Chapter 28

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Mariam's pov
We are sitting between the fans as few of them knew me as they took pictures and selfies even videos for their friends who can't make it they were sweet and friendly I am waiting for Kristen as they are driving from city to city which takes hours she is in California and I am in Los Angeles Harry told me that she obviously won't force me to stay with her as she had that new boyfriend or whoever he is I will be third wheel until Harry finishes he let them get me drink and snacks that is my boy I metres away from the stage but I would see him as well the concert didn't start yet absolutely it will be crowd like half of the city will be here for him I never been in a concert plus I toured with him once for months and I never seen the crowd or between the fans after we got officially together or before he never talks about his love life with those women I think Kendall Jenner and I are the only ones who are younger than him she is a model and I am a photographer so whatever I don't know why he is especially interested in older women anyway I am older than Kendall whatever god damn Kristen where the dick is she is it is so good that not the whole knows me it got filled now as it looks like Harry is coming on the stage I looked at it to see my handsome man as the lights turned off which caused screams I can see some mums and little boys & girls as they had headphones that is looking big compared to their little faces as they look cute  the screams got louder as he appeared on the stage as he already started singing as they sing with him as I saw her we hugged I hadn't see her in long time since Harry and I left to Ireland I mean that she didn't know that but I told her when she talked to ask why I suddenly disappeared from my own home when Harry and I gotten back together from of two weeks break from each other “Mariam this is James, James this is Mariam" she introduced smiling happily we just shook hands she got surprised by the loads of fans Harry had I laughed “Harry is touring around the world for twelve years they almost thirteen years girl" I said she opened her mouth in shock I laughed we watch and listen, sing and dance as James isn't enjoying like us at all “it wasn't like yesterday's night since I was watching from backstage" I said she went oh I didn't know it feels like this when we are in a concert as Harry talks and make us laugh she told me that I am so lucky to be here and to have Harry “hey James isn't enjoying" I said as I already wrapped my arm around her waist she looked at him for a second “I forced him to come" she said I laughed we continued supporting and enjoying I never been that happy Harry noticed us I waved a girl squealed thinking that I am waving at her Kristen winked mouthing he loves you I elbowed her he introduced me as his best friend “nobody knows we are back together after five years" I said whispering she gasped as she smacked her hand on her mouth as she makes me feel that I am dating him secretly she pass it as we continued until he ran off the stage as he blow a kiss to his fans as the girl asked for a picture “oh my god you are so cute in real life" she complained as we hugged I waved as the arena is getting empty “I have a lot of things I want to know" Kristen said I snorted a laugh waving it off then I walked pass them “since you and Harry gotten back together not just after two weeks it is after five years since you've became his photographer and you aren't the Mariam I know" she said as she is now standing in front of me as she already crossed her arms “I am me but my life has changed and I am not myself sometimes since Harry not came back in my life since you know why so bye Kristen" I said she stopped me again then she apologized I laughed “Is that what love feels like ?" she asked smiling whispering I looked confused not believing that she asked that question “are you serious about this question or... Kristen sweetie Niall was right you are the craziest girl we ever met" I said as I pushed her hands off my shoulders then I walked out what the fuck is inside of her head, I received a text then I got my phone out of my pocket as I see it from him babe where the fuck are you didn't I told you to meet in the dressing room you little freak come the fuck right now before I really mess you up okay okay relax you know that Kristen and her boyfriend was with me okay okay come right now I am coming idiot come please I said I am coming why the rush because I miss you awe baby frog shut up you are making me blush I laughed anyway you were amazing thank you did ya have fun this time I had super fun and excitement he laughed did you like my outfit I didn't see it I am sad I know that you like it, I reached his dressing room as I knocked as I hear his British come in as I opened as he is still on his phone as I rolled my eyes as I closed the door as I cleared