Chapter 42

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Mariam's pov
I am sitting on the edge of the stage as there are some fans as they take pictures and videos as they noticed me like usual as I try to smile after France I think about disappeared from everyone and everything I stood as I climbed downstairs backstage as I lean against the wall as I text mum and Kristen I didn't mention as they talk normally as Kristen half of the twenty four hours of the day she spend it with Niall as he started do concerts and festivals she says she attended them as she says that she is having fun time and she made new friends, she said that we might meet soon I told her that they are going to France next she said that she wanted to go there I suggested to attend one of Harry's as she attended once she said that she will try as she said Niall might come also I feel that she started dating him that she changed by the way she is talking like we aren't friends since we were in diapers she is a weirdo not the Kristen I know when I told her that she just laughed then she changed the topic I rolled my eyes, I played music as I putted my earphones as I closed my eyes as I enjoy my music as I opened my eyes as I see him smiling as I was about to leave he held my wrist as we walked towards the dressing room as we got seated on the couch “babe I'm sorry okay sorry I..." I cut him off I don't deserve you I should've waiting for you maybe back in England or I went to my parents it is kinda complicated between..." he cut me off “it isn't complicated we shouldn't talk about this topic of boyfriends and girlfriends I am focusing on you" he said I laughed a little then I leaned against the couch then I ran my fingers through my hair as I shake my head after I stood up as I said that I am going to the hotel as I am getting ready to leave to France as I walked towards the car that is taking me to the hotel after an hour or two he came as he just leaning against the door “I am not going to France until you forgive me" he said I am confused now he wants me to forgive him for what Harry what exactly happened between us to ask for forgiveness ?" I asked he answered the way he talked to me this afternoon about dating I snorted a laugh then I walked towards him that is so stupid like so stupid “I am not mad about what your choice of women before I came twice in your life as you told me it is none of my business which is true that it is none of my business" I said we kissed as I heard a swear after it I laughed we took our suitcases as we walked out of the room to the elevator to the car that taking us to the airport to France as I text her “babe" I hummed as I looked at him as I give him my fully attention as he wanted a gum I rolled my eyes then I got the box of gum as I gave him as I text her as he gave me the box back as he stole my phone as he texts as he got shocked when he noticed it is mum I laughed then I took my phone as he said naughty words which caused mum to mad as well it is funny I told her it was which caused her shock as she laughed as he already putted his chin on my shoulder as he watches while I am texting mum “I imagine our mothers sitting together in the garden of my childhood home in Cheshire" he said smiling happily I smiled as I finished my texting as I putted my phone our mothers meeting is a very bad idea I mean yeah baby good idea but..." I stopped as I know that his parents divorced when he was in a young age then his mother remarried as I know that he has an oldest sister Gemma “Harry I am not ready for meeting with your mother you've been touring around the world since you were a teenager as half of those women you've dated before me they never meet with her maybe I know that you meet my parents but I don't know" I said then I looked out of the window I don't know meeting with his mother is a good idea as I am ain't good for him and I break up with him we go back together after five years no no I am not Mariam I am not saying that you meet mum and i know that she would care about what happened between us in the past as we aren't the only couple on..." I cut him off “please don't" I said as I noticed that he is already holding my hand as I wiped my tears he took me in his arm loving can hurt sometimes only love can hurt I did cried when Paul and I broke up but I moved on easily “I really never imagined myself loving a man like this which causes me to write a song about him the song that you heard isn't the only one, poems and stories I looked through the memories that I just created with you in a short time then I found myself in his arms again and he made my dreams come true sorry I..." he cut me off “I was falling apart when you broke up with me I never imagined myself loving a woman like this after five years I win her heart again" he said I laughed then I rested my head when you love someone that much I noticed that you don't want to let that person go “I am so excited for going to France" I said as I squeezed his fingers then I interwined he kissed the side of my head “I don't know why I want go shopping there" I added he laughed then he said that he will take me shopping I kissed his cheek I am way too excited for going to France the driver excused to use the bathroom as we are parking in front of a café Harry just nodded smiling I looked at him he wondered I kissed the corner of his mouth he careless my jawline as we kiss as he uses his tongue I fisted his shirt then I wrapped my arms around his neck as our tongues started playing he moaned as he putted my hands on my sides I played with his curls he moaned as he squeezed I moved my hands to his cheeks as we heard the door opening I pulled away we never kissed in public the driver started driving as he apologized Harry just gave him a thumb up then he pulled my hand towards his lips as he kissed I smiled as he pointed at my lips as I touched as I leaned against the seat as I laughed silently as I remembered that I kinda putted makeup finally we reached the airport as we took our suitcases as we push as we gave like usual our passports and tickets as we took them back as we push our suitcases to the plane damn it I don't like we are in plane with other people as he putted my suitcase with his as we climbed

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