Chapter 33

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Mariam's pov
He said that we had few minutes to leave the hotel to go to the private plane that will take us to Australia as we are laying looking at the ceiling I hover over him as his hands on my sides I want to kiss him so bad I don't kiss him much since his tour started he gotten on the pillow as now his hands on my butt as I kissed as my hands are flat on his chest as I touched him he moaned as he took my jacket off as he throw it away he throw his head back as we grind he looked at me again as I reconnected our lips as he grabbed my butt which caused me to moan loudly I unbuttoned my skirt he sneaked his hand in as I feel his finger as it brings pleasure as he took it off as he now entered two fingers as he ordered me to sit against the headboard as he entered his two fingers for the second time as he talks about what he could do in my ear as he pulled my panites as he continued “I have been waiting for see your beautiful face when I do that" he said as his voice is raspy then he let me get on the middle as his head went between my legs as I feel his lips and tongue I moaned as I squeezed he pushed my legs open again as I feel the butterflies someone knocked he groaned as he already pulled away from me I collected myself as this person at the door don't know what we were doing this as he opened as it always same man who ruin our moments together as he says time to go as Harry said we are ready annoyingly as he wants to punch his face finally the man left as Harry closed the door I got out of the bed after I walked towards him as I don't want him to be annoyed then I pulled him from his hand “look at me don't you love seeing your fans dancing and singing along with you as sometimes a friend or family member comes to see you happy and enjoying" I said as I already careless his cheeks then I pecked his lips as he smiled saying I love you as I said it back he pulled me “I miss you already" he said looking up at me lovingly I rolled my eyes he whined I bended down “I miss you too baby" I said as we kissed as someone from outside come on Mr Romeo will miss the flight I went to pack “I'm dying here to love my girl" he said loudly I felt him behind me as his hands on my sides “I love your outfit for of the night today" he complained I rolled my eyes as I am wearing a skirt and crop top I took his hands off “you're wasting time sir" I said as he started packing his also as we finished I walked towards him as I hugged always wear skirts and dresses & crop tops and..." I cut him off “you always wearing outfits showing your tattoos to millions of people" I said he smirked as he said someone is jealous I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms “I am not since I am with you more than them" I said as I still crossed my arms we pushed our suitcases to the door as I wear my shoes and jacket as he wear his as we walk through like usual cameras and phones as people calling our names as we sign autographs and take pictures with few people as we don't miss our flight to Australia we got in the car finally Kristen wants pictures of me since she didn't see me for six months as she gives me compliments as she makes me feel that I am her girlfriend, I leaned against his chest as she asked who is tits behind me my baby boy's tits as she laughed as she said Niall has hairy chest mine also but at least he has tattoos as he also didn't get scared of getting tattoos as she told me that Niall is telling me to shut up ow someone is having a very good as she said shut up hey both of you are idiots are you happy with the touring around the world it was your dream I do as long as I am with him as she cooed as she said that she miss me I said me too I noticed that he has fallen asleep I poked his dimple which caused him to wake as he smiled lazily I kissed his cheek then I leaned against the seat as I continued talking to Kristen as the car ride to the private plane will take long as I felt his on my shoulder I push and he keeps wanting us putted his head on my shoulder I groaned as he stopped as he stucked his tongue out I rolled my eyes Kristen wants to video call I sighed then I agreed that we video call “hey baby girl how are you ?" she said asking I rolled my eyes as she pouted as I saw Niall next to her as he waved as I waved back as she talks about their relationship as he came back as she eats like usual and she never gets fat which for me a good thing as she seems to be in his house I don't even know if she had her own home or she just walking around like a homeless girl I swear that I feel like a third wheel even though we are video calling “Kristen I have to go" I said as I hanged up then I locked the phone as I rested my head on his shoulder as I fallen asleep also until the driver said we are here as we wake up as he pushed our suitcases to the plane Harry is already wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we fallen asleep again this time each one of us on a seat

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