Chapter 29

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Harry's pov
Mariam since we arrived and she is just giving me the silent treatment as she is now arranging her clothes then she is now sitting next to me as she sighed we looked at each other at the same time she layed then she got seated again as she is already closer to me as I opened my mouth she pressed her lips against it as I am just holding her hand we kissed then she pulled away as she laughed then she kissed for the second time after she stood up then she walked towards the mirror as she is stretching after she gotten back on the bed as she got seated against the headboard I got seated next to her as she gotten closer as she kiss as our tongues started playing she careless my cheek then she layed down pulling me along I pulled “babe this kiss meant something ?" I wondered she nodded smiling I layed as I pulled her closer as she already turned as she already wrapped her arms “I want you so bad or you..." I cut her off by spreading kisses all over her face as she layed on her back as I gotten between her legs then I pulled her short shorts off along with her panites she flipped us as she unbuttoned my pajamas I pulled her crop top above her head after I flipped us back as I started kissing and sucking her neck “we will make love a serious one or you're just playing with me ?" she wondered I laughed she sighed I went down she moaned loudly I smirked then I went back up “so am I playing with you" I said smirking she rolled her eyes I took my pajamas off she gasped out of nowhere then she jumped out of the bed as she putted back her clothes after she ran out of the bedroom seriously Mariam I just stayed in my boxers she like half an hour or so which caused me worry I ran downstairs as I called until I found in the bathroom sitting on the floor against the bathtub as she is lost in her thoughts I sighed “I want to show Paul that I don't love him anymore I want him to stop following me around the world I know that he is doing this on purpose that he doesn't want any man to love and care about me expect him I..." she stopped then she stood up after she walked out of the bathroom he just jealous of every man who..." she cut me off “Harry every man could be jealous of every man who wins the..." she stopped then she opened her mouth again you talking about jealously like I am not your girlfriend like I don't know that you and him weren't jealous of each other like him isn't jealous of you right now like you weren't jealous of the man I have been dating fakely after we break up I showed you the feelings that I never showed to any man that I didn't showed to Paul himself my first ever boyfriend Harry wake up I am back in your life after five years in your life I never accepted myself to be in someone's life again after years" she said then she pushed me out as she closed and locked the door as I hear water running, I walked towards the living room sitting after an hour or two she came out already showered then she climbed upstairs she came back downstairs after three hours as she already sitting next to me as we watch the TV in silence as I putted my hand on her thigh she stared at it then she looked at me after she took my hand off as she pinched it I rubbed my hand as she started laughing as she already rested her head on my shoulder “you know that now I feel much better" she said then she sit up straight I sighed then I smiled as she giggled after she gotten a serious face then she stood up after she walked away towards the stairs climbing up then I didn't see her again I sighed after I switched the TV off as I walked towards the stairs climbing up to the bedroom “babe" she turned on her back I crawled as I hover over her then I connected our lips she wrapped her arms around my neck I parted her lips as my tongue touched hers she moaned as her fingers ran through my hair I flipped us as now she is on the top of me then she rested her head on my chest I stroked her hair it seems that seeing her ex bothering her I am an idiot I wasn't suppose to get to be my photographer but she said that she had a plan to let him leave my touring that about to began but what is the problem if I make them friends I mean that some people do that yes why not maybe them being friends will work it look like she moved on from him a long time ago and she told me that they became friends but him not moving on from her was annoying her badly which caused her to quit working in his company as she now had her own company but why not make them friends again I don't think it will cause a problem that my girl be friends with her ex she might kill me one day if I made her friends with him again or she would never talk to me if I made this happen making your girl friends again with her ex again isn't good idea Harry I don't think that she will be happy to be around him again after a long time ignore Harry it is a good idea being friends with ex isn't a bad idea yes right we are playing with fire and ruin everything by this shit whatever I am jealous when he is around her as I am her boyfriend they are just friends I noticed that she fallen asleep as I closed my eyes drifted off to sleep also

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