Chapter 36

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Mariam's pov
We are camping I found out that his band is coming also I am so disgusted by the insects and sticky insects so I cuddled into him as he is talking to them not caring about what they are talking about as I just focus on the forest it is good that we aren't spend time in this camp as he had a show tomorrow's night plus it is good that we are surrounded by people that we usually surrounded with so I kinda enjoying being here with him only I never been in a camp and if Kristen was here she obviously will make fun of me but I don't think in front of Harry's band as we are not true friends with them but I wish she was here as she is always my favourite company as she let me now that she is there for me whenever I need her even though I don't have anyone you will always be my sister but unfortunately from another mother we are since we were in diapers “babe" I hummed as I looked into those green eyes as I see him smiling I smiled back as I noticed that his band are talking and laughing together I looked up at the sky “to be honest as I am cuddling with you and I feel so disgusted with the insects and sticky insects I feel so happy to be here even though I miss Kristen and my parents" I said hen I looked at him he layed as he already putted his hands behind his head as he laughed even though I wasn't dreaming of being who I am right now but I am so thankful for my mother" he said smiling then he looked at me I smiled he laughed then he winked at the tent I nodded we walked towards it as we layed “you know I feel that I am a little girl as you see fake stars shinning here" I said as I pointed at the ceiling of the tent he already zipped the tent, he laughed I rolled my eyes I am serious I remembered that Kristen and I in the bedroom every night she talks about camping and I wasn't liking the idea of camping as I was thinking about the insect..." he cut me off so that is why you didn't want to come here" he said smirking I wiggled my eyebrows as we laughed I rested my head on his chest as I laughed if she was here obviously she will make fun of me but Kristen doesn't at all make it in front people who we aren't true friends with them" I said he laughed as he is vibrating his chest I sit up straight as I crossed my legs “babe you okay ?" he asked I nodded smiling then I got closer to him as someone ruin our moment by seeing good night I rolled my eyes as he laughed I leaned as I bite his lip by accident when it happened again I mouthed sorry as he is touching his lip seeing if it is bleeding he said there no blood as I see also there is no he is already pulling me on his lap I wrapped my arms around his neck as we just already pressed our foreheads as he mouthed I love you as I mouthed it back as we laughed I made a kissy face as he kissed I sighed “should we sleep or should we kiss ?" he wondered I laughed as he answered both are so amazing I laughed then I leaned he bite his lip I rolled my eyes he whined I laughed “we are weirdos" I said he laughed I got off his lap as he layed I got seated on his hips he moaned as he pushed I putted my finger on his lips to his chest he got seated I got off his lap then I putted my shoes on as I got out of the tent as I found a waterfall as he came after me after a second we walked between the trees as I am now against one he putted my hair behind my ear I felt his thumb over my bottom lip as he leaned down connected our lips I ran my fingers through his curls he pulled me away from the tree our tongues started playing I moaned we pulled are you okay ?" he asked I nodded he kissed as he used his tongue then he lifted me up I careless his cheeks he putted me down as he unbuttoned my pants then he unzipped my zipper after he sneaked his hand as he pressed his body against mine as he kisses my jawline after he unbuttoned his pants then he unzipped his zipper as he walked me backwards until my back touched the tree as he lined himself inside of me as he holds me against the tree it feels so good he pulled me more up as our kiss are sloppy as we pressed our forehead he still inside of me as he pulled out after our breath turned to normal we pulled our pants up as we ran back to the tent I can't believe we did it here “we did it" he said smiling I nodded smiling back as we kissed he zipped the tent I laughed as we share pecks I already wrapped my arms around his neck he lifted his body on one arm but he can't as the kiss is clumsy I laughed I can't  live without you" he said laughing we cuddled as we locked our legs I hover over him as we share pecks he careless my cheeks I took my shirt off as he flipped us then he started kissing my chest as he gives me open mouthed kisses I ran my fingers through his curls as he already connected our lips as he parted my lips as our tongues started fighting as we kiss he pulled for air as he moved to my stomach to bridge of the breasts as I felt him unclasping my bra as he sucks my nipples as he licks between my breasts as he goes to my stomach as he kisses hungrily I moaned as I ran my fingers through his curls he pulled then he rolled off me I putted my bra and shirt back as he is already laying and his hands behind his head I rested my head on his chest he wrapped his arm I looked up at him he connected our lips I smiled in the kiss as we stayed in silence until we fallen asleep

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