chapter 32

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After the cake-cutting ceremony, Taehyung found himself surrounded by a throng of people, a mix of business partners and well-known politicians. Despite the lively chatter around him, his attention remained fixed on Sia's diminutive form. With each conversation, his gaze would invariably drift back to her, ensuring she remained within his line of sight, unaware of the hawk-like scrutiny fixed upon him from afar.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's father, Mr. Kim, observed his son's every move since the start of the party, particularly noting Taehyung's undeniable fascination with Sia. He could sense the intensity in Taehyung's eyes whenever they rested upon her, even though it was he who had insisted Sia be present for the cake-cutting ceremony. Mr. Kim couldn't help but recognize that this woman held a special place in his son's heart.

Mr. Kim's eagle eyes bore into Sia's figure as she remained tucked away in a distant corner of the room, seemingly disinterested in the festivities around her. A sinister glint flickered in his gaze as he deciphered his son's intentions towards her. A devious smirk curled his lips as he formulated his next move.

Stepping purposefully towards Taehyung, Mr. Kim gracefully extricated his son from the group of people surrounding him.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, but would you mind if I borrow my son for a moment?" Mr. Kim's commanding voice cut through the ambient noise, capturing the attention of everyone present. Taehyung obediently followed his father's lead.

"Dad, is everything alright?" Taehyung inquired, noting his father's intense gaze fixed upon Sia even before their conversation began. An uneasy silence enveloped them as they stood face to face.

"Do you fancy that woman, Taehyung?" Mr. Kim's inquiry pierced the silence, catching Taehyung off guard. His eyes widened in surprise, unsure of how to respond.

"How did you...?" Taehyung started, his curiosity piqued.

"I am your father, Taehyung. I know my son better than anyone," Mr. Kim interjected, his tone firm yet understanding. Taehyung nodded in acknowledgment, silently accepting his father's insight.

"In that case, what are you waiting for? Make her yours. Marry her," Mr. Kim's words carried a weighty determination, leaving Taehyung momentarily speechless. As the gravity of his father's suggestion sank in, Taehyung felt a surge of emotions wash over him. The prospect of making Sia his for life stirred something deep within his heart, setting a new course for his future.

The euphoric sensation that surged through Taehyung's body at the thought of spending his life with Sia was quickly replaced by a pang of reality. Visions of them standing at the altar, exchanging vows, and creating a happy family together filled his mind, eliciting a soft smile from him. But as quickly as the happiness enveloped him, it vanished, replaced by the harsh reality of Sia's existing marriage.

Jungkook's face flashed before Taehyung's eyes, snapping him back to the present moment. The realization that Sia was already married stung like salt in an open wound, causing his demeanor to shift as he grappled with the truth.

"She's already married, Dad," Taehyung interjected, his voice tinged with frustration and agitation. His admission caught Mr. Kim off guard, but he quickly regained his composure, a devious glint shimmering in his eyes.

"So what? Make her divorce her husband. Use your wealth to lure her in. No woman would refuse the chance to spend her life with you. She should be grateful that you've taken an interest in her. Besides, there are countless other women vying for your attention, ready to throw themselves at you," Mr. Kim declared with unwavering determination. He was convinced that no woman could resist his son's charm, especially when presented with the opportunity to be married into their prestigious family.

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