Chapter 20

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*two weeks later*
Mariam's pov
The pass weeks when Harry calls or texts I doesn't answer or reply back I can't stop thinking about him in general and saying that he would never regret having kids with me like how we will walk together in public the world reacting to me being pregnant with his kid even though they will never know if that kid is his “what happened ?" she asked I found myself crying against her chest then I pulled away she took my hands “I love him but I am so scared about starting a family with him I know that he will never let anyone hurt me neither our kid if he even want us to start a family" I said she gives me shock face absolutely she will even myself when weeks ago he said this I can't believe my ears that is why I felt weird towards this topic as I never imagined that I would be a mother of someone's kid like Harry “Harry Edward Styles wants to start a family with you" she said loudly as I shushed her then I walked towards the door “why not" a male familiar said as he stopped me from closing as he took his sunglasses off “okay guys I..." I cut her off by holding her from her wrist giving her a please don't leave me alone with him look “I'll see you later" she said with gritted teeth then she did really left me alone with him I walked towards the desk suddenly he grabbed me by waist I gasped he is touching me for the first time since we have taken a shower together weeks ago every part of my body isn't moving even my feelings and emotions aren't working inside of me “Harry I..." he cut me off by kissing I found myself kissing him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck I got lost someone cleared throat which caused me to pull away Kristen winked as she was putting my favourite drink he smiled at her I crossed my arms and I raised my eyebrow “do..." I pushed her out of the office as I heard his laugh she is such a teaser already I closed and locked the door then I pulled him from his hand towards the couch “baby I..." he cut me off by kissing taking all the oxygen from my lungs as his hands already careless my cheeks then he pulled away as I opened my eyes he pressed his forehead against mine as his green eyes looking in mine “I can't live a second without you" he said I nodded in agreement he careless my cheek and the back of my head as we kiss I have missed him I don't know why I did this “I booked a flight to Ireland for us" he said smiling happily I smiled back then I kissed as I already careless his cheeks “that is cool I was thinking about you all the time anyway" I said he held my hands as he kisses my knuckles after I hugged him tightly as I ran my fingers through his curls he started kissing and sucking my neck “I want you but not here I am done with work already" I said then I stood up after I walked towards the desk “I want you also but here because I have missed all of you" he said as I already got turned against the desk this time I can't say no I never felt attracted to a man like this before “take me" I found myself saying as he grabbed me by waist kissing without thinking twice I found myself sitting on the desk as he stood between my legs as his eyes are dark and lust shit that is too much to handle a man like him all the drama that happened is vanished the feelings and emotions are working inside of me again or what “Is it okay if we did it on your desk ?" he asked smirking I found myself nodding he kissed I gasped as his hands smacked my ass he smirked then I felt him unbuttoning my jeans as he rubbed my clothed sensitive area “who made you this wet baby girl ?" he asked I whispered him he hummed nodding then he lifted me up again as he layed me down as he took my shoes then he pulled my jeans smirking as he saw my red lace panites as he took it putting it in his pocket I remembered that he took one of my panites before which was five years ago and he didn't return it “I never kept a woman's panites as yours I love them with me" he said this man loves to embarrass me as he is now unbuttoned his pants then he lined himself inside of me as he already wrapped my leg around his hip as he already holds me as we didn't care about anyone hearing us he kissed I careless his cheeks he went to my neck kissing and sucking I didn't care about it as I just want him we came together as he cleaned us I stopped him asking for my panites he got it out of his pocket as I putted it on as my jeans and shoes he is buttoning his pants I walked towards the small bathroom as I do my hair and collect my clothes then I walked out towards my chair as I got my bag then I walked towards the door as I unlocked after I opened it not caring about what just happened between us like it meant nothing “see you tomorrow" Kristen said as I walk pass her desk as I stopped nodded she understands that I want her to come “babe I thought that you are coming with me" he said while he is putting his sunglasses on as we already out of the company as we just standing in front “sadly I came to work by my own car" I said while I am putting my sunglasses on I already got my car keys as I unlocked “let's go Kristen" I said she laughed fakely as she says goodbye to Harry I pulled her from her wrist “you're crazy in love with him and thinking about him the pass weeks Mariam oh by the way he fucked you in your office five minutes ago" she said as we got in I freeze as she mentioned about me and Harry had sex five minutes ago my phone started ringing as I got my bag then I unzipped after I got my phone seeing it is him calling “Mariam stop playing with my heart and doing this" he said as I answered then I sighed after I laughed “I am not playing with your heart and I am not doing anything I just told you that I drove to work by my own car ya want me to leave it here so we could be in your car plus I am dropping Kristen at her house, you