Chapter 26

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Mariam's pov
We became in front of it as it has his name and fans like usual taking pictures and selfies even videos and buying his merch I looked at him as he giggles Mr Harry Styles didn't tell me that all these weeks and days that he had a concert all this long that I remembered that he is on a break as he took me when we were in Ireland as he was meeting my parents for the first time I rolled my eyes then I got closer to him he putted his hand on my thigh I am wearing a skirt and top & boots I want to kiss him so bad as he look so hot and handsome like every day “Harry you won't start until we share a kiss" I said he laughed so loudly I leaned as he gotten serious leaning at the same time as his large hand still on my thigh “we share kisses every day" he said smiling I laughed as he leaned in more why it feels like we are going to kiss for the first time I feel butterflies when he leans slowly I really don't want to start without kissing you and knowing that you are..." I cut him off “I'm so happy and excited to watch you dancing and singing & talking to your fans like usual" I said smiling happily he smirked I shook my head as he laughed then he kissed as I am holding his necklace as he pulled away he looked at my lips like he wants to kiss me again this time he kissed my cheek we hugged as he nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck I feel like home he kissed my neck okay go I'll be fine on..." he cut me off there are security will be with you" he said smiling as he kissed my cheek again as he already getting out of the car I can't believe that he did that on purpose to make me happy and lucky I got out of this bubble by the security opening the door after I got out as I walk the few fans that I saw asked for pictures and autographs so I took and signed as I hugged you look so beautiful Mariam" one of them complained as I walked away with the security backstage as Harry who got it for me as the security looked at his watch “I know there is few minutes and Harry will be on the stage" I said he laughed then he nodded smiling as I noticed that I am already behind the stage and I can see the fans as I heard babe he gives me a peck on his way as I see him walking plus security or the crew walking with him as he greet the fans as they scream in happiness seeing him as I heard his voice I walked forward now I can see him “hey Mariam Jordan" someone greeted as I saw it is a man holding a clipboard and having earpiece on his ear “hi nice..." he cut me off “you were working with us are you still a photographer ?" he asked smiling as he now hold this clipboard against his chest I nodded smiling back he nodded back then he shook my hand after he left I let out a sigh of relief I don't know if Harry's crew and band knew that me and him are back together or they think we are just friends to be honest being his friend is different than being his girlfriend I started watching him as some fans waved at me I waved back as she whispered to her friend as I continued watching him dancing and singing also being crazy as he sometimes dances with his band mates I know Sarah and Mitch those who I remember also I remember that they are married and have a kid I never meet I don't really care sometimes he makes eye contact or winks I always gives him warning looks as he started talking to his fans I love how he makes them happy and excited also smiling while he talks the concert ended he waved and blow kisses towards them “did you have fun ?" he asked while he is already wrapping his arm around my shoulder “not really" I answered he turned his mouth to an o shape as we walk as we gotten in the same car I took his hand as he looked as he is already smiling as his eyes are greenish “what happened ?" I asked he just giggled I laughed it is silent as he looks so cute and adorable when he is looking like this as a kid got the toy he was dying to get nothing I'm just so happy that I got you back" he answered as he is rubbing circles on my hand suddenly we heard screaming as he waved to them then he pulled my face as he kisses I wrapped my arms around his neck as we reached as we got out of the car as I found us in a garage he already wrapped his arm around my shoulder we climbed as we found ourselves in the hotel he went to get the key as he came the elevator came as people came out he slide I laughed we entered as he already wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we kiss as he pressing the button I moaned as he gasped for air I already careless his cheek as his eyes are dark and lust as he is already looking into my eyes as his lips are parted “I want you so bad" he said whispering as the door opened and we walked out as we walk towards the suite he unlocked as he grabbed me in as I am now against the door as it closed as he started kissing my neck I feel that my hands are cuffed on the door as his lips against mine now I can't handle myself together whenever this man is near “oh god Harry" I moaned as he went back again on my neck he suddenly stopped as I opened my eyes as he is smiling evilly then he carried me bridal style towards the bedroom after he putted me down as I walked towards the bed after I took my boots off as he is taking his glittery jumpsuit as he smirks even he looks tired I gotten on the middle of the bed he gotten behind me “if I could continue what I began" he said then he wrapped his arms around my waist as he kisses sweetly “why you suddenly done that ? and make us get into it ?" I asked he kissed for the second time then he gotten my hands “I just wanted to find your weakness" he said I turned he wiggled his eyebrows I rolled my eyes we layed 

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