Chapter 7

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Mariam's pov
He had a concert tonight so I am already ready and the bus that will drop me off the arena is waiting down in front of the hotel I walked out of the bedroom to the door I left the key to the receptionist I heard someone calling my name which caused me confusion I turned seeing a girl with a smile she had blonde hair then she walked towards me asking for having a picture with me I agreed how did she know my name and I am with Harry she is looks like eleven years old I took the picture with her “can I have your autograph ?" she asked smiling I gives  her she and her mother walked with me the girl is talking about how of big fan of Harry she is suddenly fans and those paps flashes on my face I took pictures and I gave autographs to some fans the security guard helped me through to bus that he and his band are in Harry apologized as the bus's door got closed I walked towards bunks that me and him share it is dark I got pushed against it as his lips on mine his tongue parted my lips as I felt his arm already wrapped around my waist suddenly the curtain got open as it is Mitch he raised his hands walking backwards Harry looked at me then he kissed I moaned he walked me backwards until I found myself in the bathroom he closed and locked the door he is wearing all blue you could see his tattoos he started kissing and sucking my neck I ran my fingers through his curls oh my god I can't believe that is happening he pulled away as he had swollen lips I unbuttoned my shirt then I took my jacket off after I walked towards the wall as I unbuttoned my pants “please don't tease me now I want to focus on my concert" he said as he already held my hand I struggled my shoulders he careless my cheek it is the same like this morning but everything is looking different “I love you" he said I said it back he kissed as his hands stayed on my ass he lifted me up our tongues going in and out each other's mouths we pulled away for air he smiled now I knew why I am so happy and lucky" he said smiling then he suggested we cuddle on the bunk we already I got hear screaming fans like usual means that we are in the arena which caused me to be nervous and excited like usual he noticed as he rubs my arm he kissed my forehead then he pulled my face up looking into mine “hey I was wondering if you could come to my dressing room after the concert ?" he asked whispering I nodded smiling he laughed at my reaction then he pecked my lips after he got out of the bunk we got out of the bus I noticed that the crew are looking at me I walked quickly until I found my dressing room that they direct me to it I brushed my hair and I am made my makeup also I collected my clothes I checked myself as I noticed a love bite I hide it by my jacket I took a picture of him while he is already under the stage after it he winked before he pull him up on the stage as the fans screamed I started doing my usual he is dancing and making the fans scream I didn't accept all of this happiness and joy he had a thing for this photographer don't you see the way he looks at her I heard a girl saying behind me then her friend giggled and said that I am not his type I know that they did that on purpose I rolled my eyes and continued what I am doing they continued singing with him like they didn't said anything about me sluts I knew that some of his fans hates on the girls and the women he dated actually seriously some of them deserve like he dated women way too old for him whatever if I was in his place or not I would never date a man too old or even younger for me finally the concert ended I waited for him to leave the stage after I walked like usual then I texted him where is his dressing room he texted and said to make sure that nobody sees me I told him I know as I reached I texted that I am here which caused him to open he pulled me in quickly I noticed that we have the band hey Mariam I didn't see you today at all" the girl who I still don't know her name until now said I smiled then I got seated next to him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder then he kissed my cheek they are talking and laughing since I gotten in this tour I just made friends with them but I am not close to them like at all excuse me guys I will go to my dressing room I forget something to give to Harry" I lied then I stood up no one of them seem to care I noticed that Kristen has been texting and calling me the five months I have spend them on this tour even today and Paul who I thought forget about what happened between us is just a dream that won't come true ever I apologized to Kristen that I didn't see she forgiven me she said that she already missing me then she started sending pictures of me and Harry also screenshots of hating on me and meme of me now what the hell is all of these by the way Paul saw them I walked towards the dressing room as Kristen is calling “hey  seriously what are those pictures ? I still don't believe those pictures are real girl you kissed Harry Edward Styles no way" she said then she kept fangirling over me and him I knew it already will happen “listen listen I will call you later" I said then I collect my stuff after I freeze as I saw someone that I didn't accept him to be here we are in LA but this time he is looking broken I walked pass him towards the tour bus as we reached the hotel but Harry isn't with me I received a text from Paul as he threaten that he will let everyone know about me and Harry if I didn't meet him in the restaurant of the hotel I walked towards the restaurant as he is already sat “stop acting like a boyfriend who do you think you are to me we were nothing and still & yeah what you saw on the social media is real and if you want to spread that is real do it since you threated me on the text you want to hurt me like Kristen now leave me alone Paul I am not working in your company anymore I have my own" I said left him speechless as I got in the elevator someone stopped I noticed it is Harry we stayed silent until we reached the suite he is walking behind me as I unlocked “what were you doing with him ? and how did he knew that we are here ?" he asked as he is already holding my wrists against the door he had dark and lust eyes “let me show you" I answered he let go of my wrists I opened mine and Kristen's & mine and Paul's texts he gives me my phone back then he walked towards the balcony “you should leave now and I will make them send another photographer" he said I walked towards him as I putted my phone in my pocket as I tried to speak but he raised his hand I walked towards the bedroom collecting my clothes and stuff I found myself in the car that will take me to the private plane that will take to England the driver told me that in England back in London there is a car will drop me off at my house as I am now in London in my house on my couch not feeling like sleeping

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