Chapter 25

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*six days later*
Harry's pov
Since this accident of her throwing herself from the top of the hotel we didn't left the suite I order the breakfast and the lunch & the dinner here we are having lunch she is laughing and smiling as she forgotten about it I am freaking out about it I can't believe that she could do something like that obviously this gotten on the social media and people wondering why she did that, she stopped eating as she is trying to see what is wrong with me she is so cute and funny I laughed we finished eating as they took them Mariam already went to the bathroom I went after her as she already washing then she putted soap on my mouth as I already wrapped my arms around her waist as she washed it away as she dries “you need my love don't ya" I said as I carried her as she giggles as I walked towards the bedroom I putted her down on the bed as she stopped me then she jumped on my back as I hold her from her hips as she wants to watch the TV as I switched it on as she laughs and smiles at whatever is on the TV then she suddenly stopped as the reporter is speaking about what happened days ago as she screamed putting her hands on her ears “hey hey it is off it is off" I said as we hug she calms whenever I hug her she pulled away then she got seated next to me “are you okay babe ?" I asked she shook her head I sighed as I rubbed her shoulder she is already resting her head on my shoulder then she raised her head as she looks at me “Harry can we take a break ?" she asked whispering as we are already holding hands as well our fingers interwined “a break ? why ? we took it before and it was..." she cut me off “I remember it was for two weeks, I can't handle to be away from you" she said then she kissed me hard I moaned then I putted my hand on her lower back as we kiss as our tongues started fighting she pulled away as she just pressed her forehead against mine as she closes sorry I will be in the bedroom" she said as she stood up as she walked away I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair I have a bad feeling this time we are breaking up no Harry I don't think so it is just her mental health of the hate is destroying her yes Harry you should show her love but she isn't letting me I already noticed that she must needs time to help her to get through this I stood up as I hear her talking on the phone with her mother as she cries I let her have her time with her mother as the door opened as she walked out suddenly she fell on the floor as I tried to wake her then I carried her back in the bedroom as I hear her mother's voice through the phone's speaker she still holding it as I took it as I pressed to my ear speaking to her mother as she gasped as she keeps says my daughter as Mr Jordan asked what happened I took her to a doctor as he check up on her as she is already awake as the doctor says she keeps refusing anything I calmed her as I shake his hand “I don't want anyone to see me" she said angrily I sighed then I took her hand as we walk towards the car “I swear that I..." I cut her off “shhh relax babe relax staying in the hotel for days made you crazy" I said whispering she stamped her feet as she walks around the car to me “I know that but I don't want to go around here or even any other countries or cities I hate that" she said whispering I laughed then I kissed her forehead after she wrapped her arms around my torso I sighed she looked up at me “I'm scared Harry that I could lose myself again" she said then she wrapped her arms around my neck “I'm scared that I will lose you" I said as I am already holding her face up by chin she pouted then she stood straight “hazza boo you won't lose me again we meant to be together even felt it" she said as she putted my hand on her heart “shut up I am the man and I swear that since we first met until today and my heart is beating fast" I said she blushed then she pulled me from my hand towards the car “you and the doctor are right" she said as we gotten in the car as I drove off to the beach as we reached as we walked and played with random people volleyball as me and her made a team those people whom we played with seems not to know who we are which is good that they played with us like we are people like them I know that if they knew us Mariam would do something crazy even though if they showed her love she wouldn't do something crazy so every time we win she gives me a kiss they seems friendly and nice I could see a blonde haired girl is taking a video or a picture of us as she is laying on a bleacher I know Mariam don't pay attention about the surrounding of us the blonde haired girl stood up as she is walking towards me as she smiles as she greeted sweetly I knew that now she is a fan as she asked to take a selfie with me obviously I agreed as I posed for it as I noticed that Mariam is waiting as the blonde haired girl looked at her disgustedly but Mariam already used to this as she rolled her eyes as she walked towards me “let's go ahead somewhere else before I get burnt from the sun" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck as she looked at this blonde haired girl for the second time as she looked back at me smiling as she waved to those random people I laughed as we walk “you make me feel like ya have known them for years or they are..." she cut me off “we should be friendly and nice baby ya taught me that treat people with kindness" she said as she looked at this blonde haired girl while we passing by her as the blonde haired girl rolled her eyes as Mariam laughed as we already nearby the car “you have mood swings" I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she just laughed as she fisted my chest as she ran towards the car I unlocked it as she got in “I do have mood swings as she took a selfie with you with happiness and joy & when I appeared she was like Mariam Jordan ew" she said as she waves her hand mocking I laughed as I got in as I started driving as she is just enjoying as her hair is flying “maybe if we went somewhere else we could find fans who loves