Chapter 12

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Harry's pov
I woke up to an empty bed remembering that we had a flight to Ireland she had no idea as this is her first home as she entered the bedroom smiling as she walked towards the closet I got out of the bed as I kissed her good morning on the cheek I walked out of the bedroom she told me that Jeff called and texted me I climbed downstairs to the bathroom I got ready as we got in the car driving off to the airport as they are waiting for us we finally reached the security guard took our suitcases it is good that early in the morning no paps since they are annoying as hell by their rude words and rumours I held her hand as we got in the plane she is fast asleep it is good that we are in the private plane as we landed in Ireland I don't know in which city she was from “babe we're here" I said she stretched as she looked out of the window then she looked at me smiling I stood up as she stood up was about to fall I catched her “you still sleepy darling" I said smiling we walked towards the door as it already open she already handed the bag of the camera over her shoulder she getting her suitcase out of the truck as she is shrugging I helped we walked as there is screaming fans as they are calling my name Mariam isn't paying any attention since she is looking sleepy and tired since we slept late last night I walked towards them as they are still calling my name as I take selfies and I sign autographs like I usually do “Harry Is it true that you are dating your photographer ?" a girl asked while I am signing an autograph the security guard came but I continued with the fans as they kept repeating this question of me dating Mariam since she is known as my photographer and still but I didn't answer then I walked back with the security guard I want to know how does they know where we land some people find us by luck I got in the car as she is already in “where did you go ? you got me worried" she said asking I told her, her mouth hanged wide open as she heard the question of her in shock I laughed she rolled her eyes “and what did you answer them ?" she asked already crossed her arms as she turned herself to me “nothing obviously I won't say yes that you are my girlfriend" I answered she rolled her eyes as she rested her head against the window as she sighed I took her hand “babe they already saw on the social media even if they sees you as a rumour you don't have to keep it effecting you hater gonna hate, lover gonna love the hater hates because they are just jealous of you at least that you have fans aren't ya ?" I said asking she rested her head on my shoulder I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we gotten to the room she dropped herself on the bed “I wish that I don't wake up even if I did all of these could be a dream" she said while she take her shoes off as she putted the pillow over her ear I left her to sleep I walked towards the balcony as it sunny I got seated on the chair watching the view someone cleared throat which is her she walked towards the chair sitting next to me “that is crazy and I am not usually a morning person" she said I laughed then she prentended that she is going to choke me then she got seated on my lap after she walked towards the railing stretching then she gasped “Harry Edward Styles Is that what I think it is" she said as she pushed me which caused me to fell by the chair “yeah it what you think it is" I said as she helped me up as she giggles jumped in excitement suddenly she stopped “but that means that we can't go there" she said I stood up then I walked towards her she is looking sad “hey we can this is your family and they would be happy by your sudden appearance after years" I said smiling already careless her cheeks she sighed then she shook her head “you said years they absolutely hates me for not visiting them or even..." I cut her off “no no they would never hate their only daughter and I am already ready to meet them obviously they would be happy by your sudden appearance they will understand I visit my own family less they sometimes attend my concerts" I said she took my hands off her cheeks then she walked to the railing “but I didn't visit for years or even called no Harry no they would hate me" she said I sighed then I walked towards her after I turned her making her know that they will never hate their only daughter and they understand that she gotten busy and I still don't mind meeting them for the first time as well the boyfriend meets his girlfriend's family “meeting them you sure ?" she said asking I hummed nodding smiling she giggled blushing then she wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped mine around her waist I putted her hair behind her ear “I mean that the boyfriend gets nervous about meeting his girlfriend's family blah blah blah" she added I laughed then I pecked her lips she struggled her shoulders “but I am nervous for you I don't know how they will react about knowing that I am dating a celebrity or you know what they will like you as they sees me happy and lucky to have someone like you" she said I carried her bridal style in to the bedroom as I hover over her as I kissed she automatically wrapped her arms around my neck as I took her on the top of me she unbuttoned my jeans as well hers as she got off me pulled it down then she kicked “ow ow baby you're..." she cut me off by kissing as I sat her on my lap as I pulled her tank top above her head then I throw it away we stayed in our undergarments as she kisses as she is already looking into my eyes then she kissed, her hand on my chest “thank you I got my lovey dove" she said I pulled her back as I kissed using my tongue to part her lips I explored her mouth as she started fighting with it as she moaned my name I layed her down as I hover over her then I kissed she moaned I already feel hard as I touch her clothed sensitive area entrance I pulled her panites “there is a lube oil in my suitcase" she said whispering I got out of the bed after I walked to her suitcase she unzipped rubbing herself then she pulled my boxers “don't worry baby boy I got you extra" she said while she rubbed on me I bite my lip so nothing comes out she pulled me towards the bed as she layed ready for me to get inside of her I lined myself in as I move in and out slowly then deeply as our moans could be heard we didn't care about anyone hearing us as our lips got on connect her nails got dragged in my back I don't care if anyone notice I just want to give her my love make her know that I love her no matter what happens when the world finds out about her we came together as my thrusts and kisses got sloppy then I pulled out dropped myself next to her as we catch our breath when it turned to normal we got on the pillows “Harry I love you so much and every second we spend together is a dream came true" she said as we are already covered and she is running her fingers through my hair I smiled then I kissed, I rubbed her cheek then I nuzzled my face on the crook of her neck she got on her back as I suck “oh my god Harry stop I won't control myself until night even after" she said I laughed then I kissed this time she didn't say anything as she runs her fingers through my hair I love this as it gives me relaxation “mm baby you're doing things I can't handle myself together" she moaned I suggested we shower together as I carried her bridal style towards the