Chapter 13

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Mariam's pov
Harry ordered them to take me to my parents house I am nervous and excited to visit them after a long time so I I told the driver the address as well he sent with me a security guard I told him that I don't need a security guard plus there is nobody will follow me like the fans neither those people whom always taking pictures of me or him or us together he told me that I needed when I came back as I am not staying with my family he is right anyway I could see the part of my neighborhood is so empty but it still as it was the memories came back I noticed that the car stopped in front of the house I opened the door as I calmed my nerves statement then I walked towards the door after I rang the bell ready to face anyone of them as I wait for the door to open it finally open as I smiled seeing my youngest brother Robin he gotten taller than me he is trying to organise I greeted as I walked closer to him he is still trying to organise my voice as it now mixed with an British accent sis Is that really you ?" he asked his voice got stronger I nodded smiling he got teary eyes I took him in a hug Robin who..." she stopped as she saw me I pulled away from the hug as she walked towards us as she organise me not believing her eyes as they now had tears Mariam Is that really you oh my god" she said her hands on her mouth as her tears still streaming down her face hey mum yeah it's me" I said already gotten tears as she smiled big through her tears I walked towards her as she sobs while we already hugging which caused Robert and dad to come I crashed my body against dad's “it's Mariam honey our daughter" mum said as he already careless my cheeks having tears in his eyes “what my big sister is here" Robert said not believing that I am here dad kissed my forehead as we walked towards the living room sitting as his cheek against my hairline “you have grown so fast sweetheart into a beautiful young woman" he said already careless my cheeks then he kissed my cheek after the other then my forehead I laughed “come in my arms sweetie I have missed you so much" mum  said I ran towards her she makes me feel like kitten “we have missed you so much sweetheart" dad said as he already wrapped his arms around us “all of you hugged her expect me" Robert said I laughed as I pulled away from the hug with my parents he gotten taller than me as we already hug Robin joined I pulled then I noticed a ring on his finger as I turned it is a wedding ring you gotten married" I said pouting crossed my arms he wiggled his eyebrows as he called his wife and his kid's name I got a nephew oh my god as I kneeled down in front of him he greeted me I picked him up “oh my god he is so cute" I said he giggled blushing then he rested his head on my shoulder I turned Robert smiling as his wife under his arm she looks like teen but I ignored “hi I'm Daisy" she introduced herself as we shake hand as she has also a wedding ring I putted my nephew down then I walked towards my parents “what the hell dad mum" I said whispering they shushed me then mum ordered Daisy to take me my old bedroom I stopped in place “I have to go nice to meet you Daisy" I said not daring to look at her as I opened the door after I closed then I walked towards the car as the security guard opened the door for me I got in he closed I can't believe that Miss Mariam Mr Styles order that you go to the hotel" the security guard said I just nodded as the car started moving then I heard the radio talking about us I found myself yelling to change the station as I putted my hands on my ears I found myself crying I hate this but I love him I hate this even though I wanted my photographic skill to be know but being with him is destroying “Miss Mariam are you okay ?" the security guard asked as I am breathing heavily sobs escaping from my mouth take me to the arena" I ordered as he said that Harry ordered that I go to the hotel I shouted take me to the arena as he ordered the driver to take me to the arena I just wanted him to be in his arms and says that everything is gonna be fine I wiped my tears as we reached I could see that less fans are leaving the arena meaning that his concert had ended I want to open the door and ran towards him I can't handle myself together anymore so I opened as the car stopped kept running until I found him “babe why..." as I crashed my body against his not caring about anything or anyone as he heard telling the crew not pull away from him as they thought that I am a fan we walked towards his dressing room as he closed the door I crashed my lips against his he pulled away from the kiss what happened ? why are you here ? aren't..." I cut him off “I can't handle it anymore Harry I can't please let me go or take me away from the world" I said already crying he walked me towards the couch he started asking questions I can't answer any of them I really can't “please Harry please let me go or take me away from the world let me go let me live without you I..." he cut me off “what the fuck has happened ?" he asked angrily already careless my cheeks then he let go of my cheeks I started explaining what happened since I was at my parents house then when I got in the car and said in the radio “so what so what I told you whatever the fuck is said about you don't let it effect you" he said as he keeps pulling his curls as he already stood up as he walks around “it can't effect me Harry it is like it is said at my face" I yelled we got seated together as he careless my cheeks saying comforting words at the same time rubbing my cheeks “I love you little freak" he said I cleared my throat saying that I love him more as he leans then he connected our lips in a slow and sweet kiss I got seated on his lap running my fingers through his curls he parted my lips as his tongue is fighting with mine I pulled away for air “I wanted you so bad during the show" he said as our foreheads already pressed together “and when you want me it happens" I said smiling he hummed nodding smiling back as he is already holding my hair gently “you look so beautiful baby girl" he said I kissed him he careless my cheeks not breaking the kiss then he looked into my eyes as his eyes are lit up after a smile appeared then he layed me on the couch then he spread my legs as he is wearing a glittery jumpsuit showing his tattooed chest and his tattooed arms & his curls are messy from running my fingers through them he unzipped my jacket then he smirked I covered myself as I am wear a top “what babe I love how I got flashed" he said I rolled my eyes as I already sit up straight zipping my jacket “of course you said that because mostly of your fans are females" I said he laughed I turned we leaned in at the same time until someone ruined it as this person telling him that the car is ready to take him back to the hotel can my girlfriend come with me Jeff ?" Harry asked as Jeff is looking between us as I am a ghost which is weird then he started to ask questions Harry stood up “Jeffrey I am coming" he said as he pushes Jeff out of the room then he closed the door as he left his hands on it “I will ahead to the hotel meet you there" I said he turned as his hands behind his back as he refused and said that I will be in  the same car as he check himself in the mirror then he grabbed me by waist I felt embarrassed by his action in the hotel room" I said above a whisper he pecked my lips we walked out of the room to the car that is going to take us to the hotel I got stopped by a security guard Harry pulled me from my hand without saying anything to him “she's my girlfriend" he said already wrapped his arm around my shoulder the security guard apologized Harry winked as we kiss then we continued walking as we got in the car I cuddled into him he kissed my knuckles “are you okay babe ?" he asked I nodded we interwined our fingers I smiled then I drifted off to sleep

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