Chapter 32

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Mariam's pov
Harry texted me to come to his dressing room quickly I don't know why as I asked he just answered when I come I will know so I agreed and pass it as I knew where is his dressing room as it is the second show here in Italy I don't know what is the country next we are going to I reached his dressing room as I knocked hearing him saying come in as I opened then I closed as he is already sitting on the couch as his legs are spread he is wearing a sparkling or glittery jumpsuit showing his tattooed chest to be honest he looks so hot but I will be honest that I don't like some of his outfits like at all I even told him but he seems not to care as also as some of them are womanly he pointed to me to come by his forefinger as I took my camera off from around my neck as I putted it on the table as he pulled me by my hips between his legs I'm dying for someone and I really want to do this for the someone" he said as he looks up at me I struggled my shoulders as I waited as he stood up as he careless my cheeks as he was about to kiss as he groaned as someone of the crew told him it is time for him to get on the stage “and Mariam took your position with Paul" he said I rolled my eyes as I heard the door got closed again Harry pecked my lips as he whispered see you after the show but suddenly I gotten pushed against the door as I hear it getting locked I opened my mouth to speak but he he close it for me by taking my breath away I gotten weak as I walked him backwards as he break the table and my camera but we didn't care then we pulled away “babe I think that we..." I cut him off by snorting as I know that he is referring to my camera I picked it up as he unlocked the door as we walked out “what the heck Mariam your..." I cut him off “shut your fucking mouth up I am not standing next to this idiot photographer again I was the photo..." he cut me off “ow ow firstly of all you disappeared for..." I cut him off “look you I'll make him leave by my own way and nobody will stop me" I said then I walked towards my dressing room as this man from crew called my name as I crossed my arms “look I don't really remember you working with..." I cut him off “Harry come to a company and applied me to be the photographer before Paul became even ask Paul himself absolutely you won't remember by the way Paul is my ex so you should know that I am not working until you fire him or he leave silently" I said he laughed as he just raised his hand as he is holding the clipboard “look I don't understand anything anyway we'll discuss this after Harry..." I cut him off “I am not discussing this I did became Harry's photographer Paul is a replacement since five years ago" I said then I walked towards the dressing room as I slammed the door shut I don't care about it I will care about that I want my job back as I was Harry's photographer before me and him break up I texted Kristen as she gotten happy by text as she said it is been a long time since we last text yeah I know she asked how I am fine and Paul did you tried to make him leave and you take the highlights of being the lover boy's photographer I know that you were before you guys break up to be honest I feel sad for you that idiot took ow ow I will remind you that Harry made him replacement as yeah yeah I remember but I still feel sad plus Paul is your ex and Harry is your boyfriend I don't know how living in this world that you have your ex and your official that is crazy girl I don't know I am not good at making Paul leave the only way that Harry's crew fire him or he leaves silently oh yeah baby girl I hope to hear that you took your highlights and be in front of the lover boy plus smirking emoji I laughed anyway you say that he is making you lost your mind I laughed oh and don't worry about your company everything is under my control ow ow Miss Kristen oh yeah baby I am being the best shut up hey I am no way Kristen don't let me argue girl I laughed anyway you are right that my best friend on the spot I knew it I knew it anyway talk to you later good luck with the drama you are in I laughed bye have fun with Mr Hulk she rolled her eyes I took your advice oh so you are single now no no baby I win someone else heart oh yeah baby and who is the lucky one Niall no way but I would say that you are a slut why I won him back yeah you did but ya broke his heart for no reason I make it work you were right okay enough for now bye then I texted mum who I haven't talked to since six months hey sweetie it has been six months how are you I am fine are you enjoying your touring with Harry kind of why sweetie something happened I started explaining oh no that is horrible sweetie but I bet he isn't absolutely you defend Paul because you and his mother were best friends it is not that sweetie I understand your situation like I never been in a relationship before your father what yeah I was whatever mum she just laughed I rolled my eyes mum it isn't funny I really hate it you defending him and you know that he is my ex & you don't understand how I feel okay okay sweetie calm down but absolutely you are enjoying your time with Harry aren't you yeah mummy stop she laughed I am so happy to see you like this love you mummy love you more sweetie we had a motherly love and advices that she don't usually gave me as I gotten lost in it at least I am distributing myself sweetie yeah mum where are you we are in Italy it is the second show oh he double date his concerts yeah to be honest mum I don't really know Harry's dates of his shows she laughed whatever at least you two are enjoying it plus it was your dream job and your dream of traveling around the world even though I am missing you already also I am so glad that ya try to keep in touch mum come on it is my job is to keep in touch he isn't with you right now yup oh okay I hope you had a great time after that we ended our conversation as I left my phone next to me as I received a text as I looked seeing it is Harry as he is wondering where I am as I told him that I am in the dressing room really babe weren't suppose to be photographing with Paul the camera gotten broken oh yeah I remembered idiot you get a new one what that is not happening hey I thought that you will be like sure babe I will do anything for you I am not that gentle to buy my photographer a camera really appreciate it I hate you hey hey I will do anything for you but you will pay for it awe baby frog even though that is sassy of you oops sorry I have to Harry I miss you already I miss you too anyway we are leaving meet me in the car like usual I collected my stuff then I walked towards the door as I opened as I walked as the security guards either sides of me like usual as we reached the car as I see him in the driver seat as I walked towards the passenger seat as he drove off as there were some fans outside like usual

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