Chapter 21

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Harry's pov
I found it is three o'clock as I wake up not finding her I got out of the bed after I walked out of the bedroom to the stairs climbing down as I hear her singing in the bathroom for my luck the door is wide open I sneaked in as I closed and locked I got behind her in the bathtub she gasped as I wrapped my arms around her waist as I kiss her shoulder and neck she elbowed my stomach for scaring her I laughed as she turned smacking the loofah on my face fuck as I hear her laughing then I pushed her against the wall as I just pressed my lips against hers as she giggled I took the loofah from her hand I dropped it “why do you look so beautiful" I said she giggled blushing I careless her cheeks then I kissed as she kissed me back “I am afraid to break your heart" I said she looked confused about what I said she looks like it is wondering “sorry I have to go" I said she pulled me back then she sneaked her arms around my torso “I have to go baby girl" I said repeatedly she pouted as she crossed her arms stamped her feet like a little girl as she knows that I am not serious as I laughed then I unwrapped her arms after I wrapped them around my neck I wrapped my arms around her waist she gasped as I touched her ass “you naughty boy" she said hitting my chest I stucked my tongue out as she laughed we washed each other's bodies then we got out of bathtub as she gives me a towel “don't wrap it on your hips you make..." I cut her off “shut up I wrap it the way I want" I said she rolled her eyes then she flipped me off as she walked towards the door “did you locked the door ? it just us" she said asking laughing I turned her against it as she just look at me “close your eyes" I ordered she looks like she is wondering I repeated as she closed her eyes I kissed both of her cheeks as she smiled I kissed her forehead and nose as I stopped at her lips I kissed she opened her eyes I unlocked “what was that for ?" she asked I carried her as I already opened the door after I walked out to the stairs climbing up “because I want you to know that I love you" I answered she giggled as she already wrapped her arms around my neck I entered the bedroom she changed “I noticed that you are checking me out and didn't got in at least your boxers" she said as it is true I stood up then I walked towards her as she is brushing her hair “Is it wrong for a boyfriend checking out his girl ?" I asked as she already now styling her hair she hummed nodding as I am reaching for my perfume she whined then she took it “don't put it while I am here by the way are you going out ?" she said asking I hummed nodding then I walked towards the closet getting my boxers “where ? what ? why ?" she asked I laughed as I got pushed as I held on the closet for support I looked as she is now sitting on the bed with crossed arms like a little girl and a pouty lips “now you want to leave me why did I do something wrong ? did I hurt you ? did I..." I cut her off “you didn't I just want to joke around to see you smile and laugh we haven't been together for two weeks as you were busy with work and I was busy with my tour dates & other stuff" I said while I wipe her tears as I already crawled on the bed she pushed my hand as I tried to careless her cheeks every time she turned her back on me “that isn't jokes" she said as she is right then she got out of the bed after she pulled the sheets from under me as she change it as she walks from the bed to the closet getting clean “babe I'm sorry okay ? I didn't mean to hurt you seeing you like this breaks my heart" I said as I hold her from her arms she crossed her arms as there is still sadness “can I hug you ?" I asked she dropped her arms to her sides I took her in my arms as I kissed the top of her head “unfortunately I had to forgive you" she said I laughed she looked up at me I looked down at her rubbing my thumb then I carried her to the bed she said that she will go to the laundry room she carried the dirty laundry as she walked out of the bedroom I got seated on the edge of the bed waiting for her to come back from laundry room she came back after an hour or less as she now stood between my legs then she got seated next to me “I thought about it and I am ready for it but absolutely I..." I cut her off “ow ow baby what are you talking about ?" I asked she already crossed one leg over the other “about having kids with you" she answered I went oh she laughed then she got closer her hand on my thigh I putted mine above hers but when it is time to face it to the world it will be harder" she added whispering I kissed as I pulled her hand towards my lips she stood up let us go downstairs I ordered pizza" she said smiling I stood up we walked out of the bedroom to the stairs climbing down to the living room sitting as we watch the TV until the pizza get delivered we are already cuddling I rubbed her arm you look scared and nervous already baby" I said she looked up at me then she pulled away from me “I am as I told you it is going to be harder to face the world with being pr..." I cut her off “baby I'll be by your side I could postponed all my tour dates or cancel them just to..." she cut me off by raising her hand in front of my mouth “I know but you don't have to do this to your fans to postpone the touring dates or even cancel the whole I am understanding, that is your happiness and joy plus your fans also travels just to see you live and sing your heart & their hearts out just to see you smile and happy I am not yet" she said I careless her cheeks she kissed my palms then she held my hands sighed as she rubs her thumbs “but baby I would feel selfish" I said she cooed then she kissed my palms after she looked down then at me I would say that is right that you are going to be traveling while I am pregnant but I told you that I understand anyway when I am ready to face the world by my growing tummy I would be the happiest when we travel together plus I hope you don't miss our future kid's birth I..." she stopped as she wipes her tears “you are so amazing and I am so happy to have someone like you who understand me and..." she cut me off “stop I'll be more emotional anyway I have to do this it is my job you are my boyfriend Harry I should support you and I already saw how happy you look in this in general traveling is everyone's dream to see how beautiful every country and every city is I am so lucky that I meet you" she said smiling then she leaned forward I pulled her closer as we kiss then I parted her lips as my tongue touched hers she moaned as she runs her fingers through my hair as we pulled away for air her lips are parted “I want you but we just did it twice today" she said I laughed then I shushed her as I pulled her on my lap as we kiss again as our tongues going in and out each other's mouths she moaned then she pulled away I'll make us lunch" she said as she already got off my lap then she walked towards the kitchen as she started as I kissed her shoulders and neck as she walks around “Harry" she moaned I lifted her up on the counter she jumped off I grabbed her by waist which caused her to gasp as she is trying to get out of my hold then she slapped my cheek, she giggled then she pulled me “you are such a naughty boy baby now can you help me with the lunch without being distributer ?" she said asking I wiggled my eyebrows she rolled her eyes then we started as we taste the food we made as we are now putting the food on the dinning room table suddenly I heard someone in pain it is her I ran towards the dinning room “my ankle got broken" she said as she is already rubbing her ankle as she is pouting I took her feet on my lap are you serious about this ? or you are playing with me" I said asking she giggled I knew it that she is playing baby what is the name of our kid ?" she asked as she already wrapped her arms around my neck I laughed let us eat then we will talk about this" I said she stood up then she prentended that her ankle is broken she gasped as I putted my hand on her ass she smiled fakely we laughed after we got seated as she complains about the food so baby where is our private valley ? oh so we are going directly to my parents house ?" she asked all I do is nod she putted her hand above mine “hey I am not nervous about meeting them" I said she said we will see I laughed she rolled her eyes then she whispered this time we will see I laughed she talked about random things about herself back in her home I can't believe that I fell in love with her more than any other woman I dated we finished then we started collecting our suitcases

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