Chapter 48

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Mariam's pov
I dropped Adam and David & Florence and Jana, Taylor off at their school as I told them that Niall is going to pick them up as I will just go somewhere else for a while they doesn't know that Harry came home while they were sleeping he is waiting for me at the airport as we are going to France I can't believe that he is dating another woman as he said that he will end things with her soon I reached as I parked the car as I got my phone out of my purse as I scroll for his number as I found it as I dialed as I wait we are being careful with the girls and boys anyway they aren't with me as I dropped them off at their school I don't know how I will meet him “hey babe you're here ?" he answered asking I nodded like he can see me I can't handle myself together as what I saw pictures all over the social media as the world knows “I am coming stay with me" he said as I stayed on the phone as I hear him walking then I got out of the car as I saw him as we smiled as we hanged up at the same time I throw the phone on the seat as he took me in his arms “I'm sorry babe I'm sorry for all these things I will be all yours again I promise" he said as we pulled away as we got my suitcase from the truck as I got purse and phone as well the keys as I locked the car it is too early so it is safe for us not paps and journalists to see us we walked towards the private plane as he putted the suitcases “are you okay ?" he asked I shook my head he careless my cheeks kissing as he didn't care about the world seeing “don't worry babe we won't be seen there I did the impossible so nobody sees us together there come on" he said whispering as we climbed on the plane I looked out of the window I wish that I didn't give myself to him as I be in this situation seeing him with another woman “babe did you have break..." I cut him off “I didn't how can I eat after seeing the father of my kids taken by another woman while he is with me" I said angrily as I can't handle myself together anymore I want to let my anger out at him he looked ashamed of himself now “baby I..." I cut him off “don't call me baby don't talk to me until we land" I said he sighed as he stayed silent I don't know how to show myself to Adam and David Florence and Jana,Taylor they already saw their father with another woman even this woman have kids it is good that the world doesn't know that my kids father is him it is good if they knew what will happen I breathed “you should be thankful that the world doesn't know that you are the father of my kids you should be thankful that I..." I stopped then I looked out of the window not daring to look at the same man that I hurt him not only five years ago now he is hurting me in return I looked at him “I'm sorry it is just unbelievable and unacceptable that I see you with another woman as you know I never loved a man like I am doing to you" I said whispering not knowing if he is listening or I am just saying nothing make sense to him he leaned his elbows on his knees “I know that I ruin your happiness with me I..." I cut him off “you didn't I deserve that I didn't hurt you once before we..." I stopped then I laughed after I went to the bathroom as I washed my face I am being drama queen but I can't believe that he is taken by another woman while he is with me and the father of my own kids I heard the door closed as the bathroom is narrow “I promise that all of these shit will end sooner than later I..." I cut him off look I'll go back home and I will raise Adam and David Florence and Jana Taylor on my own a single mother it doesn't matter as you would co-parenting them as a single father or with an..." he cut me off “what the fuck I am in fucking love with you" he said I shook my head then I looked up at him I looked away Mariam I do love you more than you can imagine please not after all this please" he said begging as I feel his breath against my neck god he is killing me by all of this can you just I do love you more than you can do also but we ain't working as the world sees you with a different woman we..." he cut me off we are working aren't you hidden when we are together and you take the kids & we spend time together at home when I..." I cut him off we are right but that is complicated that I see you with a different woman I am accepting but hurt and it hurts our kids seeing the father with another woman they aren't used to seeing you with another woman & I..." he cut me off by putting his finger on my lips you do love me as ya said that you what I am yours even if I am taken by another woman" he said smiling I pushed him thn I opened the door of the bathroom as I walked towards the seat as I buckled the seat belt it hurts so bad that I see him with another woman I want to punch, I decided to text Kristen to calm my nerve I don't know how she does it

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