Chapter 9

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Mariam's pov
I went to the company I know that I am followed by fans and those paps but I always act normal like normal people as it was before Harry and I met, I walked directly to Paul's office I knocked on the door as he shouted leave me alone I said leave me the fuck alone but I opened then I closed the door which caused him to raise his head then he turned his chair I rolled my eyes then I walked towards his desk after I putted my bag on the chair I want to talk to him and apologize I walked in front of him I got on my knees his fingers are locked but him not looking at me he is such a baby I sighed then I stood up turned his chair he tried to turn back “I know that I was hating you after what you have done but I already forgot and you know my dream is people would like my photographic skill and it already happened in six months but our friendship would never die because now I have Harry and fame I care about people not fame neither money I am just a normal girl who dreamed of people liking her photographic skill and experience of working with pictures of anything or anyone the people who care about is in my heart even if I don't want them to be who they want to be in my life as they think you want to walk out of my life do it if you don't, you still welcomed" I said then I took my bag and sunglasses after I walked towards the door, I looked at him one last time “wait I'm sorry too if I am not a gentleman and not treating you well even though you aren't mine by the way congratulations on all who you are and being in a relationship with Harry Edward Styles himself I wish you both happiness and joy also successful careers but I want one thing come back to work" he said already stood up I smiled at come back to work I walked to the chair “I'm back better than before boss and I could keep your company like before but no flirting you know I'm taken now" I said he laughed then he tapped on my nose I wrapped my arms around his torso suddenly the door opened as the boyfriend entered taking his sunglasses off “nothing best friends rebest friending that is all" I said then I kissed his cheek he putted his sunglasses back “waiting for you in the car" he said as he is giving Paul a sharp eyes even though you can see it I love him when he gets jealous even though we have been together for six months only but it doesn't matter for me “bye Paul see you tomorrow" I said while I am taking my bag and sunglasses after I walked out of his office towards the stairs climbing down directly to my lover's car he drove off as he takes me on a date opens the doors for me in every step I take as I handed my bag “oh Harry how much you get jealous over me ?" I asked he took his sunglasses off in anger he wasn't like this “Harry are you okay ? something happened with your management team ?" I asked he sighed then he looked at me which made me feel nervous after he suddenly stood “you're giving negative publicity for me so we're over" he said putted his sunglasses back on then he left six months ago he asked me to be his and today he ended it “hey hey relax I am just kidding" he said smiling as his hands above mine I pulled them looking out of the window “babe I'm sorry I just got worried when I woke up with an empty bed" he said I looked at him then I raised my eyebrow after I remembered that him and I while he was touring that we sleep on the same bunk then we held hands on the table after the food came which caused us to pull our hands away he said that in this restaurant they already knew his order which is weird “so now you are used to me being next to you everywhere we go" I wondered he hummed nodding since he had food in his mouth I rolled my eyes nobody ever told me that “you want to tell me that all the women that you dated before you never felt the same feelings for them or you just saying that because I am now a well-known photographer Is it because of you which meant not to happen ?" I said asking he stayed in silence as he eats and drink I am leaving him alone as I wait “every woman is different than the other as a man I like in them their eyes and smile & character in front of the camera the..." I cut him off “I don't want to know more we talk like normal couple do I already know that you or any celebrity showing the fans sees normal couple but the media sees not normal couple they say rumours to show us in a bad picture to our fans even those paps who flashes their cameras at our faces believing what is said about us from people who knows who hate us for a reason or not I care about people not fame neither money you are my boyfriend sees me not like what others who doesn't even know sees me I just don't want to show myself in front of the..." he cut me off “babe relax I know how you feel since the beginning of this I know that I ruined your..." I cut him off “no you didn't ruin my life but the haters and..." I stopped as the waiter came taking the empty plates I excused to go to the bathroom as I asked him for its direction I washed my mouth what the hell I put myself through falling in love with a famous man but if I really end up with him I would never find a man like him it is hard not easy to find I walked out of the bathroom to our table “let's go this atmosphere is ruining my mood" I said he called the waiter as he refused to let Harry pay him end up paying we walked out of the restaurant as we put our sunglasses as he holds my hand I don't feel confident and comfortable expect by being with him “would you like me to drive you around the city ?" he asked smiling as we are already in the car I sighed then I pushed my hair “home and be your arms we haven't seen each other for a month" I answered he started the engine driving off to my house I don't think that we will have a chance