my throat as he looked up as his eyes lit up I walked towards the couch he is already sitting on it as he putted his phone “doesn't we have a flight back to England ?" I asked he pouted I nodded understanding he wrapped his arms around my waist as he nuzzled his face “I'm sorry babe that you're going back home alone" he said I rolled my eyes then I stood up after I walked towards the door “you're kidding me right thank you very much Harry" I said then I opened the door as I gotten stopped “I'm coming with you then we continue our journey" he said I sighed then I tried to walk out he said that we meet in the hotel I kissed his cheek on my way out I meet for the second time with Kristen and James offered me a ride Is he American ?" I asked she laughed then she nodded smiling I raised my eyebrow she smiled fakely this time “that fucking mean that you've been dating him for long term relationship ?" I wondered she started thinking I told him the name of the hotel I smacked her shoulder she screamed I looked at him smiling fakely “hey James can you drop us off any café I just want to borrow Kristen for a few before mine and my boyfriend's flight" I said nodding then I smacked her shoulder again this time she looked at me angrily I wiggled my eyebrows “can we talk about it Mariam when we met back in..." I cut her off “you are going to borrowed here and today" I said with gritted teeth James drop us off at Starbucks as she flirt and kiss him I am standing like a third wheel “come on let's go I have a flight thank you James for the ride when we are done she will text you" I said while I pull her as I pushed her towards the door of Starbucks so “you broke Niall's heart so ya could just be with this hulk you are such a slut seriously Kristen" I said as we got seated she sighed I shook my head I don't want to..." I cut her off “shut up Kristen just shut up I can't believe that you did that shit to be with this hulk you can not be human ya broke another man's heart just to... you know what I'm leaving text this hulk to come and take you" I said then I stood up as I pushed the door open “Mariam wait why do you care about who is the man I..." I cut her off “Kristen I gave all of this and I don't think that relationship with this hulk do whatever you want bye have a great time with him" I said she stopped me again then she hugged me I hugged her back then I pulled away “I just want the best for you Kristen sorry to say that you lost your parents even your only brother but I just feel that man who will not give you the love and care that you needed & you are such a slut to broke a man's heart for no reason you guys didn't even start what you began look do whatever makes you happy" I said she hugged for the second time I don't know why I suddenly felt like this as I want to show someone like Kristen that I care about her she pulled away from the hug I sighed “sorry I just Kristen bye see you back in England taxi" I said as I called for a taxi passing by I gotten in “where to ma'am ?" he asked I told him the hotel's name finally I reached as on the way I used the machine to pay I'm sorry ma'am to..." I cut him off “no no it is fine I don't have any money to pay you never mind thanks" I said he wished me a good day while I walk towards the door “Miss Mariam Mr Harry just arrived oh and I hope you two enjoyed your stay in our hotel" the receptionist said smiling I waved him off which caused his smile to drop as I rolled my eyes on my way to the elevator “hey Mariam how are you ? I..." it is Paul as I raised my hand stopping from talking what the hell is he doing here what are you doing he..." he cut me off I'm his photographer and..." I cut him off what his photographer I..." he cut me off “I know that you were his photographer while ya were working in my company back in England he sent you back after few months of think that I don't know anything between guys after..." I cut him off “just leave I am not going to waste my time on an idiot like you" I said for my luck the elevator is here so I entered as he is standing speechless I flipped him off as I stucked my tongue out as I walked out I bumped into someone “I'm..." I stopped as I catch his blue eyes it is Niall I ran out towards the suite as the door opened relieving Harry “h..." he cut me off by kissing against the wall next to the door inside as my breath got taken “I just meet with Paul and he said that he is my replacement since you send me back to England which was a long time ago and I meet with Niall lastly I hate you" I said then I walked towards the bedroom I got turned as he is looking into my eyes “I'm sorry babe I..." I cut him off “just take your hands off me and when we get back to England we will have a conversation about it" I said as I collect my suitcase then I pushed it out of the bedroom to the door we are strangers as I just looked out of the window

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