Chapter 46

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*five months later*
Harry's pov
Mariam gave birth as it was difficult as they are three girls and two boys I can't believe my eyes as we already named them when she was in the fourth month as finally Adam and David, Florence and Jana, Taylor are here I can't believe that I am officially a father we are still in the hospital as she felt the water broken at five o'clock on the morning her parents booked a flight from Ireland to England when she was in the fourth month Mariam fallen asleep as I checked on the kids as they are asleep as I adore them it is seven o'clock on the morning now as Mariam wake up as she smiled I walked towards her bed “mum and dad went home ?" she wondered I hummed nodding smiling she pouted I kissed it away she sit up “our little ones sleeping ?" she said asking I hummed we got out of the hospital as we got a quick breakfast as I drop us home she putted Florence and Jana & Taylor on their beds in their bedroom and I putted Adam and David in theirs as her and I meet, I carried her downstairs to the living room she hummed as she pointed no as I laughed then I kissed the corner “anyway I am still tired and sleepy even stressed of the birth" she said I hummed as I kiss her neck she already wrapped her arms around my neck as one of them interpreted the moment she got off my lap as she climbed upstairs as she came back with Adam as he already silent as she breastfeeding him I can his nose are like mine “he is already mummy's boy" she said I laughed then I kissed her cheek after I kissed his forehead he let go of her “he feels you baby" she said giggling as I went to have a sleep Mariam came she putted him in between us as he sleeps “the girls will have your curls and eyes they..." I cut her off “shut up they look like you" I said she giggled then she held him against her chest securely as I got seated as I took him against my chest securely she wrapped her arm around us as she giggles I kissed his forehead as another cried she ran out of the bedroom it is David as he already silent as she is breastfeeding him I let Adam sleeping on the top of me she giggled of how little he is already “babe you're already obbessed with our little boys they..." she cut me off “stop they are mine not yours" she said I laughed she means that they are going to be mummy's boys she held David against her chest as she can not stop admiring the boys she touched his nose then mine I hummed nodding smiling we kissed she squealed I shushed as she giggled then she kissed his hand “mummy's boys" she said whispering I laughed then I wiggled my eyebrows as she giggled blushing as she holds them already I got out of the bed as I took them “daddy will put them on bed as he wants to give mummy love" I said smiling then I walked out of the bedroom to theirs as I went back as she opened her arms I wrapped her arms around her waist kissing her neck she giggled “my beautiful girl we didn't have much love those past nine months" I said she laughed then she nodded then she dropped herself on the bed as she already playing “can we just need each other's love without sexual activities" she said smiling I started thinking of it she rolled her eyes as she crossed her eyes I laughed “daddy has no control I just gave birth to five babies" she said as she made five with her hand at my face I laughed “so what I was a dragon as you said" I said she giggled blushing I laughed she rolled her eyes as she pushed me “it was hurt as they were moving around my tummy" she said I cooed then I walked towards her she pouted “I promise that no more kids" I said as I kissed her cheek she giggled I kissed her other one as she giggles “they all look like you" she said giggling I wiggled my eyebrows as she giggled as she says stop I carried her towards the bed “but they had some of you" I said she giggled blushing then she turned to me as she giggled blushing “Harry I'm so happy and I can't believe that I am officially a mother & you are the father of my kids" she said smiling happily as she already hold my hands I can see her eyes are lit up “so do I babe you are a great mother" I said smiling she giggled blushing I kissed her hands as she giggles “do you think that the world will find out about them ?" she asked I shook my head she looking at me lovingly “I don't want that either so we could be happy" she said smiling as I kiss her palm I think that I wanna marry her since the first time I met her and my life is mixed “Harry" I hummed she crossed her arms as she sit against the headboard I putted my hands on her shoulders “sorry baby I was just thinking about you" I said honestly she blushed I let out a sigh of relief that she isn't mad you don't know what happened to my heart when we first met and how..." she cut me off “liar you didn't feel anything towards me when we..." I cut her off “I am not a liar I got the feelings exactly after I..." she cut me off but you don't like the man who love from the first sight" she said as she turned her head I laughed she rolled her eyes “you know that idiot Paul said the same as our conversation was an argument after we had our first kiss" she said I laughed then I turned her as I told her we are talking about us not her previous relationship between her and another man as I hold her hands “Kristen after said every man says the same and they are just saying but as you know now she is different as she..." I cut her off for fuck sake Mariam since I knew you always talking about Paul and Kristen I know she is your childhood friend and Paul is your ex boyfriend so focus on me and the..." she cut me off who wouldn't focus on Harry Styles" she said smirking I rolled my eyes as she laughed then she pecked my lips as our tongues started playing she wrapped her arms around my neck as she careless my cheeks then we pulled for air after we fallen

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