Chapter 11

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Mariam's pov
Harry already fall asleep and I don't think that he will wake up until the morning I am eating snacks and cuddling with the cushion it is already getting late after I heard yawning as I jumped as I thought that is a ghost he got seated next to me I cuddled into him instead of the cushion I felt bad for him to wake up I looked at him as he fell asleep again at least we are cuddling I felt his lips on my hairline as he stroked my hair I looked up at him as he pecked my lips lazily then he looked at the TV “babe you're watching a scary movie" he wondered his voice is raspy from the sleep I hidden my face on his chest I seriously don't know why I am watching “I never liked the scary movies actually I have DVDs of romantic movies so I got lazy to watch one" I said he laughed which caused me to look at him he putted my hair behind my ear why does he makes me fall in love with him even more I am his girlfriend and we are already in love I have love for him from the very beginning “not everyone likes scary movies" he said I nodded in agreement then I laughed after I pinched his cheek “would you like to have snacks and drinks even though I ate and drank half of them ?" I said asking he laughed I suggested to make him a sandwich “babe you don't have to feed me I am not hungry if I am, I would tell you" he said as he already wrapped his arms around my waist “but I got them already okay whatever I will eat it myself" I said he laughed then he kissed my neck as he started whisperings nothing but sweet and romantic words that Paul never said them to me “stop you are making me melt" I said smiling he kissed my cheek then he leaned against the counter watching me making “Is there more things you're hiding from me ?" he asked I stopped the question kept repeating in my head then I walked out of the kitchen he pulled me back “I am just kidding why do you take everything serious I know that you don't mean to lie but..." I cut him off “effected you Harry I am not stupid if there are more lies I would tell and this relationship would end up" I answered continuing his sentence suddenly he grabbed me by waist kissing which caused me to kiss him back he smiled “and I am not stupid to let you go" he said whispering smiling that man is the deadline for me “I don't mind you letting me go" I said as I take my sandwich his face closer to me as I felt my breath got taken “and I mind letting you go for a reason that I love you little freak" he said the plate fell off my hands we kneeled down at the same time while we are cleaning the messy my finger gotten cut and he held my wrist as he washes then he pulled me from it towards the bathroom as he sat me on the edge of the bathtub as he searches for a bandage I got to him he took it then he bandaged my finger “it isn't a big deal it is a small cut" I said then I walked out of the bathroom after I rolled my eyes as I turned my head he is running his fingers through his curls I ran towards him as I crashed my lips against his he gasped as it happened “I freaking love you so much for caring about me" I said he laughed then he throw me over his shoulder “and you are the worse girlfriend I ever seen" he said as he is already hovering over me as I am already on the couch “hey that is rude" I said he laughed then he pecked my lips as now his face closer to mine as he is already smiling as he kisses every second making me smile as our tongues started playing I careless his cheeks he got seated without breaking the kiss as he pulled me from my sides to sit on his lap I wrapped my arms around his neck he pressed our bodies together as he moaned “sorry you feel so good" he said I slapped his cheek he laughed I joined then we stopped as we kissed pressed our foreheads he whispered I love you which caused me to whisper them back I hugged him he hugged me back “I'm sorry for everything I have done or said" I said he rubbed my cheek with his thumbs over my cheeks “I am leaving for tour tomorrow early as you know if ya still want to continue your job with me you're welcomed it is up to ya" he said I got off his lap he pulled me between his legs as he holds my hands rubbing my knuckles “I'll be honest when you were with me it was my happiness and joy also it still since we started dating and this month with..." I cut him off “Harry stop you are the one who sent me back to England when we were in LA it was for reason that both of us know now the whole world knows that I am your girlfriend at the same time your photographer and now you are making me lost" I said then I felt his hands on my shoulders as he rubs “sorry I..." I cut him off “stop I told you I'll be honest you are the first one and I hope the last forever made me enjoy by touring around the world with as my boyfriend I know that Paul..." he cut me off “I don't want to hear his name on your tongue I know that you are back to working in his company as well he is your boss but I would hate it if..." I cut him off “baby I'll continue photographing you as ya want me to so leave the work of the company to the side he absolutely forgotten about getting us back together we're just friends and I don't mind being your photographer until the end" I said he sighed then he carried me upstairs to the bedroom to the bed “let's sleep we have a flight early" he said smiling as he took me in his arms we drifted off to sleep

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