can come to my house or we could go anywhere and have a nice day together" I said suggesting as there is silent from him “I don't mind being a third wheel" she said loudly as he laughed I rolled my eyes then I elbowed her “babe are you here ?" he asked I answered that I am as I said that I will see you soon he said okay and a love you that I haven't heard in the pass five years that I spend them with men I don't love or even care about them as I noticed that from them “love you more" I said back then we hanged up I looked at her she smiled as she suppose to know that I embarrassed by her for saying that she don't mind being a third wheel with me and him I rolled my eyes as I put my phone back in my bag “so what are you going to do now ?" she asked I looked from the outside review mirror then I looked from the inside review mirror as I see him still then I rested my head “I don't know it just a little bit complicated I know that I wasn't answering his calls and replying to his texts I..." she cut me off “Mariam I never seen you like this before I mean that you are thinking about him more than any other man you..." I cut her off “everything between me and them was fake Paul doesn't count since I dated him before this shit of interviews and TV shows blah blah blah started I knew Harry was the reason but I am living my life and choice of anything normally as a normal girl who doesn't care about what others think about her or the hate I am getting Niall was suppose not to come in..." she cut me off “Niall do ya have something between you and him ?" she asked I rolled my eyes then I started the engine driving off as I noticed Harry driving behind “Kristen there is nothing between me and Niall we're just friends but it looks like that interview eaten your brain I am thankful that Harry has forgotten about it and you..." she cut me off “I won't forget it Mariam you invited him to your house and he was seen walking out of it absolutely nobody knows what happened between you two inside" she said angrily I never seen her that angry since we became friends I knew him since we were in diapers “Kristen I told you already there is nothing between me and him I just got him drunk and I regret it, I know that the articles says rumours of any..." she cut me off by suddenly sobbing I already stop as there is traffic “are you crazy Kristen you just went on one date with him we are just friends I never seen you like this before & you are crying your eyes out for a man that you went on one date with him" I said she is being drama queen over a man who she just went on one date with him “we're dating now" she said I pressed the brakes she is already wiping her tears I can't believe that she just said that then I started driving again like nothing was said I didn't dare to look at her as we reached her house as I heard the door opened then closed as I started driving again to my house finally I reached as I got out of the car as I unlocked the door as I was going to close as someone stopped me “what you forget me that..." I cut him off “close the door" I said while I am walking towards the stairs climbing up as I dropped my bag and keys as I was already on the way to the stairs climbing up to the bedroom “what happened ?" he asked as I am already sitting on the bed as he is already leaning against the door frame “nothing happened" I answered as I layed as I felt him as he plays with my hair as I already closed my eyes “have you ever dreamt about having a private valley ?" he asked I opened my eyes then I crawled towards the pillows “I would be away from all of these things with you" I answered he got seated in front of me as his elbow on his knee as he looks at me like I am the only girl in the world “wow babe you changed in just those weeks" he said I laughed then I got out of the bed “I just wanted to live my life not to look back" I said as I felt his arms already wrapped around my waist “I can't stop thinking about what happened back then" he said I laughed then I ran my fingers through his curls “Kristen and Niall are dating" I said he seems not care about it I turned as I wrapped my arms around his neck “good choice for her" he said smiling I rolled my eyes then I unwrapped my arms then I walked back towards the bed “but I had very bad feeling that she is just using him for fame" I said as I already layed on the pillow he took his shoes off then he crawled on the bed next to me “for how long you and her are friends ?" he asked I laughed so hard then I got seated as I crossed my legs “since we were in diapers as she just got suddenly angry at me still that interview eaten her brain of me and him when..." he cut me off “yeah yeah whatever" he said I got out of the bed after I walked out of the bedroom to the stairs climbing down to the living room then I unzipped my bag after I got my phone then I walked back as I take selfie mirror as I took more with different poses as I posted them “so when is our flight to Ireland ?" I asked as I already gotten on the bed laying on my side as I wait for the answer “tonight as we are going to land there at two in the morning" he answered I got closer to him then I pecked his lips “that is so cool as no paps pictures" I said he pulled me from the back of my neck as he is already smiling “I heard" he said as I am now laying on my back and he hovering over me then he touched my stomach I swallowed “I really want to scream to the world that I'm yours and we will have kids" he said as he is already rubbing my stomach I opened my eyes when he we will have kids “you're crazy I am not doing this" I said he laughed then he layed again next to me as he plays with my hair I will try my best to keep you safe from the world" he said I know that you will Harry but how we will keep our future kids hidden from the world I sighed “I know that you will Harry but how we will keep our future kids hidden