Chapter 47

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*two years later*
Mariam's pov
Our five little monkeys turned eight years old today as mum and dad can't even believe neither do I and Harry, Adam and David as I thought that they are going to be mummy's boys & they became always mummy play with us mummy draw with us mummy let us colour as I am going to be crazy but I love them all plus Florence and Jana, Taylor but when Harry isn't home they whine as they want me play with them when Adam and David tries to hit one of the girls she hide on me I told them that is wrong plus Harry never taught them to hit “mummy daddy is on the TV" she said I walked towards the living room as I saw him on an interview of the movies he acted in as I saw pictures of him with another woman as they are kissing in some of them I can't believe “mummy daddy is..." I cut her off “no no babes it was me yeah was..." Adam cut me off “it wasn't you daddy is cheating" he said as I can see him teary eyed I switched the TV off as I see the rest also as I shook my head “that is not true babes that can't be daddy no it is..." Adam cut me off “you're a liar" he shouted as he ran upstairs I went after him as he already sobbing I stroke his hair he turned “mummy I'm sorry for..." I cut him off “it is fine baby it is fine" I said as he already wrapped his arms around me I sat him on my lap as he is crying as the rest joined “daddy is..." I shushed her as I sit not believing that Harry could be cheating on me the past years ago we went downstairs as I putted our dinner as I played with them until they fallen asleep I can't believe my eyes after all these years that he could be cheating on me that is why he wasn't checking on us like usual I got my phone and I see the same, I didn't accept him to cheat on me they say she had kids and almost engaged & she is her thirties as I see there are some people are hating on her which caused me to smile there are some people are saying that I am way too better than her & some people still do this Larry thingy I rolled my eyes I can't imagine him cheating on me as they is also expecting a baby what no no that can't be real that can't be true I locked the phone no he can't be a cheater Harry can't do this to me it is so good that they don't know that he already have kids from me I feel sick, I ran towards the bathroom as I thrown up as I washed but I want him even though he cheated on me I still want him but I can't accept that as I heard the door getting unlocked as I knew it is him I walked out of the bathroom as he didn't notice yet as he is being a thief I want to punch him but unfortunately I can't “babe I..." I cut him off “don't touch me" I said then I walked towards the living room as I grabbed my phone “babe I have to go some..." I cut him off by showing him as I searched for the account that already posted him and her “babe that is all fake I love you only I..." I cut him off “I can't believe neither I believe those are fake they..." he cut me off “please don't cry babe I do love you please believe me I..." I cut him off “I believe you but I still believe those are real Harry the kids saw them already I..." he cut me off “good that you believe me I love you so much babe I do please don't do anything stupid I will break up with her sooner than later I will be yours again" he said whispering as we kissed I wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist as he already pressed his forehead against mine as I see sadness and hurt in those green eyes “I could help you to get out of this shit be..." he cut me off “we're going to France tomorrow morning you just drop the kids like you usually do at their school and Niall will pick them up I have a surprise for you" he said whispering as he wiped my tears I kissed him again even though those effect me “really but how you are...look I had an idea but when we spend just tomorrow aren't we ?" I said asking he nodded I can't believe that he didn't break his promise as he keeps kissing then he pulled me towards the couch “look after you drop them off at school I will be waiting for you" he said whispering I pressed my forehead against his I see mixed emotions and feelings “shhh babe I swear that I will be yours again nobody can drag us down" he said whispering I nodded we walked towards the door he careless my cheeks as he kisses as he kisses my knuckles as I watch him leaving but I can't so I called his name “please don't print all these on our daughters and sons minds" I said whispering he pulled my face up as he nodded smiling as it started raining on us we kissed as I ran my fingers through his curls he pressed our foreheads against each other as he pressed our bodies I fisted his shirt he already wrapped his arms around me “go inside before you catch fever and cough see you tomorrow morning" he said I shook my head he carried me bridal style towards the house then he putted me down I took his hand he sighed I can see the car is empty “I miss you so much Harry please one more minute until the morning come..." he cut me off “we're already seeing each other in the morning Mariam" he said whispering I begged he sighed then he wrapped his arms around me “how could you do that ?" I asked whispering as I look up at him as he whispered sorry I took his curls away “you look so beautiful even though we are hurt and brokenhearted" I said he laughed then he pecked my lips I wrapped my arms around his torso my home got taken from me I pushed him then I went in as I closed the door

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