Chapter 22

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Mariam's pov
We are now in Ireland in the car on our way to my parents house and Harry is denying that he isn't nervous about meeting my parents for the first time I texted mum that I am coming and when I mentioned with Harry she got so happy that she is finally going to meet him I am holding his hand it is shaking I told him you are denying that you aren't nervous about this meeting like any boyfriend meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time he said that he took a break from his touring but I don't know for how long but at least we will be together I gave him a break from me for two weeks as for having kids with me caused me shocked anyway it felt like years the car stopped in front of the house as we got out then we walked towards the door as I rang the bell then I stood next to him as I smiled as she whined as she opened the door as her arms are open I got in them we stayed for like an hour hugging “mum this is Harry" I introduced smiling he greeted by offering his hand I find this is so cute and adorable & gentle “awe look how handsome he is" she complained as she careless his cheeks he looks confused I am trying not laugh she did the same to Paul damn it is over between us “mum aren't we going to go in ?" I asked she kept saying yeah as she pulled him from his hand calling dad as he came smiling Harry introduced himself as they shake hands “come on come on I made dinner I don't usually make it" mum said inviting to the dinning room dad got seated first then us I warned him about what my parents would ask him especially dad after we finished dad said that he will have a manly talk with Harry he likes to make sure that I am in a safe hands the doorbell rang mum said that she got it as she opened the driver got mine and Harry's suitcases my parents doesn't know we are staying with them I will be honest it is weird that this time I am staying with my parents with my second real relationship I mean that I was seen on the social media with other men just for the world not real relationship neither a true love between me and them “oh sweetie you guys are staying with us ?" she asked while she is closing the door while I am watching the TV “yeah but I don't know for how long" I answered as I found myself going through the channels she didn't say anything when I come here where I go to another city beside Dublin I don't inform my parents that I am here they knew before all these shit of doing interviews and blah blah blah that my second dream is traveling around the world “so you aren't working in Paul's photographing company anymore and you..." I cut her off “how did you know that ?" I asked she laughed a little bit “sweetie on the..." I cut her off “yeah yeah my bad" I said she said that since Harry and I are staying she will make my favourite food and snacks like the cake blah blah blah actually Robert already married and have a son that what I remember when I last saw him and that day it was the first meeting with my family after years as well Harry was having two or three nights here he forced me to visit it was five years ago before I grow more well known photographer “hey sweetheart how are you ? and your work ?" dad asked excitedly as he got seated next to me and Harry got seated on the chair I just nodded smiling “okay nice to meet you son good..." mum cut him off by a warning look “sweetheart you know that I had work tomorrow morning" dad said as he kissed her cheek then he walked towards the stairs climbing up mum came with tray of glass of strawberry juice and glass of lemon juice “I know sweetie that you don't like..." I warned she just laughed while she is giving me the lemon juice she gave Harry “okay nice meeting you Harry make yourself at home" she said as she climbed upstairs he came next to me as we watch the TV and drinking the juices “your father was asking unacceptable questions" he said whispering I laughed as I finished then I putted the glass on the table “he likes to make sure that his only daughter is in a safe hands" I said he laughed then he continued drinking as he finished his strawberry juice after he putted the glass then he putted his hand on my thigh I don't know why I am wearing a little black dress and a lace black socks “Harry don't be too confident about that" I said whispering then I turned the TV off he bite his lip and his eyes are lit up I took his hand off but he putted it back “Harry we're not alone" I shouted whispering he pulled me from the back of my head closer to his face “just one kiss" he said above a whisper I laughed then I rolled my eyes damn he is strong than me as he keeps pulling “for the second time we're..." he cut me off “I don't care by the way why did you wear a dress ?" he said asking whispering looking at me I really don't know “I don't know" I answered he laughed I putted my hand on his mouth he finally let go of my head as his eyes are scanning my body until it stopped on my lips as he is biting his lip I want to tell why he is wearing a suit “why are you wearing a suit ?" I asked he looked at himself then he looked at me like I had the answer “because I am going to meet your parents so I..." I waved it off “can we got to sleep in the guest room" I said whispering he looks confused about us sleeping in the guest room “unfortunately dad bought this house after I left for my university so I don't have a bedroom he..." he cut me off “more lie..." I cut him off “I'll be honest they took my bedroom since me and my brothers started a new life I mean that there is Robin's bedroom we could sleep in it come on I am not lying about this I..." he cut me off “hey I believe you" he said which