Chapter 18

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Mariam's pov
I went to work as I think about yesterday of what happened between me and Harry as he thought that I could be pregnant with Niall's kid or even any other man's kid in five years no man touched me after Harry I can't believe that he thought about me this way that I could cheat on him wait a minute he wasn't my boyfriend to make him think that way no man get that jealous over me like him and Paul fuck Paul he never loved or cared about me the way Harry is loving and caring about me no man was like Harry in anyway someone cleared throat which caused me to look “how could you come in my office without permission" I said angrily already stood up as he is already holding a bouquet of flowers and wearing a suit okay I..." I cut him off okay come in since we're back together" I said as I got got seated he closed the door behind as he already got seated as the bouquet of flowers on the table Kristen told me that you were crying since your arrival here I know it is my fault which make me think otherwise about you even though you weren't my girl at this time but I am sorry and I am here to take you on a date" he said as Kristen came in with a tray of my favourite drink “I..." he cut me off I told her to get us drinks" he said as he is already sipping his drink I rolled my eyes “okay and your apology isn't forgiven ever now leave “I..." he cut me off “I am not leaving you're now mine and nothing gonna change that now drink" he said I slammed my hands then I walked towards the door “where you think you're going baby" he said I called Kristen as she came I told her to call the police as he just laughing as Kristen looking scared I shouted at her to call the police he looks like he don't care as Kristen came again telling me that the police will be here in a minute as he still looking like he don't care about the police after a minute I heard serins from outside as Harry is being pulled out of my office by them as they bended him on the car handcuffed as he looks at me with a sharp eyes as he is already in “that was a bad idea" Kristen said I shushed shouted at everyone to back to work then I climbed upstairs Mariam you..." I cut her off I teach him a lesson for now go back to work oh take this bouquet of flowers and put in a vase" I said ordering Kristen smiled I gives her a look as she got serious face as she took the bouquet of flowers she stopped which caused me to wonder please bail him out" she said pouting I give her another look as she got serious face again I stood up then I walked out of the office to the stairs climbing down on my way I told her ten minutes and I will be right back as I walked out of the company towards my car as I arrived at the police station as the police officer understand as I waited as they got him as he looks messy I told him to follow me really Mariam you're calling the police on me after I got you bouquet of flowers and I..." I cut him off shhh and follow me" I said as he follows me then we got in as I drove off to our valley I reached as I looked at him “take a shower" I ordered as I wait for him to take a shower then we got back in the car driving off to the company “why are we here ? are you..." I shushed him then I told him to stay in the car as I got out of the car “I never seen a girlfriend calling on her boyfriend like Harry the police" Kristen said while I am collecting my stuff I rolled my eyes then she continued as she mentioned Paul Kristen don't mention this idiot name ever again “I wish that I called the police on him instead of Harry even though both of them hurt me especially Harry even though I love him more than I loved Paul" I said smiling as she is smiling I give her and the others the rest days off I walk back to the car as he is looking sad Harry I'm sorry I meant to do this even I didn't mean to but I swear that I love you but ya don't believe in this situation and I understand that you get jealous easily but it doesn't have to turn out that you think that I could be pregnant with his kid or even another man" I said as I am already driving I stopped in front of the café “baby I'm sorry now smile please you're hurting my feelings for you" I said as I already turned to him as he smiled I cheered clapping “so what my Harry wants to do today ?" I asked already holding his hands we are just sitting in silence “oh by the way thank you for the flowers" I said as I felt his lips on my knuckles I pressed the button of making the chair on the laying position which caused Harry confusion “sit straight" I ordered he did as told as I did the same to him as we look at each other then we held hands he interwined our fingers as he kissed the back “so you have a car now it looks so expensive never mind I had sport cars you already saw them" he said I laughed then I told him that he wants to get Ferrari as he laughed I never been into cars actually Niall who helped me to get this one I paid for everything of it I wasn't going buy a car in general the house I already putted it on sale since I am moving in with my man and I booked a flight to Ireland I..." he cut me off ow ow babe are you..." I cut him off pressed the button to sit up straight getting my bag unzipped getting the tickets giving him one as he just turns around I grabbed it from his hands those tickets one for myself and this car & if..." he cut me off as he is pressing the button to sit up straight “what about me ? you're leaving me again, you are..." I cut him off as I putted my bag back to the back seat you're crazy I'm not leaving ya, I'm not spending money on you for your flight ticket, you..." he cut me off “you're the craziest showing me that you are going to Ireland like I'm nothing to you" he said angrily I looked down as I am playing with my fingers I heard the door opened then closed as he leaned against the car, he has the right to get mad that I booked a flight without him not telling I got out of the car then I closed after I walked around “baby I..." he cut me off “don't call me baby" he said as he turned as he looked at me in sadness “why you suddenly decided to leave the country ?" he asked without even looking at me I answered that I don't know “why you didn't tell me that you're leaving ?" he asked without even looking at me I feel so bad for him I don't know why I suddenly decided to leave Harry I don't know, I just hate the life here I want a new life but with you" I answered whispering the word you “me really and it looks like you're leaving me not wanting me to be yours as I thought that it is true" he said then he leaned against the car again as he is already in tears it is my fault “Harry I'm sorry need space" I said he stood up straight as he is looking confused then I walked back “I'm not letting you go" he said as he already opened the door we got in I crossed my arms not looking at him then I started the engine driving off to the valley

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