Chapter 23

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*ten days later*
Mariam's pov
I stayed on bed as I gotten a fever and cough as mum and Harry take cares of me absolutely he told mum days ago what happened as she just laughed I don't mind mum knowing that her crazy daughter spend it a late night with her boyfriend on the street as well it rained dad didn't complain about me and Harry spend a late night on the street as it rained mum said that dad and her in high school they use to do that they never mentioned how they met neither how they fallen in love I know it sounded weird that your parents brings their love story to be honest it sounded boring in their past that everything was black and white but it sounded like true love not like now I don't mean that I love the man next to me Harry is different than any other man I ever met dad joined the conversation about it I swear it is sounded boring and making life ain't better as they say that the channels on the TV was less than now it still boring “so Harry you're a music artist and songwriter & touring around the world I'll be honest it sounds fun" dad said smiling Harry just nodded smiling “Mariam mentioned that he was your..." mum cut him off “dear do you want more ? take some" she said asking smiling as she put salad on Harry's plate thank you mum “thank you Mrs Jordan I am full" he said smiling then he stood up after he walked away towards the bathroom I stood up “wait here young lady your mother heard every conversation between you and Harry that you and him broke up for five years & other stuff was hidden from us since when you hide your life from..." mum cut him off “Tony she isn't that little girl anymore and she always tell me everything right sweetie ?" she said asking smiling as she winked mouthing love you I nodded dad is just focusing “yeah yeah I always tell mum everything" I answered he pointed the knife at me as he is chewing “whatever happened between you and this young man doesn't have to be hidden understood young lady ?" he said asking I nodded dad is overprotective since I was born mum rolled her eyes he pointed the knife at her “and you don't roll your eyes at me this is our only daughter no..." mum cut him off by warning I excused them to see him as I found him on bed looking at his phone I felt embarrassed by dad's words I walked to the bed “sorry if dad..." he cut me off “I never knew that he is that overprotective more than..." I cut him off “Robert and Robin never been like dad they are younger than me and if they were I knew that they will bother and annoy me by their shit dad is enough and if you are that kind of boyfriend I would say that I am so lucky" I said the pass days he had been mentioning how overprotective dad is and Robert & Robin whom he had never meet them “calm down babe I'm sorry come here let us cuddle I have missed you" he said as he putted his phone on the nightstand as he opened his arms I walked to the door after I closed and locked then I walked back to the bed then I crawled on it he just hugged me I layed next to him “I love you" he said whispering as he is already cuddling into me he hummed as he nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck kissing I ran my fingers through his curls “you are always been my cat and frog" I said he laughed then he looked up at me as he knows that when we cuddle he looks like a cat and when he smile that he looks like a frog he pushed himself up to be next to me then he rested his head on my chest as he just look up at me I poked his dimples then his nose and mouth “what are you doing" he said laughing I crashed my lips against his as he moaned smiling I ran my fingers through his curls he hover over me I wrapped my arms around his neck as he parted my lips sliding his tongue in as my tongue started fighting with his I felt his hand on my skin I moaned he pulled away I reconnected our lips he pulled away for the second time then he got seated against the headboard I rolled my eyes then I crossed my arms I felt his lips and tongue on my earlobe “I can't get enough of you" he said whispering as his voice is raspy I turned my head he just looked into my eyes “I really want to take you to the sea" he said whispering I wondered why he rested his chin “we spend some weeks in a yacht without paps distributing" he answered smiling I wrapped my arms around his neck “that sounds fun" I said he hummed as I felt his hand then I pulled my arms away from his neck “but I feel used like you've done this with some..." he shushed me by putting his finger on my lips “you're different than them I am not using you I could spend the rest of my life with you" he said smiling he could spend the rest of his life with me kids then this what does that mean like how “I swear if you run away from me I will follow you everywhere you go I would never give up on you because life without you doesn't have a taste" he said I got out of the bed I really don't understand him we had a conversation about having kids then this why me not another woman “Harry I don't understand why you do think about these things like I might be not be the woman you could spend the rest of your life with her surely the..." he cut me off “I had a feeling that it is you who I want to spend the rest of my life with her that will..." I shushed him then I laughed after I walked him backwards to the bed “what if you're feeling is wrong" I said as we are already sitting I got closer to him he looked at my lips I knew this habit “no it is not" he said I laughed as we leaned as we kissed he reached for my face I slapped he went ow I crashed my lips against his again as this time I careless his cheeks “hey I..." he cut me off “you're sick and tired of illness we can not go anywhere" he said I sighed then I stood up he stopped I got seated next to him he