Chapter 45

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*four months later*
Mariam's pov
And it is true I am pregnant as he keeps rubbing my baby bump as we went back to England as he gets me food and snacks & drinks we are sitting on the couch as we watch the TV I told mum and dad even Kristen they are happy he suddenly turned the TV off as he layed me as he rested his head on my baby bump as I hear him singing as I feel his tears of joy, I ran my fingers through his curls he finished as he kissed as he pulled the shirt down as he helped me to sit as he hold my hands “hey don't worry darling I won't let the world hurt you and the baby" he said smiling I nodded then I looked at him he careless my cheek I pulled as he whined as I went upstairs to our bedroom he grabbed me by waist “Harry" as he is already kissing my neck I skipped for the second time as I went to the bed he crawled as he connected our lips I moaned as I ran downstairs towards the bathroom “here it goes I never get my kisses and cuddles & love and feelings & emotions that..." I cut him off “stop and come here my hair keeps getting inside of my mouth" I said he has been saying the same words since we found out about my pregnancy he held my hair back until I finished then I looked at him he struggled his shoulders I rolled my eyes as I wash my hair and mouth as I dried “the baby is growing inside of me and daddy is being annoying" I said he laughed as he already got to my hormones I walked towards the living room “Adam and David, Florence and Jana & Taylor" I said smiling happily he is confused I rubbed as I looked at him we are having two girls and boys I stood up then I got the picture of them as I walked back to the living room as I gave him as he putted his hand on his mouth as he gotten teary eyed for the second time tonight I kept kissing his cheek “I created three girls and two boys" he said whispering I laughed then I nodded as he wiped his face as he jumped on his feet in happiness and joy not believing “by the way how did you..." I cut him off “this morning I went to the doctor as I want to surprise you" I answered as he kept kissing as we spend talking about our three girls and two boys as he can't believe that we are having twins I don't know how I will handle them “I don't know how I will handle them for five months left" I said he laughed then he rubbed my stomach “they will be innocent next more months babe aren't ya" he said smiling I laughed as I shake my head as I rested my head “they will move around god you were a dragon on bed" I said he wiggled his eyebrows as he rubbed I slapped his hand then I poked his dimple he laughed then we went upstairs to the bedroom as we lay as we look at the ceiling I felt his pinky with mine I looked at him smiling “I wish that I could walk them in public" he said sadly I interwined our fingers I sighed then I got closer to him “boo boo home is you for us" I said as I kissed his cheek he sighed as I turned on my side it isn't going to be hard “Harry don't make it a big deal we will be okay" I said he sighed sadly as he gotten teary eyed as he kissed “the world don't have to know that they are yours okay ?" I said asking he nodded smiling as he rubs my stomach Kristen the world knows that she is Niall's girlfriend as well if I let them have the children for one day wait a minute the world won't know that Harry is the father of my kids as they knew as I am the mother I will get hate even though I have been getting it since so long as this Larry thingy is still spread around the world by some “I should start with the nursery" he said smiling happily I laughed then I sit up straight as I crossed my legs “I will start with their onesies as mum says that she wants come with me while I am getting them" I said as he said that he will get them bed time stories and the toys & when they grow he will get them colouring books and colouring pencils I would imagine him and them as they are colouring and drawing I can't believe that I am going to be a mother of five I gotten five inside of me how it just how I rubbed my stomach then I got out of the bed I pulled him from his hand as I walked towards the bedroom next to ours I opened the door as I walked in look this is Florence and Jana, Taylor's bedroom we painted it pink or red no no it is so bright colour" I said as he noticed that he is just staring at me I laughed “and this room is for the..." I stopped as he is already walking towards me as he already took my hands then he pulled towards his lips as he kisses I smiled then I explained that will be gaming room for David and Adam & gaming room for Florence and Jana & Taylor he kissed my forehead then he said that he will do as I want to be “I am scared of being a mother even though I always imagined myself being and I miss taking pictures" I said he laughed as we are sitting on the couch as he shakes “you are going to be a great mother" he said smiling encouragingly I squeezed his hands he kissed my knuckles I smiled happily ever after I can't believe “I can't believe that you are the father I can't if it..." he cut me off “shhh I don't want anyone to steal you from me ever again" he said whispering I laughed he hasn't let go of my hands as we went back to the bedroom as we fallen asleep in each other's arms like usual I have missed sleeping on the bed our house

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