Chapter 24

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*three weeks later*
Mariam's pov
He took me in a yacht as he promised it super fun and we go for a swim as I made him take pictures of me as he says that I am the photographer and I am the one who is suppose to take pictures of myself I told him that I love them even my poses are ugly but he says that I look beautiful every time he isn't into this but he takes selfies with me when I want to take one with him but I didn't posted all of them on the social media he sometimes reads a book I don't know where he got it from I sometimes take a tan even though I like to burnt by the sun even though people says it is good he whined my name I sit up straight as he got seated I rested my head on his lap he suddenly hissed then he laughed I rolled my eyes as he is now making a shadow then he kissed I moaned as he is parted my lips as he explore my mouth damn it that man isn't giving me a warn when it comes to kissing as I got seated on his lap as I took his snapback off as I putted it next to us then he started singing I cut him off by kissing then I pecked his lips as I stood up after I took my phone I walked in as I layed on the couch while I am scrolling through my social media as I see pictures of us since the first day we gotten in this yacht even of now I groaned as I locked the phone as I stood up after I walked towards the bar pouring myself a drink babe why did you left me outside ?" he asked as he already wrapped his arms around my waist “because the sun is shining and I can't see" I answered he laughed then he kissed my neck I gotten my phone as I see texts from Kristen as she ask where did I go those pass weeks then she said that she saw the pictures of me and him I told her that I miss her, I felt his arms already wrapped around my waist as his chin on my shoulder as I text her “we need a land for people like us so we can't be photographed by the paps" I said he laughed as I show the pictures as I got seated next to him he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I leaned against his chest “they just wants to know everything about us or they just spread rumours about us" I added he took my phone I was just texting Kristen as I got seated against the couch as he already rested his head on my lap as I ran my fingers through his curls as he closed his eyes “I heard that there is carnival so you could win a prize Harold" I said he sit up straight laughed fakely then he walked out I pouted then I walked out after him as he is already leaning I walked in front of him as I pouted “we have been in this yacht for weeks" I said he snorted I pouted as he agreed as he kissed my pouty lips as I thanked “come on let us swim" I said smiling as I pulled him from his hand he wrapped his arm around my shoulder we jumped in the water he pushed my hair back “I usually hold on dad's back" I said as I am already on his back he just laughed as he hold me from my hips “Harold let's go to the shore" I suggested as I gotten off his back he just wrapped his arms around my waist “the shore is far from here babe" he said I already wrapped my arms around his neck he kissed my throat “but we can use the yacht to go there aren't we ?" I said asking he hummed we went back as we swam back as we cuddled under the sunlight I putted my arm on my eyes he seems to enjoy “Harry the sun is going to burn my eyes more than my skin" I said he laughed I didn't felt him cuddling as I took my arm off my eyes as I see him hovering over me as he is on the four and his knee between my legs suddenly he carried me bridal style towards the inside as we cuddled again as he is the big spoon as he behind me I turned, I will be honest that every part of body is burning he suggested we go back to the hotel finally after weeks he cuddled into me for the third time today I sit up straight what's wrong babe ?" he asked I shook my head then I gotten my phone as I scroll through the texts between me and Kristen I putted the phone back I stood up after I walked towards the other side of the yacht I felt his arm please don't touch me" I said as I take his arm off my shoulder so he wrapped both of his arms around my waist instead then I layed on the bleacher he layed on the other one wow it cold and soft as I hear him laughing “babe why are you doing this ? like a cat" he said  asking I just continued what I am doing then I layed my stomach as it feels good we finally reached the hotel as I let him put frozen yogurt on my back and shoulders even though I hate that at least the burning skin will cool down I putted on my face he laughed I rolled my eyes “my skin has been burnt for weeks so don't laugh" I said as I just walk around the suite he laughed which caused me to roll eyes for the second time it is cool down by the seconds or I should say it is hours “you just need two cucumbers on your eyes and ya will look good" he said as he is the kitchen eating I rolled my eyes it isn't funny “I feel that is not frozen yogurt it is like wall painting on my skin" I said he laughed I went to shower after an hour or less I felt his body behind mine I turned then I crossed my arms he look so hot and sexy when he is like this “it has been long since we have showered together babe" he said whining I laughed then I walked towards him yeah it has been long since we have showered together but don't you dare touch my shoulders and my fa..." he cut me off by kissing I felt his hands on my waist “you're crazy" I said laughing he rubbed his thumb over my cheek and he is now doing to the other one “you look so beautiful I swear baby girl" he complained smiling he helped me with clean myself up I got out as I gotten in blouse and jeans short shorts I layed as I looked up at the ceiling as my phone rang I got it seeing it is mum “hey sweetie I have missed you so much how your vacation ?" she asked as I answered then I sit up straight against the headboard after I started telling her about it she cooed “and I gotten burnt skin mummy and Harry is making fun of me" I continued as she laughed then she asked if I cool it down she knows that I don't like it when someone touch me when I burn skinned I hummed as I felt his lips “she looked funny Mrs Jordan" he said which caused her to laugh I elbowed his stomach as she talks now like I am a little girl I groaned throwing my head back “mum I will murder Harry if you keep treat..." she cut me off “okay okay anyway I'm glad that you guys are having fun enjoy sweetie visit us before you go back to England" she said yes I told her about her and dad treating me like I am still a little girl no way I am not going to go back to Ireland for visiting my parents we said our goodbyes and love yous I got seated on the bed as he already laying I rested my head on his chest as he noticed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder “those were the best weeks I ever spend with you" he said I looked up at him as he smiles I gotten more up to face him “but you are always touring and have no time for me I said pouting he kissed it away as he held my hand “baby girl you are photographer so" he said I layed on the top of him then I looked up at him as I sighed “since we started dating which was five years ago some people were hating on me and still & now everyone wondering are we...I am going to tell you what ya also suppose to be seeing on the social media Harry you know what" I said then I got off him after I walked out of the bedroom then I opened the door as he is calling my name as I climbed upstairs until I reached the top of the hotel as I know that he is following me as I am already standing on the edge as he is begging me to get down I closed my eyes as I crossed my fingers I will end this, I don't care if I am being videoed or photographed I just want to end this I still can hear him begging as I opened my eyes then I turned Mariam please don't I love you noooo" and those are the last words I heard from him as I already throw myself as I felt like being jumped on trampoline as I hear the people who usually surrounding me it isn't over as I got wrapped as they walk me through as I reached the ambulance as I heard his voice as he careless my cheeks kept kissing my lips as he got seated next to me as he comfort me as I can hear his name being called like usual I fisted his shirt as I could hear his heart beats only as we walk through back inside as usual being photographed by the paps and fans calling our names “you're crazy I thought that I lost ya" he said as we gotten in the elevator both of us bare foot as both of us wearing shorts and he is wearing a shirt & I am wearing a blouse “I can't believe you did that" he said as I am already sitting on the bed I apologized as I play with my fingers as he gotten angry as he yells and swears then he sighed “hey don't cry babe I'm sorry but what you have done freaking crazy you almost dead" he said as he is already on his knees as I see sadness and hurt in his eyes “you will never under..." he shushed me by putting his finger on my lips then he said that he has been through this when he was young, he wiped my tears with his thumb “I'm here for you babe I'm here" he said I nodded as he got seated as he faces me as he is holding my hands as he keeps kissing them as he is making eye contact we cuddled even though I can't stop thinking about it

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