Chapter 10

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Harry's pov
I took a shower and I am now making us lunch as I heard her calling my name I walked towards the stairs climbing up to the bedroom I leaned against the door frame as she is saying that she feels sore I told her I know then I walked towards the bed after I carried her bridal style out of the bedroom with the sheets still wrapped her  body I climbed downstairs to the bathroom then I putted her down after I took the sheets off her body she bite her lip shyly I carried her bridal style again then I putted her in the warm water with the soap she stopped me “Harry why are you silent ?" she asked sadly I got seated as I held her hand rubbing my thumb over her knuckles “because I am making you lunch" I answered smiling I kissed her cheek as I stood up then I got seated on the edge of the bathtub after I pulled her hair “I thought that you left me like in the movies" she said I laughed then I looked at her after I kissed her cheek “I am not that kind of men since I met you I felt feelings for ya" I said she giggled blushing then she turned her head I leaned “I also have feelings for you that I..." she stopped as I see her being shy and innocent girl that I saw six months ago she is a beauty and an angel “I am already feeling so lucky I will leave you alone in the bath" I said she stopped suddenly I could see her eyes getting teary I might saw her crying before but those tears means something I know that she is like this thinking that I will leave her and not coming back  “hey I'll be in the kitchen I told you that I am making you lunch by the way I would love to cuddle with you after we eat our lunch" I said while I am wiping her tears then I kissed her cheek after I stood up winked she giggled blushing leaving her to enjoy her bath she didn't take long as I felt her arms around my torso I turned it looks like that you trusted Paul" I said she looked down as she playing with her fingers I pulled her face up “and ya are lying about you and him having sex also" I added she apologized as it is above a whisper I started preparing for our lunch she stood still feeling ashamed and disappointed in herself “Harry I really don't want to be liar I did that because of Paul and his jealousy over me he told you that I am the worse photographer because of his jealousy and selfish I..." I cut her off “what does your lies have to do with Paul ? why are you even being a liar ?" I asked while she walked behind me from the kitchen to the dinning room “because I wanted to hide my feelings for you because I know that you won't feel the same feelings for me because I am your photographer and I could ruin your career and life" she answered suddenly she let it out I sighed then I took her in my arms after I pulled her face up she wiped her tears I careless her cheeks “hey hey it is fine" I said we hugged I stroked her hair as she wrapped her arms around my torso I carried her bridal style she screamed as I laughed then I walked towards the dinning room sitting her after I got seated then I sighed “Mariam it is fine Kristen told me even she said it in..." she cut me off “okay okay I know that you forgive me" she said then she ate I laughed then she joined as she feeds me “ow babe I..." she shushed me by giving me food I rolled my eyes she slapped my cheek lightly I laughed she cringed “you nasty rat" she said then she barked which caused me to laugh she turned to the food I sighed “babe I'm not mad but your lies effected me" I said she rolled the food still ashamed and disappointed in herself “it just like you could have sex with me then ya live like nothing happened between us" she said I laughed she looked at me like what is funny I raised my hands she said something under her breath after she ate “I'm already back to work if you still want me to continue touring with ya which is suppose to be whom I am who is photographing you on this tour of yours or I have to wait until a new year comes when you decide to be photographed by me if you don't want me to photograph you from the very beginning also you asked me to be your girlfriend all of these shit wouldn't came out of my mouth Mr Styles I am a photographer and nobody ever fired me I wouldn't deny that I got threaten to be fired even though I am not a slave for those people whom call themselves music artists especially females" she said I walked towards the bathroom then I washed looked at my reflection of myself in the mirror I didn't fell in love with her after she became a famous photographer because of me she said that she wanted people to like her photographic skill and experience of working as a photographer now she is blaming me for do it for her “I'm sorry I just felt offended by different music artists especially females they were treating me like I am their slave" I got out of my thoughts by her voice she is looking down then she left the bathroom I walked out “Mariam it..." she cut me off “ya could end us if you want I really don't deserve ya" she said already sitting on the couch I walked towards the couch not believing my ears “Mariam I..." she cut me off again “you won't find words to say ya would leave me you could forget what happened between us I will also ya could leave me I don't deserve you" she said as she is already having tears streaming down her face I can't believe that what she is saying I can't believe that she wanted to break up “Mariam I am truly madly deeply in love with you and you are let me go that fast" I said she is already sobbing then she walked towards me seeing her like this breaks my heart she closed her eyes as her tears falls “I lied about my everything Harry I lied and you still want me to be your photographer and girlfriend how just tell me how you are truly madly deeply in love with a liar" she said I walked towards her careless her cheeks “Mariam you lied about little things and I am in love with you and your little things" I said smiling she shook her head then she took my hands off her cheeks after she walked towards the living room sitting then she layed I walked towards the living room then I got on my knees “I..." she cut me off by whispering I lied then she turned on her back wiping her tears after she got seated I stood up then I got seated next to her we stayed silent as her low sobs could be heard as she is playing with her fingers now, I reached for her hand then I interwined our fingers she got closer I wrapped my arm around her shoulder “I don't deny that I also truly madly deeply in love with you and your little things" she said then she pulled away from me then she walked towards the bathroom I followed after two seconds as she was about to leave “you're drama queen" I said she nodded in agreement which caused me to laugh I careless her cheeks then I kissed as I pulled she opened her eyes blushing then she hugged me I lifted her up she have always been my koala Harry I was scared of losing you or I should say when we had sex this morning then you..." she stopped as she continued hugging me I laughed then I walked towards the living room sitting she doesn't want to show her face “so it is true that you aren't denying that ya truly madly deeply in love with me" I said she nodded blushing I rubbed my thumbs on her cheeks she got seated next to me then she switched the TV on I got closer to her “what is going on here Mr Styles" she said I hummed then I kissed her cheek she gasped holding it I laughed “I have the right to kiss any part of your body since I am your boyfriend" I said she just struggled her shoulders not caring about me kissing any part of her body I kiss again she gasped as she holds her cheek then she slapped my chest lightly I laughed after we cuddled as we watch

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