from the world ?" I said asking he rubbed my cheek then he started kissing I sighed as I turned then I gives him my back I can't face the world if I will have kids if it was an celebrity even if it is will be Harry anyway I am myself are now well known I had fans they will accept my kids with any man I will have with okay but it is going to be scary I felt his arms already wrapped around my waist then I turned he stroked my hair relax baby relax we're not the only ones celebrities who will have kids where is your confident you..." I cut him off by putting my hand on his mouth stop it is going to be our kids I am confident but I am so scared like my tummy will grow every time until I get a baby bump then boom wonder land shut up I don't care about the hater gonna hate and I see my man rubbing my tummy every morning as I feel a human being kicking shut up" I said he laughed then I silent it by kissing he hover over me as his hips shit I pulled away from the kiss then I pushed him after I got out of the bed after I walked out of the bedroom to the stairs climbing down to the kitchen seriously Mariam that teasing game you're doing will show no..." I cut him off by shushing him “I am hungry and thirsty" I said he turned me against the sink then he kissed as he careless my cheeks I pulled away what if I am your food and drink I'll be a gentleman and make you food & drink I'm your chef tonight" he said as he walked me out of the kitchen I crossed my arms then I got an idea as he already begin with the food I walked back as he is already in front of the cooker I trickled his sides as he is tricklish suddenly I got carried over his shoulder back out of the kitchen then he putted me on the couch as he warned me not to enter the kitchen did you know that kitchen is mine" I said loudly as I am already on my knees and I already crossed my arms it is mine also since we started dating" he said I got out of the couch then I walked back to the kitchen “but you don't live with me plus the man who doesn't move in with his woman" I said he laughed as he already preparing I already bought our private valley nobody can find us" he said whispering then he putted his hands flat on the counter “but you are traveling and I can't handle as you are going from country to another, city to another that feels like we're in long distance relationship no no I am not going to continue like..." he cut me off “you're my photographer remember so that means we are together all the time all day and night baby" he said I sighed but it still feels long distance relationship between us and I don't want to face his band and crew again no after five years “I quit this..." he cut me off haha funny you didn't ya own a company for photographing Mariam stop fucking with me you're trying to push me away because ya don't want to face my world again but I will let you" he said suddenly grabbing me by waist when he said that he will let me face his world as he already kissed as his hand careless my cheek I laughed then I smacked his chest as he pulled you are an idiot let me eat" I said he laughed then he continued with the food and drink as I am watching him cooking for me for the first time after five years he suddenly carried me bridal style towards the dinning room then he putted me down after he pulled the chair as I got seated then he started being a waiter as he puts the food he took the apron I can see his tattooed chest and the curl that fell on his forehead those green eyes, his small ears and those lips of his that I kiss every day, his long fingers and his tattooed arm I have always hated the half naked mermaid I got so lost a rainbow paradise lost land babe you haven't eaten neither drink as I noticed that I am half being checked out by you" he said I laughed then I looked at the food he made it look good as I could remember I don't know if he ever made food for us before I don't know if he did but he is so good at making so how did you got yourself a company I remember that ya were working in your ex's company he obviously idiot to let his ex works in his own company I..." I cut him off “I am now well known photographer I have millions of everything to own a company Paul yeah an idiot to let his ex works in his company it was a long story when we were dating" I explained as he is just looking on his plate and listening Paul was also a real relationship after you broke up with him why didn't you quit working in his company ?" he said asking I rolled my eyes I told you it is a long story I sighed shaking my head “Harry can we just don't talk about it I had enough shit of Kristen and him" I said he stopped as we eat and drink in silence he stood as he took his plate it is already empty I stood up also “you don't have to" I said he pulled his hands from me which caused it to broke we kneeled down at the same time as he hurt his forefinger as he ignored I opened my mouth then I closed it as he is now sitting just staring at his bleeding forefinger I sighed which caused him look at me let us stop bleeding instead of you staring at it" I said then I stood up after I walked towards the bathroom getting cotton and alcohol I gasped as I saw him already came he walked towards the bathtub as he got seated on its edge I walked towards him he apologized for breaking the plate while I stopping the blood then I throw the cotton in the trash can as I putted bandage “it is fine you can leave if ya want" I said not daring to look at him as I can feel him which caused me to look “I said you..." he cut me off by putting his other forefinger on my lips then he whispered love you I looked down “I love you and I forget the first reaction when we first met & I meant to book this flight because I remember correctly that I want to meet your parents" he said as he pulled my face up by chin I took his hand off I already given him my back I had been lying about my