Chapter 5

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*five months later*
Mariam's pov
I have been touring around the world with him now for few months and it is fine also so much fun than any artist I went touring with, Harry is so sweet and gentle also kind and amazing since we first met I noticed that he is flirting with me I will be honest I do fell in love with him and that is the problem here I don't know if he feel the same or this is danger to him he made his crew to let me be in their tour bus I became friends with his band the guitarist and drummer who are Mitch & Sarah are married and they had a kid, they are cute together “hey meet me in the bathroom over there" he said in my ear as he pointed at this bathroom he said about it I excused them to go to it like normal people do I waited for one or two seconds until he came closed and locked the door “you have done a crime" he said his voice is different I did a crime he laughed and his face is closer to mine & this jumpsuit with black and white as his tattooed chest I am feeling a feeling that I never felt towards a man before I feel weak on my knees then I looked at him he licked his lips smiling I don't care if he took my breath away he careless my cheek then he kissed slowly and sweetly after his hands went down to my ass staying “hey relax baby girl" he said as his eyes are dark and lust how can I relax when you frozen my every part “Isn't that wrong ?" I asked all what came out of my mouth since we just shared a slow and sweet kiss I ever shared with any man he pulled my face up as his lips is closer “I'm in love with you even though I knew you for few months" he said his voice is different I felt like I am flying not the same feeling that I felt when Paul said them when I was at Harry's concert my first concert with him “you are but ya just said that we knew each other for few months but I am also" I said he kissed then he pulled away holding on the counter then he left me alone in the bathroom after he careless my cheeks kissing then he entered the bathroom again as he closes and locks the door “Mariam Brown Jordan will you be my girlfriend ? but nobody has to know expect the band" he said asking as his forefinger and thumb on my chin smiling I nodded smiling back he kissed for hundredth time “can you stay with me please ?" I asked smiling he agreed smiling back I noticed that he is adoring me as he plays with my hair I walked closer to him he is smiling “I'm nervous and excited to confirm that I am officially yours to them" I said he kept kissing as he got teary eyes I wrapped my arms around his torso like home “they already likes you babe" he said I looked at him while I wiped his tears stood on my tippy toes then I kissed “I noticed that I'm fine now but the problem is the world knowing" I said he shook his head then he hugged nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck I got shocked by the action “babe I..." I cut him off “I want to be with you while touring I don't want to be alone and stuff" I said he careless my cheeks then he pressed his forehead against mine “I am thinking right now to postpone the last ones to next month so I could be with you" he said I jumped in his arms he sat me on the counter then I pulled him by his neck “no don't I'll be in also next month then we'll have a break aren't we ? so you could have enough of me" I said he leaned forward to my lips he hummed nodding his eyes on my lips then he connected his to mine I careless his cheeks “would you wait for me to make love to you ?" he asked I nodded he pecked my lips then he pulled me off the counter as he pulling his own daughter “are you ready for the confirmation of us ?" he asked whispering I nodded we walked hand in hand then we got seated as they got silent looking at us wondering as his arm already wrapped around my shoulder and our fingers interwined he kissed without saying anything “what the Is it what I think it is ?" the girl asked he kissed again nodded as he already gotten deeper in the kiss they cooed expect the lads fisted Harry the girls kept saying that I am so cute they started talking about how Harry will let the world know about us and how they will react “guys guys I won't confirm about my baby girl here" he said when he called me baby girl he looked at me smiling “but bro they will know as you guys are going to go out sometimes blah blah blah" the black lad said Harry snorted then he kissed after he excused us to have a rest “Harry that is going to be hard and what if the world find out ?" I said asking he putted my hair behind my ear then he kissed I careless his cheek after he layed on his back his hand behind his head I know that I will get hate and bullying I noticed him looking into my eyes “look what will be said to you isn't true don't let it effect you don't cry babe" he said while he wipes my tears that I didn't notice then he wrapped his arms around my waist I feel like home it has been so long since I have been hugged like this mum who was always hugging me like this I fell asleep in my new home and happiness & love

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