Chapter 1

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Mariam's pov
Today like any other boring day like usual photographing a female artist on her touring around the world which is so amazing and fun but this female artist is being annoying and slut by bossy me or treating me like a trash can I mean some of female artists aren't annoying and slut by bossy me she usually force me to hold her suitcases and when I tell my boss about this bullying and bossy that is happening he treats her as the queen I am thinking about quitting and photographing whatever I want if it is someone be nice or the places not photographing a slutty girl who bossy you in her touring around the world and you have to put your tongue inside of your mouth & obey her even though my boss is innocent and handsome but I would never like him after the way he is letting me thinking about myself that those slutty girls are queens and I am because one of his photographers nothing I wish I could hit his face “good morning Miss Mariam" a British accent said I heard this voice before as he took his sunglasses off offering his hand smiling by the way how did he knew my name the mug of coffee fell off my hands as he trying not to laugh my boss gives nodding for me to shaking his hand I waved him off I reached for his hand “oh my it is so soft have a seat Mr Styles" my boss said smiling I walked out of the desk I pulled him from his arms out of the office I pushed him out of the office as my eyes aren't leaving the curly haired boy I closed the door at this idiot of a boss's face damn what is this man isn't real I walked towards the desk I can't take my eyes off him what a beauty how dare you Mariam Brown Jordan to kick me out of your office before I introduced this amazing man" my boss said I excused walked towards the door then I pushed him out of the office again he laughed so hard which caused me confusion even though it is music my boss pushed me which caused me embarrassment as both of them to laughing and I made Harry Edward Styles to leave I already got seated fuck he won't want to photograph him I saw a large hands on my desk “you will be my photographer babe" he said whispering did he called me babe I can't believe my ears “real..." he left then he turned winking oh my god Harry Edward Styles called me babe and winked at me that is too much “oh see you tonight babe" he added smiling which caused me to fell off the chair he laughed now I will make Paul jealous yes my boss's name is Paul I walked towards his office calling his name he looked at disgusted I don't care “I'll be his photographer" I announced he got shocked by this announcement I waved then I walked back to my office I wish to be with him forever instead of photographing those slutty girls of artists that is the best news I got now Mariam Brown Jordan photographing Harry Edward Styles I sighed then I rested my head daydreaming about him that is so amazing “but Mr Styles she is the worse photographer" I heard which ruined my daydreaming it is Paul I knew it I swear Mr Styles she is" he added I grabbed his phone then I hanged up even though that is disrespectful of me then I throw his phone I walked back to my office I can't believe that he called me that then my phone started ringing as I see an unknown number I answered as I hear Harry's voice hey it's me Harry I don't believe your boss and I had seen your photoshoots even the photographs of other artists you are the best photographer I ever seen how about I invite for lunch ?" he said asking I wiped my tears he is inviting me for lunch I can't believe “yeah I don't mind" I answered he gives me the name of the place where is our lunch is I told him that I know that place is nearby the work I saved his number that is too much “he will end up asking you out on a real date next time" Paul said I rolled my eyes Paul kept talking and I am not listening what do you want Paul ? I know that you are just jealous of him the difference between you and him that he is an artist and actor also model you are just own a company of photographing plus this is my chance instead of photographing some slutty girls plus first you have always been rude and selfish second you're just using me because I am one of your best photographers third you treat me exactly like those some slutty girls of artists in general you never treated me like any man suppose to treat any woman" I said he putted his hands above mine I pulled my hands from under his hands “Paul whatever you will say it won't effect me you are an idiot" I said he finally left feel guilty and ashamed of everything he have done to me I wrote an email for my quitting I continued my life with photographing whatever and whoever I want who is nice and sweet to me not those people whom treat you like you are their trash can and make you do jobs you doesn't want to do like you are their slave I shut down my laptop then I collect my stuff that I will leave after having lunch with Harry some people has no idea what others feel when they hurt them and sensitive they are when a word or more that hurts, breaks hearts

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