parents are being supportive they doesn't like who I am now you became selfish and don't care about us you hated your brother's wife mum she is so young to be a mother and a wife anyway you didn't ask about me for years and what is the problem if your only daughter is well known photographer you already know it is my dream that I wanted my photographic skill and talent of this to be well known by the world so you were using Paul all this time to make this shit well known by the world mum this isn't shit this is talent and who is Harry that it is someone I used to photograph him like those music artists you wrote a song about him do you love him or something mum then she laughed hey I am so sorry it is good to see you happy and showing us your hidden talents and skill of photographing by the way we could love to meet him it looks like he makes you happy at this time Harry and I weren't together okay I will bring him when I visit the next time, I turned to him he looks so cute “I love you more ya don't have to prove anything I feel the same feelings for you since we first met by the way you don't have to mention that we break up then we came back together after five years they know nothing about what happened between us or they do which is worse if they mentioned" I said he laughed then he walked towards me as he careless my cheeks kissing that took my breath away from my lungs the oxygen is taken we pulled away I am not going to say anything I just meeting them like any other boyfriend" he said smiling I wrapped my arms around his neck as I stand on my tippy toes “that will makes me love you more" I said smiling back his hands already on my lower back I jumped he hissed sorry your finger" I said remembering his bleeding forefinger he walked out of the bathroom to the living room sitting “I told you that I can't stop thinking about you which was those five years ago when you left the..." I cut him off by kissing then I pressed my forehead against his it is hard but you were harder than Paul to move on Paul was in front of me all the time I never kept someone in my mind for so long it felt more than five years" I said then I opened my eyes looking in his green eyes “shit the carpet you idiot make me forget about everything around me" I said then I got off his lap after I walked towards the kitchen as I am getting the cleaning stuff then I walked towards the dinning room as I clean there is no difference between you and the other women who I dated in the love but I loved you more than I imagined loving a woman like I do with you, you are different than them in every..." I cut him off every woman is different than the other in general Mr Styles like you were called womanizer in how you just date older women myself wouldn't date a man of whatever his age is I mean now he might get hated from other men" I said as I finished cleaning then I walked towards the kitchen as I throw the broken plate in the trash can then I putted the cleaning stuff back in its place I freeze as I felt his hands on my hips I bite my lip as his breath could be felt on my “you're mine" he said in my ear this man isn't understanding what I feel when it comes to him he pulled me closer as my back is to him as his hand touching every part it could be reached he pulled me from my hand to upstairs to the bedroom as he took all my clothes off as his eyes are scanning my body you are so beautiful" he complained like he is seeing me fully naked for the first time as he licks his lips then he licked two of his fingers as he spread my legs with one hand as those two fingers entered me I feel my eyes are in the back of my head as I feel so good I spread my legs more then his fingers gotten deeper and faster I feel it coming as I let it out as I breathed out as I opened my eyes seeing him licking his fingers like it is an ice cream then he let me taste myself as it is clean and he was enjoying as you have the most talented tongue I need to give me a blow job" he said I smiled biting my lip while he is taking his pants off I got on my knees as I see him already hard he kicked off I pulled his boxers down as his little friend smacked against his stomach damn it I haven't seen him before I mean that I just felt him inside of me he kicked his boxers off after I kissed his stomach as he goosebumps I swear that is so hot and sexy when I make a man like him feel that way I took his little friend as I rubbed it between my breasts as he cum I took him inside of my mouth as his moans could be heard as I swallowed his cum I dropped myself on the bed as he tastes himself from between my breasts as he is now sucking my nipples I ran my fingers through his curls he tasted me as I feel him like making out with my pussy as he spread my legs then he lined himself inside of me as he kisses my lips as both of us taste each other's mouths as both of us in our own world of love as everything gotten sloppy kisses and his thrusts got sloppy he pulled out dropped next to me I got on the pillow that was the best sex we ever had" he breathed out smiling as we are already covered I pressed my body against his “I love you" I said whispering not knowing if he heard it or not hs is making me feel loved and cared like before as he didn't touch me until now after we just had sex five minutes ago I rolled my eyes as I pulled myself away from his body but he pulled me back I smiled he scanned my face as he looks between my eyes then he takes the bandage putting it on the nightstand as he careless my cheeks as he kisses I am kissed him back “doesn't that prove my love for you baby ?" he asked I hummed nodding he nuzzled his face as he purred like a cat as he is now licking as he leaves hickeys I pulled his face “don't worry baby boy the world knows that I'm yours" I said he kissed my neck we just stayed like this as he sings

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