Chapter 27

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Harry's pov
Today is our last day since I had a concert tonight and she is so excited for it we will go back to England she will continue touring with me as she was my photographer as she continue her job plus she was dying to go around the world I am so happy that I got her back to be with me all the time she said that she will try to be confident when it comes to hate she texted her mother telling her that we can't make it back to Ireland and if I had a concert there we will have a visit she says that she doesn't want us to visit them after the embarrassment of her father and his overprotective behaviour plus she wants freedom “Harry let's go ahead for a swim" she said as her arms already wrapped around me like a cross bag I turned as I wrapped her arm around my neck after I carried her she squealed as I walked in as I found her already ready as she is wearing jeans short shorts and blouse under her bikini she kicked her legs I got seated “not today I'm still sleepy and tired plus stressed of last night" I said she cried like a little girl then she sighed after she got off my lap as she pulled me from my hand towards the bedroom to the bed after she sat me on the edge “liar yeah you still look sleepy but ya..." I cut her off “I do after seeing you" I said she giggled blushing yes I just wake up and I had a good sleep I putted her hair behind her ear “so we are going for a swim ?" she wondered smiling happily I hummed nodding smiling back she jumped then she got seated as she continued playing with my necklace she is so cute and beautiful I started kissing her neck she pushed me back lightly as she is looking shy we leaned I connected our lips she wrapped her arms around my neck I pulled her closer as I parted her lips she moaned then she layed I unbuttoned her jeans short shorts we took it off I throw it away after I took her bottom bikini off she started breathing heavily as I just brushed my finger on her entrance as she is pushing her hips up “I want you" she moaned I kissed her inner thighs she moaned as she got on her elbows as I gives her open mouthed kisses I pulled away then I picked up her bottom bikini and the jeans short shorts “I'll take you later" I said she gasped as she putted her bottom bikini and the jeans short shorts back on I got in my truck swimming short she rolled her eyes while she walks  “from the beginning Mr Styles" she said while she is making her hair on the messy bun I laughed as I already wrapped my arms around her waist as I kiss “I wanted us to go for a swim since last night in my dream" I said she laughed as she is running her fingers through my hair I smelled her she had a perfume I never smelled her “babe did you putted perfume ?" I asked she giggled nodding then she turned as she already wrapped her arms around my neck after she jumped in my arms “I did it on purpose just for you" she answered I laughed then I walked us out of the bedroom “I prefer your natural smell" I said she is putting her sandals on I walked back to the bedroom as I putted my slippers on “you do ?" she wondered I hummed nodding as she wrapped her arms around my neck I took my phone and wallet & the key she started talking about perfumes and colognes as she says that she doesn't like the men's perfumes and colognes but after she met me she loves mine I laughed and she likes Niall's outfits styles I asked “because some of yours are weird womanly" she answered as she ran towards the elevator “that is so rude that you don't like some of your boyfriend's styles of outfits and liking his best friend's" I said she stucked her tongue out we entered the elevator I pressed the button “your outfits in the very beginning you were so stylish and classic man" she said I pouted she laughed then she kissed it away as she wrapped her arms around my neck “you mean when I was in a band called one direction ?" I wondered she hummed nodding smiling I snorted we walked out she pulled me from my hand to the pool until she found two empty bleachers as she took her sandals off then she took her blouse and her jeans short shorts off I took my shirt off as I got seated next to her we kissed she pulled me along as she laughed then she pushed my hair back after she pushed hers as she already wrapped my arms around her waist as we swam around the pool “shit Kristen she said that she will come today to watch you tonight" she said I rested my chin on her shoulder she groaned as she throwing her head back “what is the..." she cut me off we're going back home and she will force to stay as we have been here for long which was an vacation I told her I don't know when we are back to England so she said that her and her new boyfriend are already here in California so that is the most..." I cut her off “wait wait Kristen broke up with Niall ?" I wondered she laughed so hard which caused me confusion “it is true that he asked her out she said that she doesn't want to be like me blah blah blah at his face as he told me that Kristen is the craziest girl he ever met they were having a thing for each other but Kristen doesn't want to be involved in his love life yeah they appeared together few times after the argument between me and her as I know Niall with any girl but Kristen built brick walls and ceilings when it comes to someone like him I mean that he is so cute and adorable also handsome and sweet anyway she could be a liar about that new boyfriend of hers who is coming with her tonight I think his name is James yeah James whatever she might got him as a friend or a date so she couldn't be a third wheel" she said then she laughed we got out of the pool as we layed on the bleachers enjoying the sun as she is already tanned

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