to live in one house I want that but I have a bad luck that I fell in love with a celebrity who we can't live together we reached he unlocked the door I went directly upstairs to the bedroom I changed into a silky pajamas I heard something dropped in the kitchen as I climbed downstairs he is in the kitchen as he is the one who dropped which caused me confusion I struggled my shoulders while I am tying my hair in a messy bun “babe what the fuck are you wearing ?" he asked I rolled my eyes at him then I walked towards the living room “what my pajamas is that a problem Mr Styles" I answered already laying on the couch there is silence “from it is a problem so it is a big one" he said I rolled my eyes then I laughed tiger he is I got up as I see him mopping the floor of the kitchen from the thing that he dropped “and I am waiting for my punishment" I said which caused him to be clumsy as he slipped as his elbow on it as he fell on his back I laughed so hard then I walked towards the kitchen “oops looks like someone is going to take his clothes off" I said as his clothes are wet he did took them but he stayed in his boxers wow sexy as hell I can't describe “what don't check me out" he said I rolled my eyes he makes me feel that those people whom who sees him live don't do it as half of the outfits he was shirtless in some “don't deny that the people especially girls who are your fans doesn't saw you shirtless and me your girlfriend doesn't see even touch this piece of art" I said as I touched his muscular chest and abs he tensed damn it baby “what are you ? are you real ? or I am just dreaming of you ?" I asked he keeps tensed as I touch the piece of art “no woman could touch you like I do" I said already standing behind him as I touch his muscular chest and abs “at least yours is real but there are men out there just wanting attention by them" I added as I wrapped my arms around his neck he automatically wrapped his arms around my waist as we stare into each other's eyes “I swear after you wore this pajamas I wanted this moment to come" he said which caused me to laugh as I pushed him idiot “and if I didn't wore it would this brain of yours think the same ?" I said asking he started making faces I rolled my eyes “maybe yes maybe no the kind of pajamas will be" he answered moving his hands around I rolled my eyes then I pushed him as he laughs until the stairs idiot “go wear something until I see what I will do to those wet clothes of yours" I said he laughed then he climbed up, he makes me fell in love with him more and more than ever did happened with any man I could find on the whole world god that is too much to think of “what if I don't wear anything I feel so good like this" I gasped as I heard his voice is raspy he already has his hands on the wall as I lean against it my heart is beating fast he careless my cheek then he careless my other “Harry what are you doing here and right here right now ?" I asked he pulled me closer I gasped he bite his lip smirking I never been touched like this before I am so lost “I could fuck you over there ya think that pajamas didn't effect me" he said in my ear what if he did and I got pregnant and the media sees my baby bump after four months if we decide to keep the baby I found myself on the table as I feel his touch he pulled my silky short shorts “I will keep that so it could remind me of you on tour" he said smirking I grabbed it from his hand “no fucking way that I will let you keep it with you" I said while I putted it in my silky shirt he raised his eyebrow then he smirked “I could sneak my hand in here and take it back" he said then he smirked sneaking his hand I stopped him “do something else better than stealing my clothes and wanting them with you on tour by the way if you showed it live you will be in big trouble" I said then I jumped off the table after I putted my silky short shorts back suddenly I felt his lips against mine and his hands on my ass as he is opening by his tongue I ran my fingers through his curls he pulled my silky short shorts off “what if we were on stage and the whole world watching as you move your hips against mine" he said I grabbed my silky short shorts again then I walked towards the stairs I got grabbed back by waist I tried to get out of his hold I climbed upstairs to my bedroom I closed the door as I already putted my silky short shorts on I am facetiming Kristen her smile dropped as she saw me “why are you crying ?" she asked I can't handle myself together which caused her to say that she is coming I felt his hand then he carried me bridal style towards the bed as he took my phone he noticed that I was facetiming Kristen he is looking unhappy and upset “what..." he got cut off by the ringing and the bangs downstairs “who is the fuck is..." I cut him off “it is Kristen" I answered his question before he finished it as I got out of the bed after I walked towards the stairs climbing down to the door as I opened Kristen being the mix of the parents like usual she suddenly gasped then she fainted I turned seeing him still shirtless but this time he is having jeans “get up slut this man is mine he isn't suppose to have an effect on you" I said she stood up as she collected her dress that I just notice now and her hair now she turned to parents he laughed as I see him leaning against the wall “go upstairs I hate it when she looks at you" I said with gritted teeth he kissed my cheek then he climbed I walked back to her I pulled her in as I closed “did anyone sees you ?" I asked she nodded then she shook I rolled my eyes then I walked us towards the living room “Kristen this relationship isn't working and I hate it, I..." she cut me off “ow ow wait here you're the luckiest girl on the world to be one of Harry Edward Styles's girlfriends Mariam Brown Jordan is all