Chapter 2

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Harry's pov
So she is looking upset about something but I can't ask it must be personal I can't get in her personal life or into her I just knew her today also there is fans and paps are taking pictures of us obviously they will think that she is my girlfriend to be honest I wish that she is already but she is my photographer Mariam excused to go to the bathroom it is good now but me and her still having pictures of us and like usual spread all over the social media and saying mystery girl or my new girlfriend “let's go I can see fans and paps outside" I said as she walked towards our table she agreed I paid the security guards are walking us until we reached my car “okay I..." I cut her off by pulling her from her wrist “get in I will drop you off or would you like to go somewhere private don't worry babe I mean Miss Mariam we have security cars around us I..." she cut me off “okay okay quickly they are already blocked your fans and those paps" she said smiling wow she have a beautiful smile I also noticed that she blushed when I called her babe we got in my car “I hope they doesn't follow us also to your house" I said she giggled blushing then she stopped me “sorry I have to get some things from my work if you have something important leave I'll take a taxi anyway thank you for your invitation to lunch I have a nice time" she said should I leave or wait for her I have a concert tonight anyway she will be there and I also have her number I drove off I will already see her tonight at the concert she also will tour with me wow that is great news for me but it is going to be hard that we will be followed or stalked by paps pictures of us and they are thinking that she is my new girlfriend I will be honest she is so beautiful and cute, I will have an amazing time on tour with her I parked my car in the garage after I got out then I walked towards the door I unlocked it then I took off my shoes after I closed the door I dropped on the couch as I usually millions and millions of mentions from all social media fuck pictures of me and her I say that she is my new girlfriend I typed that on the Twitter and said that she is my new photographer good that her face is appeared while we were walking out of the restaurant I received a text then I opened seen it is her name appearing hey I'm sorry oh by the way thank you again for proving to your fans that I am not your girl actually I am just having a problem with my boss today but me and you are fine I mean that I can't wait to see you performing tonight good luck from now anyway one last thank you for lunch I know that we didn't make any conversation as we are an artist to his photographer sorry I am just stupid hey hey you're not stupid it is fine also I am glad that I at least have a little time with you plus I hope you fix this problem with your boss and thank you for wishing me luck I can't wait to see you tonight see me or your fans plus a smirking emoji I laughed I will be honest I might get distracted by you why you are photographing me oh no that is rude of me I laughed I would like to stare at you all time stop Harry you wouldn't plus your fans will notice since you proved to them that I am not your girl and photographer they are a lot just few will notice but I am one hundred percent sure they will not notice she laughed whatever now go get ready for your night sir no I want to talk with you better than anyone she didn't reply back but you just meet me today I meet you the whole day I mean that I spend the whole day with you oh yeah you are right I didn't notice that expect now I laughed by the way thank you one last time for changing my mood and making me laugh and smile also happy wow I did all of these in just from the first meeting yeah you did all of these in just from the first meeting Mariam anyway are you home yeah I am don't worry good okay I leave you get ready for the night bye see you tonight that girl is so kind and sweet what if one day she became my girl Harry you two just meet today anyway she is touring around the world with me and I might had a chance with her the way she reacted when I entered her office this morning she is felt embarrassed as her cheeks gotten pink I adored her when we were having lunch as she putted her hair behind her ear and her lips what they will taste when they are against mine Harry wake up you just meet the girl today and what is the problem if he loved a girl from the first sight loved bro he just meet her today but he spend the day with her and she also will be in his concert tonight yeah but they just meet today so what bro obviously she isn't loving him from the first sight like him whatever she might do stop I want to focus on my concert tonight and this will wait long until I get to know the girl more yeah that is right you get to know the girl more obviously she doesn't feel the same feelings for you since she meet you today plus what is the problem if an artist and photographer fell in love

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