Chapter 17

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Harry's pov
I woke up to make us lunch as I can see her now coming downstairs she is wearing my shirt as she is walking towards the kitchen as I am already done with our lunch she wrapped her arms around my torso as she kissed my back as she kept glued to me as I prepare the dinning room table for the lunch as I finished we got seated as we eats she glued herself to me as I wash the dishes I turned then I carried her sat her on the counter as she pouted I kissed it away she deepen it which caused me to pull her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my waist I walked towards the living room “I'll be right back" I said while I sat her on the couch she whined as I walked towards the kitchen I can feel her behind me I sat her on the counter for the second time “daddy kiss me" she said I turned as I see her pucking her lips I pecked her lips as she opened her eyes “okay I'll wait for you in the living room" she said as she was about to fell I catched her as she blushed “I really finished you" I said she giggled nodding I carried her bridal style towards the couch then I putted her down “there is round four if you're ready for it" I said smirking she struggled her shoulders I laughed then I pecked her lips continued washing the dishes after I dried then I walked towards the living room she sit up straight as she saw me hey babe you look so beautiful on my shirt" I complained she giggled blushing as she rested her legs on my lap she spread them as I rubbed one as we watch the TV she sit up straight then she turned my face as she kissed as she got seated on my lap I moaned she smiled “I want you" I said whispering she already got on the four as she pulled the shirt I layed as she got seated on my face I got deeper by my tongue as she cum over my face as I swallowed then she pulled my boxers off as she moves up and down as her back is to me we cum together then she turned her hands on my chest damn that feels so good as she pulled me out as she pulled my boxers up after she layed on the top of me as we watch the TV again I looked at her as she is looking at me I wondered what she wants “would you like me to give you a blow job ?" she asked I nodded smiling as she got seated on her knees as she pulls my boxers down for the second time after she took me in her mouth I throw my head back as her tongue goes in a circle around my tip and the rest of as she massaging my balls I cum after an hour or two she pulled me out by a pop as she wipes her by the back of her hand as she pulled my boxers back up as she got on the top “that is so much fun we should do often I am not tired of you" she said as she doing patterns on my chest neither do I" I said as we kiss she let me rested my head on her lap as she already plays with my hair as I got seated between her legs she already wrapped her arms around my neck “why you are so cute and adorable also handsome and sweetest & funniest and idiot & dork my Harry" she said I held her hand then I kissed her palm “I can't be your Harry if you said that I am an idiot & dork" I said she prentended to be crying I rolled my eyes “okay you're not an idiot & dork" she said I laughed then I kissed the corner of her mouth she kissed me hard then she laughed “a date night" I said she started to think about it then she kissed after she shook her head I pouted “baby I have been stressed the whole week" she said I agreed then I pecked her lips she smiled after she kissed my cheek “thank you for understanding" she said smiling I pecked her lips again as she giggled I leaned against the couch then a phone rang she got out of the couch “hey Kristen Is there something wrong ? what" she asked sounded shocked at the end then she walked towards the pool as I can see her walking back and forth while she is talking on the phone it seems something important as she now has her own company I heard the sliding door got open as she walked in as she closed it after as she is now sitting I stood up then I walked towards the kitchen “what's wrong ?" I asked she just shook her head as she looked at me with teary eyes which caused me to wonder more “Paul spread rumours of me on the social media" she answered I careless her cheeks she break down I got closer to her as I careless her cheeks still then I stood up “babe you can deny them he is an idiot to..." she cut me off he did that to take revenge Kristen is right" she said as she wipes her tears as she putted her hair behind her ear “you are drama queen still" I said she laughed then she pulled me from my neck connecting our lips “sometimes but I got self confidence mum who encouraged" she said I looked between her eyes then I looked at her lips “I have to go get my clothes and stuff" she said as she pulled away then she stood up after she got her phone “you're not going anywhere I will get them or you know what I would love you to be like this" I said as I already stood up holding her from her forearm she laughed “nobody gives me orders doesn't mean that you are my