caused me to look at him “your father told me that he bought this house after you left for your university and it had one bedroom in case you or your brothers are coming to stay with them like a visit" he said whispering smiling I let out a sigh of relief then I smiled as I know he don't believe “yeah it is true" I said whispering smiling we pushed our suitcases to this bedroom I unlocked the door “oh I thought it is big" I said then I pushed my suitcase in he pushed his in also while he closes the door behind him “you never been in it ?" he wondered as he already got seated on the edge “no I never I don't usually visit them and if I did I sleep in the guest room" I answered as I am already standing between his legs I kinda nervous “why you don't visit them usually instead of staying in a hotel ?" he asked I felt his hands on my legs as he is smiling looking up at me I swear the way he looks at me is just gives me butterflies in my stomach and I can't handle myself “I love to be alone so I could dream and feel relaxed & happy in the soft sheets without being distributed and someone wakes me from all of these things breaks my heart" I answered damn his half unbuttoned shirt and the freaking suit he looks so hot and sexy “just a second" I said then I walked towards the door after I locked “I thought that you doesn't want us to be sexual since we're not alone" he said I walked towards him then I pulled him up after I wrapped my arms around his neck “when it comes to you I feel like a stripper right now even though I don't like being like those girls who just wants attention from men anyway after seeing this new style of yours I feel things I can't put them into words" I said he laughed then he putted my hair behind my ear “wow I didn't accept that" he said smiling then he walked back to the bed as he is already taking his shoes off “I never had feelings for any other man expect you" I said he freeze I really didn't have feelings for any other man “you mean that before you first meet me Paul wasn't your..." I cut him off “he is my ex but the reason is this for our break up with him he was having feelings for me I..." he cut me off “I believe you and that is the best thing I ever heard" he said smiling I smiled back he stood up then he walked “you really never had feelings for any other man before you first meet me" he said smiling happily as he is already careless my cheeks I nodded “I can't believe that" he added smiling happily as he ran his fingers through his curls I walked towards the bed as I got seated “so you want to tell me all the women before whom you dated they were fake yeah whatever I just gotten quick in having strong feelings for someone like you which is weird it like I knew that Paul wasn't the right one for me I..." he cut me off “hey I love you" he said smiling happily as he already has my face between his large hands “I love you more but can you please relax because I am freaking out about this" I said laughing he joined then he kissed I found myself putted my hands on his chest he pulled me closer as now his hand on my lower back and the other careless my cheek I pulled away for air he kissed my forehead we hugged I rested my head “you look so sexy with this little black..." I cut him off “hey I want to do something crazy put your shoes back on" I said whispering smiling we already walked out of the bedroom I walked slowly as I looked at the stairs “babe you make me feel like I am your secret boyfriend" he said laughing I shushed him as I put my heels on as we are now out of the house as I close the door slowly “when I was a teen me and Kristen & friends of hers used to do this sneak out of the house even though some of them were smokers and drinkers that is why I just had her since we were in diapers as I told you she was a smoker and one time one of them tried to do it with her in a party we were at I am the only one who saved her from him since then she broke her friendship with him as she stopped being a smoker and going to parties we are like sisters our parents are like a family but her parents died in a coma from a big car accident so she lived with me my father was spending money on her also she felt so selfish for making my father spend his money on her so she decided to find a job to save money for herself my father was refusing that she works and he told her that she is like me but she refused to make dad spend his money on her I found out that she was working something I didn't accept her to be working I got in an big argument with her for it then I suggested for her to work in my company she finally accepted the offer so she could be in front of me all the time and I would know that she is safe and secured no man can hurt her and force her into something she doesn't want to do I know that Niall treating her right and he will keep her safe actually she is now had her own home back in England I..." he cut me off “wow baby where all these came from I thought that you are not that kind of people who cares about others too by the way this morning you.." I cut him off “yeah yeah we are sometimes like this but Kristen never gotten like this at me before her parents death effects her, her oldest brother left her on her own after their funeral she was begging him to let her live with him but he refused I don't know why so my parents talked with him millions of times but he refused as I told you I don't know why she gotten heartbroken as she also didn't mind living with us as we told her that she is now part of the family since she doesn't now have anyone her oldest brother left her she tried to at least connect him to feel that she really had an oldest brother but he doesn't answer her calls or even reply to