Chapter 19

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Harry's pov
Mariam stucked herself in the bedroom since she suddenly booked a flight to Ireland this morning without telling me she said that she need space then I heard sobs as I stood up then I walked towards the stairs seeing her already climbing down suddenly she jumped in my arms as I see no tears in her eyes which is weird she suddenly started laughing I got confused then she laughed so hard after she jumped off then she pulled me from my hand towards the living room sitting on the couch as she already wrapped my arm around her shoulder then she stood up after she got seated on my lap “all what about this morning was a lesson for not trusting me even though I was away from you for five years all of these men you saw I told you I was forced to date" she said as she keeps pulling me from my necklace between each word I apologized as I see her licking her lips then I pinned her on the couch as she laughs I felt her legs around my waist as she pulled me down as our lips meet I pulled the shirt off as I saw her without a bra as I suck her nipples as she moans I went down to her panites “no please I'm not in the mood for love" she said begging as she get the shirt putting it on as she sit up straight then she walked towards the balcony I followed “Mariam am I bothering you ?" I said asking she turned then she laughed after she walked towards me “no my Harry" she said as she already careless my cheeks I lifted her up “I just want to cuddle and be kissed like there is no tomorrow just kidding I'll cook for us since yesterday you made us the lunch" she answered saying I laughed she walked towards the kitchen she started cooking as she explaining what is the lunch as I help her if she asked “try it and tell me what you think" she said as she gives me a piece of what she cooked as she already waiting “that is pasta you're playing with my mouth" I answered she laughed then she gives me another it is delicious “Is that Italian pasta ?" I asked she hummed nodding smiling as we eating as she sway her hips as it is already teasing me I told her to stop she gives me a third one then she left the fork as she jumped in my arms as she kissed already careless my cheeks I pushed her against the fridge as she moaned then I putted her down after I careless her cheeks as our tongues started fighting as I taste her delicious pasta I wrapped her leg around my waist as we pulled away from the kiss for air “I thought that you don't want to do something sexual" I said she blushed I pulled her from her hips “when someone have someone like you which is only me it is hard not to let your love out" she said I laughed then I kissed she throw her head back as I suck her neck “take me upstairs" she said I lifted her up then I walked towards the stairs climbing up to our bedroom “don't let me go" she said as I put her down as she got closer to me as I gotten next to her as we kiss she gasped for air then she moaned fuck Harry your lips on mine makes me forget about everything" she said I smirked then I started kissing her neck as her fingers running through my hair “let's go out tonight and..." I stopped she pulled my face towards her as she careless my cheek the way she is looking at me “and what ? you still worried about the fans being surprised by my sudden appearance with you I am not plus I am happy that we're back together as who you want us to be if you don't want to take..." I cut her off “I want the world to know that you are mine again I tried to move on and fall in love again it wasn't easy" I said she stood up then she gives me her back “I putted spell on you" she said as I took her hands nodding smiling she giggled blushing I kissed her knuckles “so I know that you are a confident man who doesn't care about what others think or their opinions on you I am also a confident woman but maybe a little bit of thinking and opinions on me would hurt me but I'll try as long as you are with me and make me know that I don't have it to effect me you know that my parents supported me through this they still" she said as she already rested her head on my chest I played with her hair that is so amazing to hear I even saw but what broke my heart seeing you crying love by this song you wrote about..." she cut me off “stop or I would never let you kiss me for a whole week" she threated I laughed then I carried her bridal style after I throw her on the bed as she screamed “you can't live a minute without me ya would live a whole week without one kiss from me" I said already hovering over her as I gives her pecks as she giggles I'll try to live without one kiss from you" she said already wrapped her arms around my neck “no fucking way that you could" I said already poking her sides she screams then she rolled out of the bed after she ran out of the bedroom I chased her around the house “if you didn't stop I will trickle you" she threated as we are already in the dinning room I turned to other side as she screamed then she got in the other side as we keep doing this until I  catched her as she laughed on the floor as I trickle stop I want to bake a cake" she breathed out from laughter as I stopped laying next to her she stood up “come on let's bake I know that you worked in a bakery before you got your ass in the music world" she said as she pulled me from my hand I pulled her back down which caused her to lose balance by falling on the top of me she got off I grabbed her by waist kissing as her hands on my chest “I have missed you" I said she is looked shy as well whispering it back then she walked towards the kitchen as she sometimes shrug by getting the cake's stuff as we started baking she smiles shyly whenever we touch she suddenly throw flour at my face I throw back as here it started the food fighting as the kitchen is a mess now “if you putted an egg on..." she got cut off by her scream as I smacked an egg on her head she did the same then she ran out of the kitchen as I got the cream as I walked out “no no please" she said begging as I am trying she squealed jumping like a monkey as it got on her mouth I laughed as she walked towards the sink she rubbed it by her hand then she give up after she washed it “even though it taste bit delicious" she said while she is drying I laughed she screamed as she saw the mess we made “at least we had a little fun" I said smirking as I already wrapped my arm around her waist “you nasty rat" she said already wrapped her arms around my neck the nasty rat would love to kiss the nasty rat woman" I said smirking she laughed throwing her head back “oh nasty rat kiss me to save from death" she said prentending that she fainted as her hand on her forehead “oh no my nasty rat woman don't die" I said as she already on the floor I kissed as she gasped as she got seated I carried her “we're childish but I love it but I don't forgive you for ruining my baking..." I cut her off “excuse me Miss you started this food fight not me" I said already putted her down she rolled her eyes as she waved it off then she walked to the bathroom I followed as she already washing her face let us get clean then I..." she cut me off yeah let us shower five years not feeling the electricity of our love" she said as she pushed my hair back then she squealed jumped as my hands touched her ass as I kissed pulled her short down along with her panites she kicked them then I pulled her shirt above her head I scanned her body “you still that beautiful" I complained she blushed I walked backwards as I make sure we doesn't fall I got seated on the edge of the bathtub as she stood between my legs shit “Harry I..." I cut her off “come in I am not done yet" I said she giggled then she got in as I took my boxers off after I stood up as I throw the boxers out of the bathtub “wait if I...I mean that you could regret something that you could do" she said stuttering I shushed her then I turned her against the wall as I kissed using my tongue then I turned the water as I pulled her under the shower nozzle “I never regret something that I have done with you" I said as my forefinger and thumb on her chin you might kill me if I got pregnant with your kid" she said I backed my head she cleared her throat I pulled her closer I want you be pregnant with my kids so my management team would force..." she cut me off by begging she got seated on the other side of the bathtub holding her stomach we showered but she doesn't want me to touch her as she got out of the bathtub after she walked out of the bathroom first when I got upstairs in the bedroom I found her curled as she holding her stomach as she doesn't want me to touch or even come near her so I left her alone

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