over the social media since you started dating him and if he isn't a celebrity so he is a dream man don't deny that you are in love with him" she said then she wiped my stained tears I sighed “girl imagine that you are dating the dream man oh and Paul told me that you..." I putted my hand on her mouth then I looked at the stairs to check if he is hearing them “I want to know how you and him are exs and talking until now" I said she looked confused I lied to Harry telling him that her and Paul are exs as Paul is my ex not hers I begged “no way I am not lying about you and Paul are exs and he..." he cut her off “what" he is holding my wrists as he pulled me to stood then unacceptable thing happened that he slapped me across the cheek as he look mad “why are you lying ?" he asked angrily Kristen stood in front of me but he pulled her then he repeated his question “Harry Mariam didn't mean to lie she just wanted to be closer to you" she said which caused his eyes to soften after he pulled my face up it is true that I didn't mean to lie but being closer to him I knew it won't happen I sighed then I pushed his hand after I pushed him towards the stairs I am calming and relaxing myself “can you just stay in the bedroom and I'll explain later" I said then I walked towards her after I pushed her to the door she kept apologizing I told her that I forgive “leave Kristen then we'll talk when I am in the mood" I said she sighed then she opened the door after she walked out “now explain and no lying" he said I gasped as he started the shit out of me I sighed then I walked towards the bathroom after I washed my face getting freshed then I dried after I walked towards him pulling him towards the living room as we got seated I faced him “look man it is true that Paul is my ex that is why he was trying to get us back together when we were kinda popular in high school and university which you already know Kristen and I are best friends since we were in diapers I know that I told you that I was having feelings for Paul it is true his eyes always on me as Kristen told me and it was true I liked him but I was too shy to talk to him I don't have self-confidence as Kristen is encouraging words in my head the whole time until I talked to him I'll be honest his friends also their eyes are on me oh my god I confessed and he did the same then I found myself not having feelings for him anymore I waited until we went to the same university that both of us dreamed of our parents were happy for us then I decided to tell him he break down but as a slut I am found out from his mother after we got graduated from the university that he had this company all this time our parents still knowing that him and I are still dating I told him that we have to tell them so he brought his parents to my house back in Ireland after we told them I decided to stay by his side he gotten so happy again and our parents are happy also they said at least we're just friends that is why I didn't fell in love after him for long until you came and changed my life" I said struggled my shoulders smiling already he laughed I pulled my arm on his shoulder “I swear that is the truth even ask Kristen" I said he already wrapped his arm around my waist as he is being naughty boy by patting my ass but I pass it “I overheard you said that our relationship isn't working and you hate it" he said as I pulled away from him he is trying to show me that he isn't crying I sighed then I felt emotional “I just want normal life" I said honestly I don't want money neither fame I rested my head on his shoulder “Harry I am just not used to this life because I am getting hate without a reason" I said he wrapped his arm around my shoulder I wrapped my arms around his neck “I understand how hard and how is it feel but I told you take it step by step & what is..." I cut him off “kiss me please don't keep saying the same" I said he laughed then he careless my cheeks kissing I pulled him by his neck then he rested his head on my chest I love this and I am relaxed “I swear that you will get used to this life if you..." I cut him off “shut up and cuddle" I said he laughed I always knew that he likes to be little spoon and I always liked to not the big spoon to any man who I date but as it is Harry Edward Styles so it is fine to be the big spoon “being my big spoon is the best" he said smiling happily I rolled my eyes he rested his head on my chest I ran my fingers through his curls as he is my giant baby frog “but the compare between us that I don't like being the big spoon" I said he got seated like I said something wrong which caused me to be kinda scared I got an idea knowing that he is tricklish so I started trickling him as he giggles “now tell me why you don't like being my big spoon ?" he asked as I already stopped trickling him I wrapped my arms around his neck as I locked my leg between his “I'll be honest because I feel small compare to you or even if I am not with you because I want to feel that like I am loved and appreciated by this man I am with" I answered then I got hit by a cushion after I spread kisses all over his face especially his cheek he turned then he careless my cheek after he kissed my other cheek I pulled him by his neck he nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck as he smiles then he pecked my lips after he got seated between my legs I ran my fingers through his curls he took my hand kissing my palm then he kissed my other I wrapped my arms around his neck I smiled “Harry Harry Harry I will be your photographer again right right right ?" I asked he hummed nodding I can't believe that I will tour with him again then I rested my chin on his shoulder after I kissed his neck then I kissed behind his ear he is a little tricklish I laughed now I can feel his fingertips he turned his head