Chapter 15

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*four years later*
Mariam's pov
After I broke up with him I got used to this being followed by those people whom take pictures of me and I defend myself I had security guards and I had the fans got more which caused the support to get bigger and better they helped me to be strong and braver than before even my parents so I did it myself I started doing interviews and TV shows, I am having an interview now with Ellen I entered as the security guards at the door let me I got greeted by the workers as we shake hands I wrote a song about him it is heard by millions already I walked towards the dressing room as I am in they put makeup and do my hair, putting the small microphone on the hem of my blouse I waited until Ellen introduce me as I walk and the audience cheers and claps Ellen greeted me by a hand then we got seated “hey Mariam how are you ?" she asked I answered fine she seems sweet and kind as I watched with celebrities “so you are a photographer now tell us about your experience with it" she said I started telling about my experience with the photographer her questions aren't annoying and none of her business like some interviewers I made with “you wrote a song about Harry Styles and got millions of listeners even though you're not an music artist so would you sing it to us" she said I agreed so I stood up then I walked towards the high chair that had in front of it a microphone as they took the small microphone from my blouse I got seated after I took my guitar as I am facing the audience I took a deep breath and relaxed myself as they putted a microphone near my guitar and mouth as I started playing the guitar actually dad who taught me I started singing and playing at the same time the audience are enjoying which caused me to smile and it made me emotional I was holding myself together suddenly Niall appeared which caused me to stop as the audience cheers and claps for him as he waves they got him a chair and a microphone he knows about my break up with Harry since they are friends since they were teens as I play and sing with him as we smile at each other we finished and the audience cheered & clapping for us this time there is a couch he shook her hand “hey Niall so you knew Mariam since she was fifteen right ?" Ellen asked he nodded smiling yes I knew him since I was fifteen as he continued talking about it “so Mariam you are Irish but..." I cut her off “yeah I am but I live in a different city then I went to England for the university I always wanted to go there" I said she is asking me more questions than him as he is well known since he was sixteen I feel that I am being asked the same questions even though as I said before some interviewers were asking annoying questions and none of their business “and here is Niall Horan and Mariam" she said as the audience cheered and clapped as the interview ended we shook hands with Ellen and each one of us “Mariam can I have a talk with you" he said I turned crossing my arms ready for what he wanted to say as they are taking the small microphones he is silent it kinda annoying “not here can I invite ya for an early morning drink you must be thristy" he said I struggled my shoulders agreeing we walked out as I told my security guards that I am going to with Niall we got in his car it silent after a second or two he played his radio then he suddenly stopped the car then he got out as he opened the door after he pulled me out as I was about to fall he catched me as the way he looked showing otherwise I stood up straight collecting myself together I am not into falling in love for the third time I mean Paul was mine before all of these things so “how is your life ?" he asked as we are already sitting I struggled my shoulders as a waitress came asking he ordered for himself then she asked me I thanked “you don't look happy" he said which caused me to look at him in anger which caused me confusion I laughed “I am one hundred percent happy dating him was a test I have been in relationship before him but it looks like I am not good at falling in love and I failed in it" I said he putted his hand above mine which caused me to calm “Mariam you still love him" he said I stood up in anger I never been that anger and frustration I apologized “you need to calm down since you broke up with him and you aren't yourself" he said I putted my hands on my head then I waited until he finishes his drink and he paid “Mariam you need days off to calm your nerve and muscles" he said I laughed then I rolled my eyes he stopped in front of my house he sighed “okay I think that we will see each other after you be calmer" he said I nodded we shared a hug I said our goodbyes as I got out of the car he called my name I looked he just winked mouthing I love you, I waved it off as he laughed “Horan hug again" he said as he already got out of his car as he opened his arms I shook my head smiling then I ran as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist then I jumped off after I putted my hair behind my ear then I turned towards the my house's door as I unlocked it as the keys fell suddenly someone picked it up as it is him he gave it I thanked Mariam let him kiss you what the fuck she just ended a relationship years ago “would you like to come inside ?" I asked took his hand as he had pink cheeks as I already unlocked the door before the keys fell off from my hand I putted the keys he already got seated in the living room I poured us a drink then I walked towards the living room giving him the drink after I got seated next to him “so are you in a relationship ?" I asked what the fuck is that question shut up let her ask to start a conversation he shook his head as he putted his drink on the table then he stood up as he walks around the house as he takes a look at it “you have a nice house" he complained I thanked he got seated again as he got his drink we drink two as he talk and laugh he stood up I stood up also as it looks like he wants to leave stop him from leaving don't let him “why don't ya stay I am a lonely girl ?" I said asking as I play his hem of his shirt damn he look so beautiful and cute “another..." I cut him off “do you have anything important no so stay please both of us are lonely" I said he still doesn't want I pouted damn he look so hot “do you want to make me feel sad" I said as I already wrapped my arms around his neck he shook his head “okay stay for the night" I said then I sat him back on the couch as I admire his handsome face “you are so beautiful how no girl don't fell in love with you I will get you your favourite drink beer don't go anywhere" I said then I stood up then I walked towards the kitchen after I poured then I walked back to the living room giving him “easy tiger you will choke" I said he looked at me then he continued drinking as he got into it “you had enough" I said as I took it then I putted it on the table after I walked us towards the stairs climbing up to my bedroom as he looks drunk I sat him on the bed after I got seated on his lap I already careless his cheeks then I kissed I'll be right back" I said smiling as I walked towards my walk-in closet changing I can't believe that I am doing this I walked out as he already stood up then I walked towards him after I sat him taking his shoes and socks off he got seated on the pillows I got seated next to him his lips on mine in sloppy kiss I already careless his cheeks then I moved my hands down as I unbuttoned his pants as I looked seeing him already hard I didn't care his lips already on the crook of my neck as I left him in his boxers he got fast asleep I covered him then I slept on the couch good that nothing happened I should've not let him stay I know that in the morning he will not remember about him between us even though nothing happened between us and I can't do it

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