bathroom I opened the water making it a bath I kissed her cheek as I went to get the bomb then I turned she moaned I kissed her lips “stop kissing I hate to stand like this" she said I laughed then I throw the bomb in the water as I spread kisses all over her face and neck which caused the sheets to drop she whined trying to get out of my hold I grabbed her by waist again she kissed me back as she is already wrapped her arms around my neck then I carried her bridal style towards the bathtub after I sat her going in with her as she got seated between my legs as she rub soap on her arms I rubbed it on her shoulders and neck she tried then she laughed as she ruined my hair after she pecked my lips then she blow soap I laughed she rubbed it on my cheeks and under my nose as she giggled like a little girl “oho oho I'm here to give you love and happiness" I said she giggled then she wiped the soap from my nose and cheeks “Santa Claus is so hot and spicy with tattoos" she said then she kissed as she got seated on my lap as she is sucking my tongue she pulled away smiling as she already pressed her forehead against mine then she kissed after she pulled away we got out as she wrapped a towel around her body “catch me if you can" she said as she ran out of the bathroom I wrapped a towel around my hips she slipped as well she caused me to fall on top of her as I was trying to catch her I lifted myself causing all my weight on my arms “you know that I love this position" I said she rolled her eyes then she narrowed her eyes after she looked at my hands “don't ya wear rings ?" she asked I hummed nodding as she is already playing with my necklace “I prefer this necklace than your pearls that makes you look like a merman" she said I laughed then I pulled her up after that she is shrugging with standing I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walk to the bedroom I sat her on the edge of the bed after I check on her ankle “no no please I'll be fine" she said I stood up then I got seated next to her she raised her leg in pain “babe you're in pain that means that you aren't going to attend my..." she cut me off “I will be fine and I will do my job tonight" she said I struggled my shoulders then I got in my boxers “darling you're not going to attend my concert tonight" I warned she rolled her eyes then she stood up she was about to fall I catched her after I walked us to the bed “look you can't even stand on it" I said while I help her getting on her clothes she crossed her arms “fine I won't attend your concert tonight and be stucked in this suite on this bed until you come back" she said while I brush her hair I laughed she elbowed me “how about you..." she cut me off “no way when I..." I cut her off “we will stay here for two more nights only so it is your chance to visit them" I said she turned her head biting her lip pointing no I pushed her forefinger “instead of being in here all alone visit your family before we leave the city" I said she sighed loudly saying fine with gritted teeth I pushed her hair to the side then I started kissing after I layed her rubbing her bottom lip she is an angel I sighed “babe I..." she cut me off by saying no “when I get back to my work after a month I got stucked by not attending my boyfriend's concert and you are saying that you had two more nights here also fuck it all" she said I laughed then I rubbed her arm she turned “why everything sucks with me" she said as she already crossed her arms then she looked away from me “aren't you going to be with me until the end of my touring ?" I asked she struggled her shoulders I kissed her cheek “I suppose to be I did it with all the artists before you I'll be honest Paul apologized to me about the way those artists especially females of the way they were treating me as well he sent them another photographers they are with them until now" she answered I rested my head on my arm as I held her hand then I pulled it towards my lips “okay if that why don't you stay my photographer forever ?" I said asking already interwined our fingers “forever how ? you have management team and all I don't mind being your photographer forever but it will be in your concerts only if they forced you to date other women" she answered then she told me that there is bones cream in her suitcase I stood up then I walked towards her suitcase unzipped the front zipper after I walked back “you could sign a..." she cut me off “no way that means that you are going to buy me by your money also sorry Mr Styles I am not for sale my job will end from tonight but if you want me yours I agree and I'll face the hate that I..." I cut her off “you're crazy that contract with no money because I have fame and rich & famous means that I am buying you by all of these things you're my girlfriend also fine no contract but as my girlfriend be in touring with me like you're..." she cut me off “Harry stop absolutely I agree to tour with ya as you are my boyfriend plus that was my dream also" she said I am already massaging her ankle I sighed as she drive me mad for thinking that way “so your dream is to tour around the world with the man who loves and cares about you or touring around the world in general ? there is a difference between them which means you alone" I said asking she opened her mouth then she closed again “I'll be honest after Paul I lost hope about falling in love again so I was planning in touring around the world alone without being annoyed by those people whom call themselves music artists especially females who aren't as kind and sweet as I thought blah blah blah until I met you and everything has changed" she answered as we kissed she careless my cheeks I pulled away as I look into her eyes “so what will you do tonight ?" I asked she struggled her shoulders I rubbed her cheek she kissed my palm “I might go visit my family or stay here or go back to England or stay with my family until you might decide to take me to your next stop" she answered what did she just say that going back to England no way going back to England “you're not gonna go back to England" I said already hover over her she got on her elbows then she layed again after she got on the pillow as she still sad about not attending my concert tonight I got behind her as I pulled her closer “darling you're already with me and I just want you to rest as..." she cut me off “it isn't the point, the point is that I am not in the mood to visit my family" she said already turned then she turned on her back “the point is a girl like me getting hate without a reason for dating you I know not only me all of the women and girls who dated before me even if you were in love with them or not or forced by your management team to date them and let the world know that you love her" she added as there are tears streaming down as she is looking at the ceiling after she looked at me then she got closer to me wrapping her arms around my torso which caused me to lay on my back as she rested her head on my chest I am not blaming you for anything I love you so much" she said already looking up at me when she said that she loves me I wiped her tears whispering that I love her so much more than she can imagine which caused her to smile “I will visit my family tonight and I will stay until my ankle gets better" she said I kissed her hairline as she cuddled more into me as I noticed that she fell asleep

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