Chapter 14

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Harry's pov
I wake up to an empty bed which caused me worry I got out of the bedroom since last night she was so broken and feeling hurt as well she fell asleep on our way to the hotel I started searching and calling her name until I found her sitting on the chair in the balcony she is looking so lost and so beautiful I walked in she said my name as her voice cracked she is already wiping her tears she throw herself in my arms as she break down I pulled her face up we walked in as she sobs I sat us “the pictures of us of last night are on the social media and I..." she got cut off by a sob I took her in a hug she pulled away from the hug as she started to calm “what is all of these tears and sadness" I said as she sobs slowly I stood up then I offered her my hand she placed hers “let's go for breakfast" I said smiling she nodded we are in the restaurant I ordered for us he nodded smiling she is looking at something I looked at the direction seeing a mother feeding her son as they smile at each other as she still looking at them I can see tears “are you gonna spend the day crying ?" I asked angrily as I took my sunglasses and people looks at me she excused to go to the bathroom as she already stood up then she walked towards it “hey Harry can we have a picture with you ?" a girl asked smiling and two of her friends either sides of her as I took a picture with each girl then a group selfie picture they said goodbye to me as I got seated Mariam came back at the same time the breakfast as she stayed silent after we finished our breakfast I felt guilty for getting angry at her she doesn't deserve that and she deserve an apology I opened my mouth then I closed it “Mariam I'm sorry I..." she cut me off “no need to apologize love can hurt sometimes" she said which caused me confusion I took my sunglasses then I putted it on the table “what..." I stopped as the waiter came taking the empty plates and glasses I waited until he leaves to speak again “falling in love with you was a mistake and going to my parents house after years was a bad idea even though they are my parents" she said suddenly I found us holding hands on the table which caused me shock as she giggles look at my eyes and face especially my..." I cut her off hey you still beautiful baby about the puffy eyes you are already wearing sunglasses don't take it off until..." she cut me off “I am not taking it off plus nobody can organise me I guess" she said I laughed at nobody can organise me I guess she squeezed my hands I apologized “let us go somewhere private or you want to go back to the room ?" I asked suggesting she struggled her shoulders as we stood up I am holding her hand we walked out of the hotel she keeps looking around as we walk on the streets “stop looking around you make..." she cut me off “we're in my hometown Harry and maybe someone knows my parents here will organise me" she said whispering I already interwined our fingers then I laughed “so what tell this person that I am your boyfriend which is true if this person organise me it is fine you are now having mood swings it is fine let us walk like a normal couple" I said she giggled at you are now having mood swings “since I met you and you're taking the life easy" she said I laughed we continued walking in silence we have an account on the social media Paul who..." I cut her off “I know that is why I chosen you" I said she looked confused then she stopped walking Paul stopped sharing my photographing after me and him broke up he knows about my dream of being a photographer that I wanted it to be seen by others he is the reason for ruining my dream Kristen wanted to help me to make this happen but I refused so I once sneaked into his office one night and tried to hack into his laptop but the idiot had password" she said I laughed at I once sneaked into his office one night and tried to hack into his laptop but the idiot had password she rolled her eyes smiling when I told Kristen she did the same and kept making fun of me about it so next day I kept begging him until he agreed I hate him" she said adding it is amazing that she did that to distribute herself from thinking about others think about her I wrapped my arm around her shoulder “it is funny so you really did that ?" I said asking she looked at me with serious face I laughed then I held her hand “you know that I never knew that my hometown had a hotel I don't know much about it even though dad once showed me and my brothers around when we were kids or he takes us to play in a different city every weekend I once met Niall which made us friends he showed me around his city and I meet his family as they thought that I am his girlfriend" she said we walked back to the hotel as I got our suite's key back then we walked towards the elevator I pressed the button it came we walked in as it got empty I pressed the button she took her sunglasses off I got closer to her then I careless her cheek after I kissed then I pressed our bodies together she pulled away putted her hair behind her ears as she kissed me again already careless my cheeks I parted her lips as our tongues started fighting earning a throaty moan we pulled away for air then we smiled I started kissing her neck as she moans I stopped at her lips then I careless her cheeks she took my hands off of her cheeks enough I don't want anyone to see us together anymore I..." I cut her off “why you're mine and the world knows that you are my girlfriend" I said she shook her head as the elevator opened she walked out first as she is now collecting her suitcase then she left her suitcase “Harry I'm sorry if I embarrassed you in front of your fans or hurt you or anything you deserve better" she said then she carried her suitcase and the door opened then it got closed I can't believe that we are over you deserve better

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