you" I said smiling as I winked she snorted as she stood up as her hair is still flying I smiled she narrowed her eyes “focus on the road Styles anyway you might not like to get distributed by the fans in every country and every city you go plus some fans as you know could say shit at me if I was dating Louis Tomlinson would answered her shit" she said as she got seated again as she looked at the road as she makes waves with her hand I putted my hand on her thigh as she stopped and looked at my hand then she rested her head on my shoulder as she plays with my fingers and she locks hers between them as I heard girls next to us calling I waved at them as I heard Mariam greeting them as they giggle and went like oh my god “Mariam are you okay ?" one of them asking she just smiled they cooed as they called her cute I waved “told you that ya will find" I said she jumped as she hit my chest I found a café as I parked we got out of the car date Mr Styles I'll be honest that I am so thirsty" she said I laughed as I pushed the door opened we got seated latte art of his face" she answered as the waitress asked if we would like to eat or drink as the waitress laughed when Mariam answered the waitress turned to me as I said don't forget to put his face on my latte" Mariam said whispering the waitress laughed for the second time I asked since when she drinks latte as she patted since now yo honey yo" she answered I laughed as she joined as we just now staring at one another as she blushed “I remembered our first meeting when you invited me to have lunch as you kept doing this and our first kiss was in the tour bus I was always nervous around you as I became your photographer I didn't wanted to be friends with your band but they seem friendly and nice I just wanted to be close to you and nobody else I didn't know that your world and my world are different but they suit one another I..." she stopped as the waitress came putting our drinks we thanked her she looked at her drink “I love you Harry but my world is crashing down" she said as she looked at me at the end I sipped my strawberry Harry I am talking to you and..." I cut her off “your world isn't crashing down we do have different worlds as I am a musician and you are photographer so what is happening between us and what is happening outside you lived with and without me taking a break from each other won't make sense even though we could do it for good you ended our love for five years and we got back together both of us doesn't want to leave I am not moving on to another woman just because you're getting hate this hate you're getting with or without me doesn't have to do anything about us being back together after five years I choose and you choose we chosen each other again I chosen the women before and after then I end up with you again it is our life Mariam our life and..." she cut me off “Harry stop talking like my father" she said laughing we continued drinking she suddenly laughed you know that I was loving taking pictures of you while you are dancing and singing & your smile and happiness & joy with the fans who loves you but there are still some people out..." I cut her off “Mariam I told you before don't let the hate effect you, hater gonna hate lover gonna love obviously you have people who loves you like anybody else firstly your family and..." she cut me off “okay okay damn it Harry that is why my world my own world is crashing down I can't build walls to let the people who hates me to go away from me to let me live like everyone else" she said as her tears started to fall I sighed as she kept saying it is my fault for loving me what that is unfair" I said she laughed through her tears as she excused to go to the bathroom as she came back as we finished our drinks I paid as we walked as she stopped nodding at outside I sighed we are already holding hands I pushed the door as we walk through “Mariam Harry can I have a picture with you guys ?" a girl asked as we stopped as we took a picture with her “you guys are so cute together sorry can I have an autograph ?" she complained asking giggling we give her an autograph “hey don't cry sweetie" Mariam said as we comfort her until she stopped crying Mariam hugged her first then I as we continued with the rest of the first of them “Mariam can I have a kiss ?" a boy asked as she looked at me as she rolled her eyes smiling then she walked to me “let's go before I murder someone" she said whispering as she pulled me from my hand as they keep calling our names as we walk towards the car I unlocked the door “ya could've kissed him before he get murdered by you" I said she laughed then she shook her head smiling “I don't kiss boy fans if I had a boyfriend or not" she answered as she waved her hand I laughed then I took her hand “that is my..." she cut me off “he asked that on purpose I saw a girl and she was like what the fuck" she said laughing I joined at her mocking the girl she saw when the boy asked that question we went back to the hotel she walked directly to the balcony as I spread her arms she turned “I love you so much for getting me out of the darkness" she said smiling as we kiss I pulled her in towards the couch I love you so much more babe the pass days I was worried about you" I said she already wrapped her arms around my neck as she pressed her forehead against mine as she whispered an apology as we kiss as she ran her fingers through my hair she smiled in the kiss then she opened “if we didn't kissed I could've been dead" she said then she got off my lap as she pulls me from my hand towards the bedroom as she layed on the bed as I hover over her “I'm so happy that we went out even though it was kinda a bad idea" she said I laughed then I pecked her lips she got seated on the middle of the bed after I got seated as she is now sitting on my lap as her arms around my neck “I'm so happy that we went out even though it was a good idea we haven't left the suite since for your sake you did days ago" I said she pouted I sighed then I kissed it away as she bite her lip shyly smiling as I kissed as I parted her lips she moaned