Chapter 43

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Mariam's pov
We are finally in France since we arrived as I just dropped on the bed as I don't want to move my body as he is in the balcony I closed my eyes as I opened as I gasped he laughed then he pecked my lips I wrapped my arms he carried me bridal style as he putted me like a baby as he sucked his thumb inside of my mouth I hummed as I pulled it out as he laughed as he pushed his face I stood up as I stood between his legs as we dropped he groaned throwing his head back I laughed then I kissed his throat as I took my jacket off as I throw it on the chair I took my boots off and socks I turned he unzipped my skirt I went to wash my face as I dried then I crawled on the bed he came next to me as he already started kissing my neck as he already uses his tongue as he sucks it feels so good but I am feeling tired and sleepy “I feel tired and sleepy" I said as I leaned my head he kissed the corner of my mouth as I felt his fingertips “Harry" he hummed I rested my head then I kissed his palm after I layed my head on the pillow as I feel tired “what is wrong babe ?" he asked I struggled my shoulder as I feel his fingertips then I turned on my back as he already started kissing as it is slow and sweet & gentle “am I bothering you ?" he asked I shook my head as he already started kissing my face I closed my eyes “just keep going I love that" I said he snorted a laugh I opened my eyes as I rolled my eyes as I hit his chest he laughed “okay you just make me feel like I am giving you a message therapy" he said I rolled my eyes as he layed as he putted his hands behind his head I rolled my eyes “I never seen a selfish boyfriend" I said as I throw the pillow at his face as he laughed when I walked in the balcony after two second he came as he pulled me from my hand inside as he sat me on his lap as he already kisses my neck I ran my fingers through his curls “I just tired babe" he said I hummed of course you get all your energy out on singing and dancing especially dancing I pulled his face up as I gave him the longest kiss he could never imagined to be getting from me as he dropped as he gasped I laughed as he wanted another one as he gasped I laughed as he smiles lazily as I already pressed my forehead against his as we share more than I ever imagined myself loving him even though we are tired “you look so sexy and spicy" he complained I laughed then I pecked his lips as he smiled as he already kissed “and you look spicier" I complained we laughed I got off his lap he stood up we look drunk to be honest I smiled “we..." he cut me off by kissing I am already held the back of his head as I felt his hands on my butt I already wrapped my arms around his neck as we are kissing lazily by tongue he pulled me towards the bed as I already gotten on the top of him as I putted my hands either sides of his head as I sit already on his hard as he dragged into my butt I moaned as he moved his hands to my hips I pulled his bottom lip as I sucked he moaned smiling I smiled he flipped us as he is now topping “you naughty girl" he said smiling I nodded smiling as I got on my elbows as he gives me pecks as I dropped already wrapped my arms around his neck he hummed as he spread my legs as he unbuttoned his pants as he is now in a rush as he took the rest his clothes off as he left his boxers as he jumped on the bed ready for hundred kiss as I putted my hands on his chest as he pouted cutely “easy tiger you were slow why ya rush" I said he whined I laughed then I flipped us as I rested my head on his chest as I do patterns on his chest and the most beautiful necklace around his neck I kissed his cheek then I leaned “baby boo boo how about we go around the city ? it looks so beautiful and shinny from here" I said asking then I got out of the bed as I try pull him from his hand as he being lazy as he pulled me and I can't handle those eyes look at me instead and tomorrow morning I will take you around the city" he said smiling I rolled my eyes as I stood up straight as I crossed my arms he pulled me from my hand as I stand between his legs as he repeated I rolled my eyes as he said that we are tired of the flight “you don't have time for me as ya sing and dance at two nights or three nights in a row now I want you to give me attention to love and feel me to make me feel that I am here that is unfair you know what I am going back to England after the show of tomorrow night" I said then I walked towards the balcony I sighed what is this I wish that I never meet him and fall in love with him as I break up with him once and after five years I found myself with him again now touring around the world and everything is complicated between us as he just have time for himself only and I not here like I am not here “babe I..." I waved my hand as he stopped speaking I got my phone as I went back in the balcony as I got seated as I texted Kristen girl that is life you should support him I am supporting him Kristen he had concerts in a country or city in row two or three nights girl I see that you are enjoying your touring with him why you suddenly changed your mind about it I don't know Kristen it just boredom and he isn't giving me much attention and love & making me feel that I am here ow ow girl he absolutely loves and gives you attention & men knows that their women wants those things you just complaining it for no reason yeah right what the fuck I am saying as she laughed yeah but it isn't enough Kristen hey can I call you since it been one or two since we last spoke on a call who would say no to Mariam Brown Jordan to hear her voice I laughed then I dialed her number as I pressed it on my ear as she answered as she sings my name “so girl don't make it a big deal he knows that you want attention and love yous all these things obviously he giving you them but I won't deny that some men aren't giving them I mean that Harry and Niall are an..." I cut her off “excuse me don't describe or even complain about my man don't you dare or I will embarrass you in front of Niall" I said she whined when I told her that I will embarrass her in front of Niall I walked towards the end of the balcony “Kristen I..." she cut me off before I even continue as she feel me as she knows that when I am complicated to tell something about something I did and I don't want to tell “you did it with him aren't ya ?" she said asking I shook my head even though she can't see me even if she can I know that she won't believe me I don't know if I should tell her or not as she have all my secrets that I don't want to tell my parents about them as I should tell them especially mum as she is important and I should hide everything with her as she won't tell dad about them “Kristen I have to go anyway thank you for this small talk" I said then I hanged up I had a feeling that I could be pregnant with his child which will causes us to hide it as he wants and I want as that night when I thought that he doesn't want it as he said that he wants to start a family with me and I know that he could not let the world know if I am pregnant as I also don't want the world to know when I am ready even if the baby is another man's child it is so scary if I am pregnant with his child as I said even that baby is another man's child I will hide also until I am ready to show the world but I should let the father of the child know firstly as I should let my parents those are the important people then I want tell anyone closer to me as Kristen who is my best friend as those people will support and love I walked in as I found him sleeping already I putted my phone then I kissed his forehead he is sleeping sad and hurt damn it I dont want him sad neither hurt, I pecked his lips he opened his eyes smiling as he whispered if I am okay I nodded smiling as he gives me space to sleep next to him

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