Chapter 44

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*two weeks later*
Mariam's pov
I can't believe that we spend weeks this time in France until now as he took me shopping as he promised and we walked around as I saw Eiffel Tower as I had many pictures taken by him as he promised me as he surprised with the Polaroid Camera I can see him enjoying taking pictures of me we took some together as I took of him also as he makes silly faces and cute faces and normal ones I can't stop looking at them as I felt him behind me as he already wrapped his arms around me babe since we took them and you are always spreading them on the bed are you obbessed with me ?" he said asking laughing I nodded smiling after I looked at him then I poked his dimples he whined I laughed then I collected them after I got seated on his lap as I hugged baby boy you are so cute and adorable also handsome and beautiful in them I should have ya one day" I said he laughed as he already wrapped his arms around my waist as he said that I already have him I nodded smiling then I kept kissing his cheek he enjoys when I keep kissing, I kissed hard he screamed as I laughed “I should protect you at all costs I bet your mother wants that" I said he laughed so hard at I bet your mother wants that “don't worry mama Anne your son under my protection no..." he cut me off “come down here I should protect you not you protect me" he said as he pulled me back down on his lap as he started spreading kisses I waved my hands for help as now he is chasing me around the room I got you so my baby girl could like to go out before we leave tonight" he said smiling I nodded smiling back he carried me bridal style as he told me to get ready I ran towards the bathroom as I heard him laughing as I wore a skirt and crop top as I putted glittery makeup as I wore half booted sneakers I ran out of the bathroom his mouth hanged open wide I shut my eyes smiling he changed while we walk I see people looking at me as some girls looking in disguise as men checking me out he already wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he kissed as he went to Eiffel Tower as I got the Polaroid Camera as I let him take a picture of me as I took a pose that I am holding it and another that I am a monster then another of surprise “babe I think the camera is broken" he said I ran towards him as I took it as I took a picture of Tower and it took idiot he wiggled his eyebrows as I did one as I am hugging it as we got seated as I look at them then I collected them as I handed the camera as we look at the Eiffel Tower I am gonna miss it the people are nice “do you miss your mother ?" I asked he hummed as he rub his chin on my shoulder he sometimes keeps his beard and moustache but this time I see his beard, I turned “I want something memorable to happen here something I never forget it but I don't know if it is impossible to happen" I said whispering he wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned lightly against him “one day I will bring you here again" he said I clapped as he laughed then we stood up to walk around as he already wrapped his arm around my shoulder I pecked his lips as we had ice cream then we walked back to the hotel I removed my makeup as I felt his lips on my shoulder then I left the removal of the makeup as I turned as he leaned in “I am scared and nervous" I said he shushed as he points on my lips then he stopped at my bottom lip after he moved his hand down as he pressed my body against his I moaned “did you feel it baby girl ?" he asked I nodded then I took his face between my hands he held my hands above my head I shrugged as I ran towards the mirror as I removed as I ran out of the room not knowing where to go as people are looking at me but I didn't care about them as my phone started ringing as I got out as I already fell and I cut my knee as I saw it is him as he tell me where I am as I told him as I told him about falling he told me not to move as I wait until he finally came as there were some people wants to help he carried me bridal style back to the hotel as he putted me on the bed as I have an emergency stuff as he is already cleaning “you're crazy aren't ya you want to kill me once you tried to suicide now ya ran away what exactly you want to do get lost and kidnapped what for did..." he stopped as I see tears as he is now sitting next to me as his hands on his head “I am so just scared of being pregnant with your child" I said quickly he looked at me as he wiped his tears “I promised remember ?" he said asking I nodded he took my head against his chest he kissed my hairline nobody will drag us down I..." I cut him off I know please don't let me go through it on my own I..." he shushed as he pushed my hair as he layed me down as he went to the bathroom as he came back as he already hover over me “so you scare the shit out of me by running away from me the father of your child" he said I laughed he took my purse and shoes as he took his shoes as he kissed my forehead as we fallen asleep I stucked myself into him “good night angel" he said I said it back as I hope our child live in peace and love & quite

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