eyes cleared he looked at his surroundings.  He was in his bedroom; the white ceiling above his head confirmed it.   Darting his eyes down on his chest in order to know what was that heaviness he was feeling on his chest he looked down only to shut open his eyes wide .. A small dainty hand was resting on his chest . His eyes immediately traveled towards the owner of the hand only to find Sia  beside him more like sticking to his body .  Her hand was resting on his chest and face was snuggled in the crook of his neck.  He could feel her steady breaths fanning on his skin . Her legs were tangled with his as she kept her one leg on his leg.  Her core brushed to his thighs. 

And with the speed of light he remembered last night..that errotic night when he rutted her last night like an animal. He fucked her mercilessly.  He looked at her sleeping peacefully sticking to him like a koala . He looked at her face which seemed so relaxed, with no worries . Her eyes were closed , her heavenly lashes weren't damp with tears just like last night. Her slightly swollen lips were closed in a thin line but appread little bruised because of his wildness on them last night.
Those redded lips again ignited that raw desire in him to kiss her brutally like yesterday. Her Naked flush against his tempting him  to take her again right there right now..

She was addictive like a dangerous drug that once you consumed, you would crave for it more. And he was craving her. To fukc her like an animal..

Taehyung could not help but stare at her sleeping face . It relieved him, making his senses calm..  she is a goddess , her presence was attracting him like a Magnet towards her.  He has slept with many womens but no one got the opportunity of sleeping beside him.  They all were for only one night. She is not beautiful like those girls he has met in the past but yet she was beautiful and different on her own .

Beside her facial beauty she felt extremely beautiful down there . Taehyung would not deny but he enjoyed fucking her last night. It was his best sex ever. She was impossibly tight down there even after being married for one year. Even he was having a hard time entering inside her. He could still feel her clenching walls around his shaft as this is the thing he could never forget.  The one thing he knew is that she is not a one time thing.  Any man would love to fuck her countless time and he was going to be that man .

His mind changed just after spending one night with her . He would fuck her again and again untill he felt content. Until she quenches his thirst. Satiate his animal.

Leaning towards her sleeping face he took her lips into a deep kiss before pulling away. Sis didn't react as she was in deep sleep . Must be tired after their long session.  Lifting her hand with his hand he kept it down on the bed without any disturbance in her sleep. Removing the sheet from his body and stepped down from the bed.  He glanced at the clock which read the time 11 am .  he never woke up this late ever . 

Indeed he slept soundly last night . In her embrace

Standing on the floor he looked for his pants which he threw last night on the floor after getting rid of them .

While wearing his pants his eyes  suddenly fell on his member which was coated in dry blood.    His brows knitted in confusion, lines formed on his  forehead as he stared at the blood . Immediately his eyes snapped at her. Where did it come from ?
Did she bleed yesterday.? It was not her first time then from where this blood came? Was he that hard on her that it caused her internal damage? All these thoughts started clouding in his mind.

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