Chapter 35

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Harry's pov
Mariam kept saying I am not going to go camping and be eaten by the wild animals it is funny I told her that I won't let them eat her as she just rolled her eyes then she fallen asleep I remembered her problem in this tour as she says that she is tired and stressed as well she feel so uncomfortable but she said that she is enjoying going around the world as it was her dream as it came true and she is so happy that I am in her dream of traveling around the world it makes me happy and lucky to have her even though I don't see her often as I have shows in different places she says as I am enjoying and loving it so she is no matter what as I don't see her often not spending much time with her she also said that she is annoyed that her ex is with us in this tour he is the photographer but she is that he is in his own world and her own world so it isn't bothering her not everyone likes to be around their ex I heard a knock on the door as I got out of the bed then I walked towards it after I opened finding no one as I look right and left I found no one as something hit my my feet I picked it up as I found it is a box there is a paper on the top I closed the door after I opened the paper it is for her what the fuck hey Mariam I am really sorry for hurting you while we were dating I don't even remember why did we break up anyway I am sorry for bothering you for being in your lover boy's tour as I am the photographer I know that years ago that you were his photographer as he came to the company while you were working in it for a photographer as I am suggested for him you then happened what happened whatever and doesn't matter as you broke up with him then you guys get back together after five years I don't know why whatever anyway I am giving you my camera as it is your dream to be a photographer but it just until you get yours fixed I am leaving as I know that you hate me being around you and your lover boy it is Paul “Harry where..." she stopped as she looks between the box and the letter that her ex wrote & I she grabbed the letter as she reads then she cut the letter into pieces after she finished then she took the box that obviously has his camera as she got seated on the bed as she putted her shoes on then she took the camera as she walked as she kissed my cheek on her way to the door as she opened as she took the key on her way I walked towards the bed as I wait for her to come back after an hour or so she came back I asked she answered that she left it to the receptionist as he said that her ex didn't leave the hotel as he went for a walk or whatever as she got seated on the bed after she picked the pieces of paper from her ex about the camera then she throw them in the trash “good Kristen's plan worked" she said which caused me confusion as she crawled on the bed “Kristen's plan ?" I asked she laughed as she is on her knees Kristen as I was telling her that I am trying to get Paul to leave touring with us and nothing is working so she told me to break my camera then he will be sweet and give me his as an extra one as he will write me a letter saying his shitty words then he will finally leave & we won't see his face ever again" she said as she jumps on the bed happily I remembered when we were in the dressing room that night after the show shit as I found her on the top of me with all her weight as she smiled fakely as she apologized  I flipped us as I spread kisses all over her face as she giggles as she already wrapped her arms around my neck as I gave her pecks as I felt her fingers on my hair “who now will photography me" I said pouting she pouted also I kissed it away we laughed “it is still me don't worry I could search for one on..." I cut her off babe online will take long to come to you before tonight you..." she cut me off I am not taking his plus didn't read the idiot said that he giving it to me until I fix me or get a new one okay doesn't matter I..." I cut her off I bet that he is a liar and he will stay touring with us I mean that the crew knows that he is only photographer in the tour as they also know that your camera is broken so Kristen's plan didn't work as you and her are stupid" I said she whined that I called her and her best friend stupid “firstly all if you didn't sent me back home that day I could have been your photographer plus you knew that the photographer is my ex look now who is the..." I cut him off “you broke up with me five years ago remember so there was no option to have a photographer in this tour to get another one as I..." she cut me off “whatever at least we are together and I'll just watch while you are having fun with your fans dancing crazily and singing your most amazing British songs written by you" she said I leaned until I just touched her lips she already careless my cheeks as we kiss as I putted all my weight on my arms as our tongues going in and out each other's mouths as well they are playing she hummed then she wrapped her arms around my neck I pulled for air she breathes “I had a dream that you were eating me out as a wild animal" she said I laughed as she careless my cheek as we started kissing again as her fingers ran through my hair I moaned she pulled then she rolled out of the bed after she walked towards the balcony I went after her “what..." she cut me off “I'm fine completely" she said I gave her my hand as she putted hers I closed the slide door and the curtain as I took her jacket off then I throw it on the chair she still wearing her skirt and crop top since last night as I kiss as she already wrapped her arms around my neck as our tongues started playing she moaned then she pulled me from my hand to the bed “lay please" she said I already did as told as she already on the bed as she got seated exactly on it as she grind as we moan she groaned as she unbutton her skirt as well she pulled her crop top above her head as she throw it away roughly I unbuttoned my pants as I watch her taking her panites off from under the skirt as she throw it along her crop top as she climbed off the bed what the fuck as I chased her to the bathroom as she unclasped her bra then she throw it away as well her hair tie she got in “really babe you tease me then go to the shower" I said as I hear the water running I took my pants and boxers & the shirt off as I fully naked then I got in as she already washing her hair with just the water she opened her eyes “you came in I knew it" she said I swear that she looks so beautiful we showered together before but I swear beauty in front of me she giggled blushing “get the shampoo can you or you are busy checking me out" she said I turned getting her shampoo as she took it thanked then she poured on her palm after she closed then she putted as she washes her hair as her eyes are closed after few minutes she washed it away as she gotten the loofah and soap as she rubbed them together as she putted the soap on its place as she rub her arms and shoulders then her legs and between them as she gave me the loofah as she pulled her hair on the top of her head as her back already to me as I rub it making sure not to hurt her “are you done ?" she asked I shut my eyes for a second as I shook my head as she turned then she took the loofah as she went under the shower nozzle washing the soap off the loofah as she putted it on its place as she washed her body then she closed the water as she got out shit I never been so lost in a woman like this I shook my head “instead of do this you should've showered" she said as she already wrapped a towel around her body I washed as I got out of the bathtub then I wrapped a towel as she is sitting on the bed brushing her hair I kissed her cheek “you drooled over yourself while watching" she said I laughed then I winked then I putted a boxers “how about we go for a little walk ?" I asked while I putted a shirt as she thinks then she agreed as she changed into jeans short shorts and crop top showing her shoulders as she wear sneakers then she went to dry her hair as she went to her bag as she searching for something as she got sunglasses as she said that she should thought that she bring with her as the sun was shining in her eyes while we were getting out of the plane I dried my hair as we walk hand in hand out of the hotel she received a text as she looked at it then she putted it back in her pocket “who is it ?" I asked she looked at me like since when you ask about who texts and calls me I raised my hands she giggled as we just walk as we ignore the fact of the text I already wrapped my arm around her shoulder “when I saw Robert got married and have a son I was so shocked when I saw her plus I didn't accept that he will get married before I am his oldest sister get married it was a long time ago when you told me to visit my family as I haven't seen them for a long long long time" she said as she is already playing with my fingers we got seated “why did you got so shocked ?" I asked she waved it off I laughed as I still wrapped my arm around her shoulder “before I even started dating Paul I was thinking about love in different ways as Kristen and I talk about it she is always negative when it comes to this especially marriage as I make her understand that not all men are the same in not loving and caring and all these things I was always positive about it I was always seeing him in positive ways but I don't know why I suddenly thought that he is the wrong one for me as I told you before about the shit between me and him anyway I am not seeing or feelings that all the men are the same in loving and caring & all these things about a woman when I started writing that song about you my mind was in cloud nine like I was in the sky sitting on it" she said I laughed she looked at me as she smiles I pecked her lips she kissed back we are just sitting in a comfortable silence

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