as our tongues now fighting as we moan then we gasped for air she kissed again as she moans I think that I need to see my skin" she said as she already stretching then she pecked my lips as she got off my lap as she walks out of the bedroom I layed finally Harold you're awake or asleep I see this cutest smiling of yours" she said as she is poking my dimples as she already showered as she gives me pecks as she screamed when I was going to the sitting position as she fell on her butt I  laughed as I help her to stand she stucked her tongue “Is your butt okay ?" I asked as I touch it she squealed jumping then she slapped my chest lightly after she got seated as she putted one leg over the other as her arms spreading behind as she sighed as she closed her eyes I really had to back to England we...I mean that I had enough of you and I took a long long long vacation from my work" she said I got seated next to her as she looks at me I pouted she laughed then she kissed it away “but we could see each other when you have a free time same goes for me" she added as she tap on my nose as she leaned forward then she stood up as her hands on my thighs as our faces already close then we kissed as I lay but I might not be in England" I said she just continued kissing as she run her fingertips on my chest “I'll just have a quick look at my work and when you start your touring again I'm all yours" she said as she taps on my nose while she says when I start my touring again she is all mine I wrapped my arms around her shoulders how could I not be your photographer and girlfriend not taking pictures of the craziest & funniest creature and the love of my life" she added I laughed we cuddled as she says that since she became my photographer and girlfriend that she is the happiest girl ever as she started spreading kisses all over my face as she stopped at my lips as we stare into each other's eyes as she blushes “and you made me the happiest man ever" I said smiling she hidden her face I pulled her face up Harry stop this right now or you..." I cut her off by kissing as she gasped as she careless my cheek then she started unbuttoned my shirt as I layed on my back she gasped for the second time for air as well she moaned as she is now sitting on my torso fuck baby girl you look so sexy" I complained as she is wearing a skirt and blouse as her breasts are exposed “shut up it is Kristen's fault she wanted me to wear in public to get men's attention as I did once when we were in night club back in England as half of the men in the club was checking me out as one of..." I cut her off “stop no more it..." she cut me off “I bet that you were jealous after each year I am with a different man but I..." I cut her off “I said stop no more" I said she giggled as she gotten off my torso I stopped as she just standing “I know it Harry Styles is known by the man who moves on from older women easily after nearly two years of experience in love" she said I am handling myself together as she turned quickly as she is already leaning “Isn't ya ?" she asked as she crossed her arms over her chest as she took a long step as she stood in front of me I sighed “you lied and hidden your feelings that was still there especially when we broke up for five years not with those older women I might did the same because of the..." I cut her by putting my hand on her mouth as I see tears streaming down her face as she took my hand off as she walked I was a normal girl living in a normal world no hate for no reason what did I do to them to throw this at me I don't understand why I being hate by people who doesn't even know the real they throw their hate at people who doesn't deserve it Is because I am your girl Is because I never hurt you or anyone or maybe I did without knowing I am so grateful for everything I have why there are some people from around the world hating on me what did I do to them to hate me like this I don't blame you or anyone who knows me I wish at least one person on this world to love me just..." I cut her off “I do I really do" I said as I am already standing in front of her as she is now looking down as she wiped her tears but she still you do know that I'm in love with you since that day when we started touring together I..." she cut me off “you don't have to tell me but I did loved you since ya invited me to have lunch with you no since you came in my office when I was still working in Paul's company" she said as she doesn't dare to look at me as she walked towards the bed after she got seated then she laughed “I heard Paul when he called me I am the worse photographer he had in his company and he did on purpose just because he wants back together besides his jealously of you it was unacceptable for me that a man could have this much love to me as I wasn't loving him the same way he is doing some people never had love or feelings or emotions for someone they end up being single forever I am not against those feelings and emotions even having kids and getting engaged then married but with the right man not any man I don't blame you for the hate I am getting because now I knew why I am getting it because I am dating the Harry Styles himself Kristen didn't believe that you are my boyfriend she was helping me to move on from you but it was hard she helped me through the hate but it wasn't working anyway I'm sorry for being dramatic and overreacting I guess if I took a shower again I'll be better for real" she said as she walked out of the bedroom I pulled her back “you just think of it that you are still alone it looks like those idiots you dated after we broke up made you feel lonely and depressed, I promised that I won't leave you alone so you..." she cut me off yes those men made me feel this and I was so scared also that is why Kristen's help didn't work she tried and I keep pushing her away telling her that I could go through it on my own until you appeared again in my life" she said as she is already having tears streaming down her face as I comfort her as she calmed as she is in my arms as we cuddle

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