Chapter 37

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Mariam's pov
I wake up to emptiness as I rubbed my eyes I putted my shoes on then I walked out of the tent as I stretched it looks like the sun is too early as I search for Harry he isn't sitting as they aren't awake I didn't care then I walked through the tree until I found the waterfall that we found last night as well I search as I found him as he is looking at his reflection on the water I walked as I wrapped my arms around his torso he pulled me as I was about to fall in the water as I screamed he catched me as he laughed as he held me against his body I really lost it “I can see fish..." I cut him off “Harry you want fishes for breakfast" I said as we look into the water as truly there is fishes he laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we kept watching the fishes as they swim “they look beautiful I remember that once dad got us in a waterfall as I once tried to touch them and mum freaked out as I would never forget her hugs she told me no sweetie we don't know maybe it could bite you as she putted me down as we just watched mummy Is that their mummy with them yes their mummy and daddy as dad sat me on his lap as he let me watch it was just us three" I said as I looked at him he reached for my cheeks “as I imagined myself being a mother and..." I stopped then I took his hands off my cheeks as I putted my hair “let us go have breakfast" I said as I walked back to camp as he stopped me as he already took my hand as he already interwined our fingers as he mouthed love you as I found the rest are awake as they already making breakfast “here they are" Pauli said smiling I smiled back as we got seated I know it is impossible for us I mean Harry and I to have a child as it looks like he might not want I would have with another man even though I am not thinking about a break up again or leaving him as an end between us I am already a celebrity also as a photographer and a songwriter I am not hating that anymore as he is music artist and a songwriter also & more he is loving them and I am loving mine & if I ever became a mother one day I will take responsibilities what is scaring me the most that if I gotten a child from another man who should co-parenting that child would do it or not I am not planning on breaking up again or leaving him as an end between us someone whislted which caused me to get out of my thoughts “bro you made my ears ring" Pauli said as Harry laughed since it is him who whislted as he gives me a sandwich I took it as we eat and drink as we finished eating our breakfast they started talking about things I don't even care about so Mariam you wrote a song about him ?" Pauli wondered as he nodded at Harry I nodded “why did you guys even..." as one of them cleared throat as they changed the topic I excused them as I walked towards the tent as I got in as I took the shoes off as I sit since the first time I met them which was years ago I don't want to be friends with them I prefer being lonely as I am not used to making new friends after Kristen as she is my everything unfortunately the phone is at the hotel “hey you seem not to like the..." I cut him off “they are okay and I am not used to be friends with new people anymore at all after Kristen I prefer being lonely" I said smiling he got seated next to me as he is already smiling “you said that ya imagined yourself being a mother" he said smirking I laughed nervously then I putted my hair me no no baby that is not true I knew that I..." he cut me off “Is because of paps and the fans see..." I cut him off “Harry I..." he cut me off by putting his finger on my lips “Harry I..." he cut me off shhh I think that we talked about it before who said I know that you will get hate and that will have an effection I don't want that obviously you know that both of us do I care about you and the baby's heath everything all..." I cut him off can you stop because you're melting my heart and effect..." he cut me off “you and the baby will get love, ya never dreamed of, care and..." I cut him off “Harry stop if you are doing this from now what will happen when we create that child" I said whispering he laughed I can't believe that he really wants his child to be from me “but that doesn't mean that you love the baby more than the father" he said whispering I can't stop smiling that we will start a family I can't believe my ears I can't believe are you serious about wanting to have a child from me ? are we really starting a family ?" I asked whispering he nodded smiling I can't believe that he is going to be the father of my child us parents am I dreaming or real “I fucking love you so much" I said he looked at my lips then he leaned his head to the side as we kissed our tongues started playing I gasped as I heard someone as he rolled his eyes as he went out of the tent with whoever of his band mates I crossed my arms after a second I felt his lips on my neck as he already zipping the tent “Harry I am not ready for our mom..." he cut me off “no no baby girl no..." I cut him off “let us wait until night or wait until we go back to the..." he cut me off “we are going back to the hotel at noon" he said I sighed we don't have any chance of having each other since this tour started

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