Chapter 4

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Harry's pov
This girl I slept last night with her in my mind and I wake up in my mind also but it broke my heart when I saw her and him kissing she ran out crying that she said that she doesn't have a thing for him she said that she had in the very beginning what if she had after the kiss they shared last night she was so happy when she was photographing me I was also and still but I just meet her yesterday this girl is driving me crazy I never felt in love with any girl neither a woman from the first sight but this girl made me feel crazy and wanting her mine by any way but I just meet her yesterday, I want to see her I will invite her for lunch, I got my phone good morning Mariam would you like to meet me now ow now but sure even though I didn't went to work cool would you like me to pick you up no no I will take a taxi are you changing the restaurant if it is you can okay see you soon and good morning again good morning to you too what should I do I walked towards the stairs climbing up I changed to jeans and a shirt, a snapback spray perfume I took my phone and keys also wallet then I got in the car driving off to her house finding her already waiting she wearing a sunflower dress and flats plus a purse on her shoulder “Mr Styles are you going to keep checking me out ?" she said asking already crossed her arms I got out of the car “sorry Miss Jordan you look so beautiful" I complained she blushed I walked towards the passenger seat opened driving off to another restaurant I got out of the car opened as I kissed her knuckles she blushed “I would accept that as a first date" she said we walked towards the door of the restaurant I pulled her the chair “what you like to have ?" I asked she answered dessert as the waitress is already waiting for our orders “can you stop staring at me and I am sure now that they understand that I am now not the photographer that you meet her yesterday and also you came to her house" she said above a whisper as she already hiding her face with her hair I noticed that there is a pap outside and taking pictures of us she putted sunglasses and looking now nervous I suggest that we sit on another table “I..." she cut me off it is fine I am used to this but I never been seen hanging out with a celebrity since I have always been with female artists half of them weren't friendly and had a very bad attitude basically I never thought about you this way like you wanting to hang out with me and make friends with me I gotten used to be in my own and those people in theirs" she said after that our orders came she smiles shyly as she hears me talking I just want her to feel comfortable with me I know it is hard for you now to be more surrounded by fans and those paps" I said she struggled her shoulders and said that she told me that she used to them but your fans are nice and sweet I mean that yesterday you can selfies and pictures with some when you invited me for lunch I got shocked by today also now anyway everyone says that the paps are rude in general like they just want to take pictures for money or something as they just want to post things about you or any other celebrities to ruin his or her life I'll be honest some celebrities deserve it" she said I laughed she excused to go to the bathroom I felt bad for laughing but I spend two days in a row with her wow man sorry I just need to check on my makeup" she said while she getting seated I apologized for laughing oh Harry it is fine" she said waving it off then she started listening to my terrible jokes and her laugh is music to the ears you are so funny Harry" she said smiling then she looked out of the window I noticed that she is looking at a kid playing on his bicycle she is so focused on him as his mother is helping him Mariam smiled she looks so beautiful “would you like us to have a walk ?" I asked she looked a little nervous I putted my hand above hers “sorry I just kinda panicked sure even though there is a pap outside" she said answering I told her that she isn't used to this we walked and I noticed that she is walking normally like I am her friend not a celebrity I wish I could hold her hand we walking in silence as it is morning not a lot of people on the streets like there are some go for a run or work out or ride a bicycle I can see people doing this “are you a fan of me ?" I asked she nodded shyly we got seated on a bench I hummed nodding smiling “actually Paul and I were best friends since high school he was dating Kristen the girl you meet last night I got stucked with him in the university also he was trying to get into me Kristen notice she stopped talking to me for three weeks I kept telling there is nothing between me and him even though I was flirting with other girls while dating her I told her exactly after she started talking to me again I got stucked in his photographing company he still have this liking and what happened last night was a mistake I never had a man in my life expect my father and Robert & Robin I was and still focusing on my career I once liked a boy and I think that we are in a relationship it was stupid to think that way but the other person doesn't think the same since then I never had a man in my life I knew it that I will never be in a relationship with love and care so I just focused on my career as you can see" she said after we stayed silent until she wanted to go home

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