Chapter 38

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Mariam's pov
We are in the car driving back to the hotel as he already putting his hand on my thigh I can't handle myself together neither he does as we reached the hotel finally here we go as we will face the paps and the fans as we walk through by usual security guards as we got in the elevator after we gotten the key as we reached our suite he unlocked the door as he opened as he pulled me after he putted the key and closed the door then he started kissing and sucking my neck as I told him I will take my shoes off first as I took my shoes off and he took his we dropped ourselves on the bed as I got on the pillows he started again kissing and sucking my neck I ran my fingers through his curls he pulled my shirt above my head as he throw it out of the bed after he pulled his as he throw it out of the bed with mine as our tongues started fighting as we kiss hungrily as we now already against the headboard as he already holding back of my head as our tongues going in and out each other's mouths I pulled away for air he reconnected our lips I feel my energy “we rushed ourselves" he said as I feel his breath all of my skin I pushed myself to be comfortable I love how I still feel his breath against my skin we kisses slowly and sweetly I hummed nodding smiling then I pushed him back as I spread his legs as I stucked my body in between as I be close to his lips he unclasped my bra as I took it off as he sucks my nipples as I was about to unbutton my pants he stopped me then he pulled me from my hand towards the bathroom after he unbuttoned his own “can I have those lips of yours around me" he said I got on my knees as I took him in my mouth I think it is my first time to do this as he twitched twice then he cum once as I swallowed then I wiped with the back of my hand as I pulled his boxers and pants up as I wrapped my arms around his neck as I feel already his hands on my butt as he started kissing my neck then he connected our lips I moaned he started let us shower as we got in the bathtub “I can't wait for tonight" he said smiling I smiled I am not excited for tonight as his smile dropped I cleaned myself “babe" I hummed as he sounded like a little boy as he pouted cutely I kissed his cheek then I got out of the bathtub as I wrapped a towel around me as I got changed “Mariam why this time you are not excited ?" he asked as he already wrapped a towel around his hips I sighed it is just that I am not photographing so..." he cut me off “awe babe I'm sorry about your camera" he said I smiled as I shake my head as he already careless my cheeks “Paul meant to ruin my career but it is fine I think that I will go to my parents or England" I said he walked me to the bed as we got seated as he shakes his head and his eyes are getting teary no no please don't cry Harry please don't Harry Harry I just need a break you keep tour..." he cut me off you said that we are touring together we said that what happened beside what is happening between you and Paul ? does..." I cut him off “Harry relax nothing happened beside what is happening between me and Paul I just want to go back home or to my parents I am not going to leave you or I am breaking up with you I just need some rest and relaxation" I answered he went oh I laughed then I pecked his lips he stood up after he changed as he looking at myself in the mirror Harry why are you making it a big deal it isn't my first time to leave in the middle of..." he cut me off “this time is different firstly I will miss you secondly I will be worried to death and I am now used to you being with me" he said I sighed then I dropped myself on my back as I already crossed my legs as I ran my fingers through my hair he is unbelievable and unacceptable I sighed “don't be childish I will miss you more but I am not used to touring  even though it was my tour but this one is weirder than ever as I want freedom like a normal human being not a security system everywhere I go" I said he laughed then I found him as he taps on my nose we kissed he sighed babe we are touring around the world as there are paps and fans as the..." I cut him off yeah yeah I feel uncomfortable like so uncomfortable as I feel that they are spying not protecting I mean that I still not feel secured I see them like human beings just scaring the hell out of me with their..." I stopped then I opened as I wrapped my arms around his neck as I smiled “I just found safety and security with you" I said he rested his head against my chest he rolled as he rested his head again as he kisses my neck then he layed on his back babe you know that I..." I cut him off that is why I now don't like the idea of being secured by men with just strongest biceps I mean that nobody compared to you as you are my everything I..." he cut me off Mariam do whatever makes you happy even though I don't want you to go back but I can't say no as I..." I cut him off Harry I know that you will miss me and as you also said worried to death we could text and video call when you are free absolutely ya will not be in the concert the whole night" I said he took my hand towards his lips as he kisses “so you will go back home or your parents ?" he wondered I answered home as he said good I laughed someone's dirty minded" I said he stucked his tongue out I laughed to be honest I don't want to go back home even though I am missing Kristen since her and Niall are the only ones I knew back in England as it is now my home since a long time as Ireland is my hometown but England is now as my parents not liking the idea since day one like I am now older they won't live forever for me Robert and Robin are on their own worlds also dad and mum especially mum is making it a big deal that the three of us now has our own life and choices for it she wants us to be glued together with her as we are still those little girl and two boys Robert is married and have a son since I knew and I disconnected him Robin I don't heard from him as we also disconnected so yeah it doesn't matter some siblings when they grow they disconnected each other our parents aren't happy at all about it I didn't told Robert and Robin to disconnect me they did it “you know what babe I will continue touring with you but I should fix my camera or get a new one because that is too much absolutely as I refused to take that idiot's camera of course he still here I wish I could punch his face and hit him on the balls" I said he laughed so hard I am dying because of his cuteness overloaded I prepared the outfit for night I will wear a dress and a converses

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