careless my cheeks I will talk to mum" I said he let go I stood up then I walked towards the door after I unlocked it then I opened as I walked out towards the stairs I stopped then I walked back I crossed my arms I raised his head as a standard of a curl fell on his eye making him look so beautiful “I'm better now please let us go for a touring around the city I..." he cut me off “okay okay let's go" he said as he waves his hand I ran towards him as I gotten on the top of him “by the way aren't you suppose to go talk to your mother" he wondered I shook my head then I got off him after I went to get dressed as I noticed that he is checking me out instead of checking me out go get ready so we could leave" I said he stood up then he walked towards me after he grabbed me by waist then he closed the door “I don't think that we are going anywhere" he said I rolled my eyes then I pushed him he just laughed then he got dressed as I style my hair then I walked out of the bedroom as my parents asked where I am going “out with Harry I will tour him around the city" I answered she stood up as she walked towards me as she style “mum I already styled it leave it alone" I said as I turned he is climbing downstairs I got my purse as I got the needed stuff then I climbed downstairs as we walked towards the door mum watched us leaving I pulled the door closed she was just telling dad don't treat her like she is still that little girl Harry and I walk hand in hand as we walk and I pointed at the places of my childhood “so do you have any friends from your here expect Kristen ?" he asked I nodded we walked in silence as he interwined our fingers we crossed the street as we walked “until now I still don't" I answered he laughed then he looked at me what is funny about having just one friend for years but when you get well-known ya could..." I cut him off “when I got well-known I didn't tried to make new friends I am not that good at making new friends I am a failure at everything except the photographing actually Robert was a producer I really don't know much about my brothers Robin I never seen him talented at anything he just played some sports he is now a basketball player" I said he laughed at I really don't know much about my brothers I pulled him as I saw my favourite Irish pub I pushed the door open as we got seated at the bar “hello ow Mariam Tony's daughter you have grown so fast" the bartender said smiling as he leans his elbows I greeted by waving he stood straight finally “beer for free I know we are your favourite pub here in Ireland" he said smiling as he put them in front of us I laughed thanking “okay young lady who is this young man he doesn't look Irish ?" Will asked whispering as he already leaning on his elbows I swallowed as I took a sip from glass this is my boyfriend Harry Edward Styles he is..." Will cut me off “ow ow yeah yeah I know him who doesn't know Harry Edward Styles he looks British so that is why he doesn't drink the beer" Will said smiling Harry laughed at he looks British so that is why he doesn't drink the beer this young lady use to watch the dancing Tony gets mad once actually he was drunk as she started crying then I use to sneak her in she is like my daughter" Will said smiling at me I took Harry's hand he interwined our fingers as he smiled at me “okay I will leave you two to see the other costumers" Will said after few minutes the music started playing as some people are dancing and enjoying the dancing some men are drinking a woman came and she pulled me from my hand I pulled him along I use to dance with Niall as both of us are Irish or with my family especially dad Niall knows one dance the dance ended as we clapped I continued dancing and Harry is just watching I walked towards him “you look like you aren't in the Irish dancing" I said he laughed we said goodbye to Will as we left the pub as we continued walking hand in hand I have missed home “why are you crying ?" he asked as we got seated on a bench I shook my head smiling as I wipe my tears then I rested “me and Robert & Robin hate it because of this sale that is why mum tried she tried I was so thankful that I applied for my university in another country so it became home even though I have no one there expect Kristen I still feel that England is my home more than here" I answered then I felt him kissing after I looked up at me “do you miss your home ?" I asked then I seated up straight he nodded smiling sadly I reached for his face “let us leave" I said as I stood up as I give him my hand he looked at it then my face he stood up as he careless my cheeks “you really want to leave ?" he wondered I nodded we walked back without another word I unlocked the door baby you just spend days with your parents plus those days were spend on bed for your fever and coughing I didn't plan for leaving" he said whispering I walked towards the bedroom then I dropped myself on the bed “they are treating me like I am not in my twenties they treating me like I am still a little girl I mean dad" I said as we entered the bedroom as he closed the door after he got seated next to me I stood up then I changed in my pajamas he wrapped his arms around my waist “sweetie Harry are you guys back ?" mum asked from behind the door I walked towards it then I opened mum looked confused I walked back in then I walked towards the bed “what is wrong sweetie ?" she asked as she got seated next to me I struggled my shoulders she kissed my head then she left the bedroom he took her spot I stood up then I walked towards the door after I closed and locked then I crawled on the bed towards the pillows he got changed then he gotten on the bed as he started kissing my neck “stop that won't work" I said he pouted I laughed as we fallen asleep in each other's arms

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