Chapter 34

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Mariam's pov
I wake up as I looked through the window as I see the morning came I looked at Harry as he still asleep I felt so uncomfortable I called his name he hummed as he opens his eyes slowly as he rested his head then he looked at me smiling and he said good morning in his morning voice I unbuckled the seat belt as I felt that the plane is landing in Australia I stretched my body I swear sleeping in a vehicle is the most uncomfortable sleeping position in it I miss the bed as it is the most comfortable thing as Harry holds me in his arms and he kisses me traveling from country to country and city to city is tiring and stressing as we landed I don't hear the engine sound of the plane “I want to kiss you before we get out of the plane" he said I laughed as we crashed our lips together as they always meant to be together as we pulled as I see a smile on his lips I kissed his cheek as we got out of the plane as we push our suitcases and handed the bags as the sun is shining fuck I walked next to him as I groaned what is wrong babe ?" he asked I noticed that he is wearing sunglasses I ignored his question then I walked fast as I heard him laughed as I rolled my eyes we are in the hotel “good morning I overheard that you broke your camera" I heard that annoying voice of my ex boyfriend as I have been hearing it for the past six months I smiled fakely “if you broke your camera why are you still here" he said laughing we are already sitting on the couch none of your business" I said annoyingly he just struggled his shoulders I rolled my eyes as I saw Harry as I took my suitcase and my bag as I heard an ow and my name “oops sorry I didn't see you" I said as I can see him holding his nose next time on the balls I have been waiting for too long so you can leave sadly I broke my camera I would say Harry break it but I can't blame him I walked towards him as he is talking and laughing with the receptionist like they are friends I rolled my eyes good morning Miss Jordan I hope you and Mr Styles will enjoy your stay it is going to be fun oh my god I love you so much and I loved your work of photographing can I..." I cut him off by saying I am tired he went oh I walked towards the elevator to be honest he was talking girly anyway I never been sassy to anyone especially to the fans as some hates me since I started dating Harry and saying shit about me all of over the social media like any other woman who dated Harry they are just jealous I used to care but I don't as I am not the only person who gets hatred towards her I felt bad that I talked to someone like this so I walked back to the receptionist “hey I'm sorry it is just..." he cut me off no no Miss Jordan it is fine I am used to some tourists talk..." I cut him off “hey I'm serious about this not everyone deserve that you want to take a picture with us sure I could give you an autograph also" I said smiling he got his phone as he took a selfie as I sign an autograph he was emotional oh by the way call me Mariam I am not used to be called by my last name" I said smiling happily that I made someone happy in the first day in Australia and it is my first time I noticed that Paul sitting as he is already watching “next time don't make fun of me and he hired you only so you're not a replacement neither his photographer who be as professional as me look where you are and where I..." he cut me off “okay okay god you're crazy I don't know why we became friends again" he said as I flipped my hair then I walk towards the elevator “that hotel looks cool" he complained as he is looking at it I raised my eyebrow as it has marbles and golden “what babe you look like ya want to murder me" he said laughing I am already crossed my arms then I laughed “whatever I'm just tired and stressed out about this" I said as I waved it off he laughed as we entered the elevator as we pushed the suitcases in Harry as he gave me a key what I looked at him as he smiled fakely as he gotten a gum “you're such a weirdo" I said as I leaned against the rail on the elevator if we are climbing the mountain it wouldn't take that long what the fuck is that elevator Harry in which floor is..." the ringing of the elevator cut me off as we push as he unlocked I dropped myself on the bed wow that is cloud nine I am sleeping on as I felt someone kissing my neck I gasped oh yeah Harry “wait wait I wasn't prepared for the kiss" I said he laughed then he walked towards the balcony as I take my shoes off and going back to cloud nine that I was in as I screamed as I saw it is just Harry again as I started hit him with the pillow as he tell me to stop I stopped “what is wrong with you babe" he said I groaned on the pillow that is annoying and driving me crazy by I haven't slept I turned my head as he called as he wiped I breathed “babe are you crying ?" he said asking I turned my head as I found him as he is on his knees as he took my hair off   “did someone from the crew hurt you ?" he asked I rolled my eyes as he laughed I turned on my back traveling is tiring and stressing & I feel so uncomfortable by sleeping on..." he cut me off do you..." I cut him off I don't want to go back home I just feel so uncomfortable of what is happening between us that you know what I mean also going from country to country and city to city if I kept doing this for years I..." he cut me off few more and I'm all yours" he said I wiped my face as I got out of the bed to the balcony as I got seated on the chair as I heard that I received a text as I got my phone as it is from mum as she said that she misses me and dad asked about me & how is Harry treating me I laughed as I said that me too I said also that I am fine and Harry treating me like a gentleman I stood up as I gasped at his sudden appearance I walked pass him he held my wrist “I can see that this time will be officially over between us" he said sadly I turned who said that I will end it “Harry I proved to the world that I am in love with you by one song for five years then I won your heart back" I said then I walked towards the bed he gotten on bed “okay if the hatred towards you isn't bothering you what..." I cut him off Harry are you crazy I just told you before we started talking the shit about me don't let me murder you for..." he cut me off yeah yeah I remembered" he said it looks like he is being a teaser I crossed my arms “Harry dirty minded man what..." he cut me off “let us go for a swim in the pool" he said as he prentended to swim I pushed him as I let him fell out of the bed he got up like nothing happened I laughed then I rolled my eyes “we just arrived and you want to go to the pool who told you that there is a pool in this Australian hotel" I said he answered the receptionist I rolled my eyes as I ignored the fact that there is a pool in this Australian hotel “hey planned for camping" he said what camping Australia forest wild animals no way I am camping in an Australian forest hills or even in the forest itself “what you planned to go camping" I said as I heard him calling my name no way I am camping in the hills of Australia

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