I feel sleepy since I wake up early to go to the company as I wanted to talk to Paul and Harry's jealously “babe stop being lazy" he said laughing I pushed him by my feet and hands as he just laughed “I'm not lazy I want to sleep I wake up early to the meeting in the company" I said he can feel his breath on my face “meeting in the company I know that you quit before you went with me on the tour and you went today to talk to him to apologize for the messy that you did a month ago which was before I sent you back here then you told him that you are back better than before boss I heard everything between you and him but I know that you won't get back together with him but that doesn't mean that I will let you go back to his company" he said I opened my eyes he kissed my cheek after he carried me bridal style “I know that you are working in this company for years and you are going to travel with me don't you remember ?" he said asking I wiggled my legs shaking my head “I remember but it is too late since you replaced me by another Is it a woman or a man ?" I said asking he walked towards the stairs climbing up “a man okay so you now prefer your ex's company over your boyfriend's tour so have fun" he said answering smirking I wiggled my legs shaking my head he laughed then he putted me on the bed then he hover over me kissing my neck after he trickled me and told me do whatever I want “I'll be honest since I started working with you even though I am now your girlfriend for the first time in years of being a photographer I had so much fun but I'll..." he cut me off by kissing our tongues started playing I flipped us then I unbuttoned my silky shirt he smirked after he flipped us I felt that my breath got taken by him he sucked my neck “Harry" I moaned he smirked then he kissed between my breasts after he pulled my silky short shorts along with the panites I pulled my legs together and hidden myself “ow ow baby girl you're shy to show yourself to me didn't you showed your..." I cut him off “I kinda did but I was scared and nervous about doing this so I really didn't show myself to him or any other man if you don't believe ask him" I said he laughed evilly at ask him then he took my hands slowly after he spread my legs going between “hey relax baby relax" he said already holding my hands then he wrapped my arms around his neck as he kisses I relaxed I don't know why with Harry I feel like home his head went in between as he gives me open mouthed kisses over the clit I feel something I don't know how to describe I never been touched by lips on here “it looks like you never been touched by any man even Paul that is so amazing that I am your first" he said smiling as I feel it he started licking and sucking when he got faster I felt something in my lower stomach I let it go he got out as he wiped the corner of his mouth by his thumb and forefingers sucking plus a smirk on his lips I got on the pillow I can't believe that I let a man eat me out then I heard pants getting unbuttoned and zipper getting unzipped after I faced him with his dark and lust eyes then I felt his lips on my cheeks he is in his boxers only then he unbuttoned my silky shirt fully I felt his lips on my body for the first time it feels weird I felt his smirk “no bra you did that on purpose" he said no bra holy crap he laughed as I hidden my breasts “I already saw your lower half so I have the right to see the rest" he said as he took my hands off I can feel his lips on my shoulders to my neck I had no choice to let him see me then I felt the air of the bedroom as everything stopped I noticed that he is taking his boxers off I gasped putted my hands on my eyes I never seen a man fully naked he laughed as I felt his large hands taking my small ones off he looks so sexy without clothes, he pulled my face up connecting our lips then he asked if I have condoms or lube oils I answered that they are in the nightstand and there is in the bathroom also he smirked not believing that I have these things as I never had sex before don't look at me like that it is long story bet..." he cut me off by shushing then he reached for the nightstand drawer opening he came back on his knees as he opens it by his teeth and this eye contact making me feel nervous he putted it on himself then he make sure that I am ready “I'll be gentle" he said as he is inside of me already as I said that I am ready his fingers interwined with mine “hey I told you that I'll be gentle" he said as he kissed the corner of my mouth I nodded for him to move as I adjusted he is so gentle and slow as I feel the pain suddenly he stopped which caused me to open my eyes “Harry move I am fine" I said as I saw worry on his face he moved again as he going in and out slowly and gently I moaned as the pain is turning into pleasure then I felt his thumb going in circlar on my clit also I felt small kisses on my body I opened my eyes as he kissed my lips finally he pulled away from the kiss on my neck “move faster please" I moaned as he is watching me feeling the pleasure so he moved I am in love that I never felt holy crap babe" he moaned loudly I moaned loudly in response I felt his lips against mine as we moaned loudly I felt his body and mine together with love and butterflies I lost my energy and control his thrusts getting sloppy even his kisses and his teeth giving me love bites & hickeys I felt him came with me in the condom he pulled out then he throw it in the trash can as he drops his body next to me as both of us out of breath I looked at the ceiling as I am in another world of things that I never felt something gotten me out my thoughts as I felt the sheets and his body, his nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck I smiled then I drifted off to sleep

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