Chapter 40

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Mariam's pov
I wake up to kisses all over my neck and shoulders then I turned on my back as I already knew who is it he kissed the corner of my mouth then he got out of the bed I stretched my body as I sit up straight as I crossed my legs as he got seated on the bed after he came back from the bathroom as he connected our lips I putted my hands on his shoulders as he is already trying to part my lips as he moaned then he pulled away from the kiss I smiled after I got seated next to him as I patted his neck then I stood up after I walked towards the bathroom as I finished then I took the shirt off as I got in the bathtub as I showered as I put in another shirt and panites he came and he showered I felt him behind me as he kisses my shoulder I leaned against him which caused him to stand straight I throw my head back he connected our lips I hummed then I pulled away as I walked towards the balcony he pulled me back pointing no I jumped in his arms I careless his cheeks as we kiss he ordered breakfast “I think that room service hate us already" I said he laughed then he hover over me as those green eyes there is we did it in the camp and they hate us or not it is none of their business I am here to have fun and exciting time there is tonight then we're leaving" he said smiling I crossed my fingers we are tonight going to the next “where ?" I asked he wiggled his eyebrows I laughed then I wrapped my arms around his neck as I wait “France" he answered smiling I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lifted me up as he sat me on his lap I stood up “bonjour Monsieur" I said he laughed then he stood up after he bowed I laughed then I bowed as we laughed “bonjour Madame" he said then he kissed my knuckles after he climbed down as he helped me down as he said something in French it was so cute and adorable to hear “bravo Monsieur bravo" I said as he said merci beaucoup it was so cute I wrapped my arms around his neck “baby you made so excited to go there and I wanted to have something special there" I said he raised his eyebrow at I wanted to have something special there I walked towards the balcony I wanted something impossible to happen like I imagine that when I get my proposal I am not talking about Harry it is impossible to be him who could think about proposing he is waiting for someone else who deserves but he talked about starting a family with me which caused me shock and not to believe “babe what does you mean by wanting to have something special there ?" he asked I shook my head as I smile then I wrapped my arms around his torso he wrapped his “it is beautiful today Isn't it ?" I asked he hummed as we walked in someone knocked on the door means breakfast is served he opened as the waiter said good morning I noticed him checking me out as I sit on the edge on the bed I rolled my eyes what the fuck Mr Styles the hotel has made a special dinner for you and Miss Jordan as you are leaving" the waiter said smiling out of nowhere I stood up special dinner for us since when hotels do something like that for the stayers in their hotel “tell them thanks me and Miss Jordan had a flight exact after tonight's show" Harry said as he closed the door at his face I laughed as we went eat our breakfast he never been sassy to anyone he could be when it comes to the paps but I know Harry is sassy usually I kissed his cheek baby you never been sassy to anyone I mean that you weren't with him but what would happen if we..." he cut me off they are making this special dinner in the second night I..." I cut him off okay okay relax baby relax I know it is weird that a hotel do something like that I..." he cut me off “I will make you a date ya never dreamed of when we go back home England a..." I cut him off “why not France or Germany ?" I asked he looked confused I waved it off as I laughed as he shakes his head smiling what for a change" I said pouting he turned to face me as he turned his head to the side as he pecked my lips I am not saying no to you in anything babe it just I..." I cut him off “Harry I am not saying that I am hurt that you don't have time for me as long as you are touring with or without me not having time for taking me on a date anyway this tour is fun and exciting & you are my boyfriend and I love ya" I said he held the back of my neck as he pressed our foreheads against each other “you're not mad that I am not spending enough time with you ?" he wondered whispering I moved my fingertip over his lips then I kissed my finger after I putted on his lips then I pressed my lips against his as I parted my lips as I moved them he moved his as I leaned then I pulled him along as he teases with his tongue as I try naughty “you're teasing tiger" I said as I made him lean back as I got seated on his lap as I feel his hands on my butt as our tongues going in and out each other's mouths I pulled for air as he already gives me open mouthed kisses over my neck as I took already my panites as I pulled his boxers to his ankles I can't handle myself together as I move up and down he isn't holding me as he layed I move up and down as he is already a moaning mess the room is filled with moans he held my hips as he moves with me I dropped on the floor as I pulled him out as I breath as it turned to normal I went to the bathroom as I shower quick he did the same I decided to walk around

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