Chapter 31

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Mariam's pov
I woke up not finding him on bed as I stretched my body stayed for a while after I got out of bed as I get walked backwards as my back touched the mattress as I feel lips on my neck as I know who is it is Mr Harry Styles it is going to be the best morning as he took the shirt a bit up as I feel his kisses now on my stomach to my inner thighs to my clothed sensitive area I moaned as I can't handle myself together he pushed my legs open that man is driving me crazy and he knows that I rolled my eyes “good morning baby girl" he said as his face now closer to mine I hummed as I pushed his face he just laughed “I ordered a special breakfast for the beautiful woman I ever meet" he said I hummed as I push his face again he laughed then he pulled the shirt back down after he walked out of the bedroom as he informed that he will tell them to get our breakfast as he came back as he rested his head on my chest I laughed while I ran my fingers through his curls he is so cute when he makes me his big spoon even though I was hating it I just loved when the man who spoons me not me spooning him “okay darling I'll go out to wait until our breakfast come then we will cuddle and kiss until the show tonight" he said I pouted as I opened my arms as he carried me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist as we got seated on the couch I hummed as I nuzzled my face on the crook of his neck I mowed and purred as I lick his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist as he kisses and sucks my neck I purred loudly he laughed then he putted my hair behind my ear I mowed “that is the most beautiful and cutest cat I ever got" he said smiling I mowed then I purred after I wrapped my arms around his neck as I looked into his eyes “Harry I dreamed that you are dating another woman" I said he ignored it a knock came on the door as he went to open it as I waited until the waiter left I walked to the table “babe why are you walking slowly ?" he asked I shook my head smiling then I got seated as I thought about performing my song about him that I didn't accept that people would like it but I am nervous and shy to do this we finished eating as we got on bed cuddling and sharing kisses as he promised but my mind can't stop thinking about performing my song it is driving me nuts I want to make it a surprise even though I don't want but too late as everyone knows about it written by me for him after we break up I don't know how I wrote a song in general I never thought about myself being a songwriter or even into music I always dreamt of being a photographer and this dream came true but the song is already released after mine and Harry's break up plus we are together now I don't want to sing it a break up song as I am now back with him but if people liked it how about I write more but photographer and songwriter plus an artist doesn't fit together as it will makes more well-known no no I don't want more attention I am not that good at writing songs and singing I just here for photographing I gotten taken out of my thoughts by his voice as he sounded little bit angry bird I stared into his green eyes “sorry baby I just gotten overthinking" I said he just nuzzled his face the crook of my neck as I just ran my fingers through his curls as he likes that as he in general likes to be little spoon I don't like to be big spoon but since it is Harry so it is fine with me as he likes to be the little spoon he also likes to cuddle that what I noticed since we started dating he looked up at me then he hover after he got seated against the headboard I crossed arms “and what does that mean Mr Styles ?" I asked as I didn't dare to look at him he laughed then he cleared throat “that means I am still into cuddling and sharing kisses like any other couple" he answered I hummed then I got seated against the headboard also as he grabbed me as he kisses my cheek as I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck we stared into each other's eyes I never loved a woman as I loved you I swear" he said I struggled my shoulders then I pulled my arms down “everyone has different types of men and women everyone has different personalities but the love and feelings for one to another is different story" I said as I already play with his necklace he pulled my face up as he smiles but I really have stronger feelings since I asked you to be my girlfriend" he said as he looks at me lovingly I cleared my throat then I got out of the bed I do feel the same “I do too as it gotten upside down since five years ago as I confessed to you when we were in Ireland in my parents house" I said then I got seated as I took his hand as I do lock my thumb with his as we make eye contact “try me and we will see" I said he laughed then he shook his head after he pulled my hand towards his lips as he kissed “I don't want to try you and see it, there is something make us feel that way I feel freedom" he said smiling I smiled back then I pressed my hand on his chest after I careless his cheek he kissed my palm I got on my knees as I hugged him as he automatically hugged me back “where have you been all my life" I sang he sang back as I let him continue that is the moment that I wanted as he finished as he tilted his head to the side then he connected our lips as I careless his cheeks as I melt into the kiss it is sweet and gentle as his hands on my knees as he deepen it as he parted my lips as he slide his tongue in as he pulled me closer as I got closer at the same time as we pulled I gasped for air as he touched me gently as I feel and dream it means the world to me just a touch as I felt his lips again as our lips moves in sync as he licked my bottom lip which caused me to open my mouth as I felt his hand under the shirt I pulled away for air we continued our cuddling and sharing kisses

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