Chapter 51

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Mariam's pov
Harry took me out for dinner as I can see the Eiffel Tower and it is so beautiful view I can't believe that he didn't break his promise which was two years ago as we are away from the public eye that is why I am feel so happy and lucky as I can't wait for the surprise that he made for me while I am watching the view I heard a familiar voice I gasped he offered me his hand as I took it he gave the microphone back as we dance slow I wrapped my arms around his neck he already putted his hands on my waist that is so romantic and gentle of him “are you okay ?" he asked in my ear I nodded smiling happily I can't believe that we are here without anyone knowing that we are I love this moment when no one is around as I went to watch the most beautiful view “you look so beautiful I was waiting for this alone moment with you for a long time I can't believe it happened I want to make you the happiest woman on the whole wide world you're my only angel I promise that I will never hurt you ever again I will always love you, I never felt loved by any other woman as I felt with you expect by mum and sister I never accepted that you will have all these love and feelings, emotions for me I am daydreaming to make one thing that I never imagined myself doing Mariam Brown Jordan will you marry me ?" he said asking I gasped as I found him on his knee and I see a diamond ring inside that can't be real no way I don't have words to say as I just nodded as he putted the ring on my finger then he stood up straight I opened my arms he wrapped his arms around my waist as we kissed “I didn't accept you to say yes" he said whispering I laughed as I shook my head then I kissed him again “I didn't accept you to ask me that question" I said whispering he struggled his shoulders then he sighed “did you once said that ya want something special to..." I cut him off “yeah yeah but I didn't accepted it to be possible that I am your fiancée and..." he cut me off “relax baby relax let us sit" he said as we got seated I can't believe it neither accept it I am his fiancée and mother of his kids he said that we are going back home as we walked in as I got my purse as we went back to the hotel as we packed our suitcases as we went to the airport as he drove us to our house as I am nervous “hey guys how was your trip ?" Kristen asked smiling he answered it was great her and I climbed upstairs so tell me what exactly happened ? I know about what is happening with him but never mind I don't want to ruin" she said asking I sighed as I took my heels as we are already sitting on the bed as I heard mummy hey babes I'm sorry for taking so long" I said smiling she winked as she said that she will leave me alone with the kids then we will talk later as I greeted them then I walked to the mirror as I take my accessories as they jump on the bed “mummy we had a great day with uncle Niall and auntie Kristen uncle Niall got us food and drinks, snacks even we went to the park as we..." I cut him off “uncle Niall took you to the park ?" I wondered as they said yeah I laughed as they continue telling me about their day I am amazed that Kristen was responsible for them I walked towards the bed as they are laying Adam and David “okay boys mummy will get changed then we will do whatever you two want" I said Adam and David ran out of the bedroom I call them back as they did I bended down as they kissed my cheeks I love them so much whenever I look at them I feel that Harry is here as they had his features and maybe they have some of mine “girl you..." I cut her off by showing the engagement ring she putted her hands on her mouth I can't believe “you are really engaged to Harry Styles" she said I nodded smiling happily she got seated on the bed as I can see tears as she hugged me as she congratulated me then she pulled me “do you know that he is..." I cut her off “yeah that is driving me crazy and I can't handle myself together neither I believe him would do something like that he keeps saying that he will end things with her you know the kids saw him I had to lie and say it was me like it is an old pictures of us but unfortunately they didn't believe me" I said she giggled I rolled my eyes as I shook my head smiling as she already putting crossing her legs “I can't believe Harry could cheat on you idiot he is but if he proposed that..." I cut her off that means he love me and he said that he will end things with her I am sure of this even he cheated as you know how it feels but I shouldn't said yes until he..." she cut me off “come on Mariam he is fighting for you and the kids & the proposal meant that he truly loves you even though he is still taken by this slut she also had kids I saw on the social media that she is having problems with the father as she is using Harry against him you..." I cut her off “yeah I saw anyway I can't believe what happened today" I said smiling happily as I told her what happened between Harry and I, I am so happy and lucky to have him Niall and Kristen congratulated us then they left as the kids went to sleep as we are now alone he turned as we walked towards each other he took my hands “I can't believe you are my fiancée" he said smiling happily I patted my eyelashes he laughed then he kissed my knuckles I kept patting my eyelashes he kissed my cheek babe stop doing this anyway you're not mad at me that I..." I cut him off “shut up I know that you will end things with her and I could help you with that nobody can steal my man" I said whispering we went upstairs as he already wrapped his arm around my waist “let me get changed then we will continue" I said we got changed as we got seated next to each other on the bed as he already wrapped his arm around my waist as he keeps kissing my cheek then to my neck as I feel his mouth opened “wait let me close the door" I said then I got out of the bed to the door as I closed and locked then I got back on bed he looked at me lovingly I smiled as I stroke his curls “I love you" he said whispering I said it back he leaned forward to my lips as he connected our lips as the kiss is slow and sweet I layed as we didn't break the kiss as our tongues started playing I ran my fingers through his curls he started kissing my neck sweetly as he reconnected our lips as our tongues started playing he spread my legs as he gotten in between as I flipped us as I suck his tongue as he moaned as he took my shirt off I pulled his boxers off as I pulled my short and panites he lined himself inside of me I started riding him as I felt his hands on my butt as we move together as he flipped us as I feel that amazing feeling as he already kiss and lick my neck as he connected our lips as our tongues are playing I pulled his curls he moaned as he moved faster and deeper and harder I have missed him he wrapped my legs around his waist as he already pressed his forehead against mine as we share pecks he gave me few thrusts then he stayed inside of me as we catch our breath as he pulled out as he pulled the sheets I pulled him from his necklace as we kiss as his phone started ringing he was going to see who is it I can feel his hand on the back of my neck as we continue kissing “your beauty is going to blind me" he said smiling I laughed then I got on the top of him as I can feel his hand on the back of my neck he moaned as we kiss one last time I rested my head on his chest as he gives me massage

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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