boyfriend to give me orders I used to be a slave for everyone but now I am stronger than any other who gives me orders" she said as she took my hand off her forearm slowly “I'm coming with you" I said as she walked pass me as she stopped after she walked backwards “you give me orders as you like but not all the time because my sadness is so bad" she said the last few words in my ear then she walked towards the stairs climbing up suddenly she ran towards me then she jumped in my arms after she jumped off then she held my hands “I talked to my parents about you and they want to meet you I remember that ya once when we were together in Ireland and you told me that you are ready to meet them but we..." she stopped then she let go of my hands after she walked towards the stairs as she just stopped then she ran upstairs after five hours she came downstairs “I'm ready so we could go get my clothes and stuff" she said I walked towards her after I careless her cheeks “aren't we back together ?" I asked she held my hands taking them off her cheeks then she took a step closer “when you love someone too much it hurts and it is hard to move on as you suddenly find this person right in front of you and telling that she or he can't stop thinking about you I never loved a man that much as you our memories was like a slideshow I was always thinking about you as ya were I wrote this song for a reason everyone tried to help me to move on but only Niall who said that I still love you Harry Styles so what do you think now after all what we did and even call ya you are my boyfriend and ya think you aren't we back together" she said took a step back with crossed arms I laughed she rolled her eyes saying something under her breath as she walked pass okay okay I just can't believe that we are" I said already holding her forearm she walked backwards wrapped my arms around her waist then she jumped careless my cheeks kissing I kissed her back as we pulled away I climbed upstairs as she wiggled her body “put me down I..." I cut her off by kissing after I put her on the bed as she is pushing me then she ran out of the bedroom I chased her as I wrapped my arms around her waist I have to go get..." she got cut off by the door I walked towards it opened as she got greeted by Kristen what the hell how did you knew that I..." Kristen cut her off Harry before he leaves the company this morning he told me that you will be here after you guys have some lovey dove get her suitcases" Kristen said ordering Mariam walked towards me crossed her arms raised her eyebrow  “what it is true" I said she rolled her eyes smiling as she walked away then she walked towards the door Kristen called her name as Mariam is arguing with her “I already knew that you are going to agree to go back together with him and..." Mariam cut her off “just stop that is crazy and unbelievable" she said waving her hands Kristen winked Mariam looked between us “stop looking at him like that he is mine" she said then she walked towards me wrapping my arm around her “I told you that she still get jealous over you" Kristen said Mariam walked towards her after she pushed her to the pool as she laughs Kristen started chasing her “fine anyway I was coming to tell you that Niall asked me out" Kristen said Mariam took her back in the Kristen as she laughs then they hugged Mariam pulled away “wait a minute did he...later" she said as she gives me a fake smile then they ran upstairs I took her suitcases did he came to the company after I left actually Harry saw those pictures of last night and this morning as Niall left after two hours my now old house as you... hey babe thank you for getting me my suitcases" she said I pushed them towards the walk-in closet then I leaned against the door frame as they just looking at me Kristen looking between okay guys I'll leave since I..." she stopped as she walked out of the bedroom as I heard the door got closed did you really not do it with him or you..." she cut me off “Harry I told you that nothing happened between me and him when we were in there café this morning I am not lying about it nothing happened between him and I last night or this morning and if you don't believe me ask him absolutely he doesn't remember last night since I got him drunk I told you everything already why you don't believe me, you weren't my boyfriend to make you that jealous and think that I cheated on you" she said angrily then she walked in the walk-in closet “I will take you to the doctor to make sure that you also not pregnant with his kid" I said she turned opening her mouth then she closed after she changed then she walked towards me “now I'm ready to be taken to the doctor to make sure that he didn't even touch me plus you said that you're not jealous of him since you and him are like brothers so it make you think that I could be pregnant with his kid anyway I told you that you are the first man to touch me if you don't believe now get ready" she said I got ready then I drove off to the doctor

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