her texts until he closed his phone she asked his friends and family members where he could be all of them knows nothing about him until she gives up and said that she will live her life as he tried the same it is crazy Isn't it ? as siblings ignoring then they try to connect each other after their parents death whatever at least me and her grown together since I don't have any sisters" I said asking he didn't answer we walk hand in hand as I felt cold he took his jacket off after he putted on my shoulders I thanked him I was always telling Kristen that I want to do this with someone who will truly madly deeply in love with me I found Paul he done it there is no late night we doesn't spend it in the streets also we have calls and texts, we weren't having enough of each other but when I worked with him in his company everything between suddenly disappeared as I am the one who broke his heart first as I told you about it I thought that I will find better than him but nothing happening until you" I said as we already got seated on the bench he took my hand “what if this person is me" he said smiling as his green eyes are bright I laughed then I leaned forward as it just closer “it is you already Mr Styles" I said whispering smiling as we kissed it turned into pecks as I laugh he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I feel the warmth and comfort “let us head back before the morning" he said I rolled my eyes then I looked at him as I shake my head “we're not doing something wrong plus you tour around the world at late nights arrive at the morning so no difference I am not a teen anymore to be like this anyway the weather is cold and kind of going to rain but few more minutes" I said as I looked at the sky when I mentioned the rain “you had your first ever kiss was in a young age right ?" I asked he looked confused about this question “why are you asking this question ?" he asked I struggled my shoulder he laughed for the second time “your first ever kiss was Paul ?" he asked I nodded he rolled his eyes I know that he is jealous of him I putted my hair “he kissed me first" I added he laughed as he shakes his head I took his jacket off my shoulders then I stood up after I took my heels off then I gotten on the middle of the street as I dance as it well it begins to rain I felt all the heaviness on my shoulders gotten off I heard him calling my name “are you crazy ya trust the street could be empty" I heard him saying as I stopped dancing as I turned as he stood with stroked curls on the sidewalk and anger face I never seen him like this before no man ever gotten mad at me or maybe I walked slowly towards him as he just stood still as I pushed my hair back off my face to be honest he looks so beautiful like this I never seen him, I sighed “I was always wishing to be dead since I became well-known for the world I am not blaming you, I wasn't being myself the five years ago even ask Kristen I never loved someone much as you I knew that moving on with my life after you won't be easy some people noticed how hurt I was the hate I was getting and still getting is dragging me down as it wants to fall in the hole and those people whom are hating on me it disappeared after we left each other for five years" I said he reached for my face but he took me in his arms he looked at me you're shaking" he said laughing I just wrapped my arms around his torso we didn't care that our clothes are stroking from the rain I pulled away then I pulled him from his hand back on the middle of the street “babe I..." I cut him off by kissing he gotten into it he pulled away “why do you want us to die ?" he breathed out asking I struggled my shoulders then I wrapped my arms around his neck after I shook my head as I ran my fingers through his now stroking curls he closed his eyes I can see him smiling I laughed then I poked his dimples which caused him opened his eyes as the street light showing the green eyes as he is looking between my eyes “but you have people who loves you" he said after a while of silence I struggled my shoulders then I walked back to the bench we were sitting on as I got seated putting my heels back on as he is already walking towards me “babe you will get a fever" he said while he takes his jacket off I stood up then I stopped him after I walked to the direction of the house as I walk I felt his jacket “Harry there is no need it is already wet from the rain I prefer to walk like this" I said he wrapped his arm around my shoulder by the seconds both of us started to get warm by each other's bodies as I wrapped my arms around myself as I felt his eyes on me as I can see him smiling “you know that you look so beautiful like this I mean that you are beautiful all the time" he said smiling I rolled my eyes smiling we finally reached as I am thankful that my parents still sleeping as I took the keys from his jacket's pocket he was surprised that he had it as he closed the door without making any noise while I am taking my heels off as I carried them on my hands as I walk slowly towards the bedroom as he ran behind me like a little boy running after his mother I putted my hand as I laughed as we entered the bedroom as he closes the same way as he helped me to unzip my dress as I dropped are you checking me out" I said as I noticed while he is taking his clothes off then he prentended that he wasn't I went to get warm clothes then I got a blanket as I got under it he crawled on the bed with just his boxers as he wonders “what the hell Harry" I shouted whispering he ignored as he just gotten under the blanket with me then he pulled me closer to his body as we warm each other again

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