Chapter 3

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Mariam's pov
I am wear a skirt and boots also blouse and jeans jacket earrings & necklace, hair is curled no no leave it as it is the makeup Kristen is coming with me to the concert just got herself a ticket and she teased that I am his photographer so no ticket and VIP I have my own dressing room and I got my phone and keys also wallet especially the camera that I will be photographing the king of the concert with yes the king I checked myself in front of the mirror that man who is holding clipboard like usual know as I walk behind Harry winked mouthing that I look beautiful finally this year that I photographing a male artist I told that man who is holding clipboard I already know about everything when the concert started I started to photograph Harry and he talks with his fans sometimes we share smiles or he gives me winks what does this mean we just meet today but I am thankful that his fans doesn't even know me he is having super fun and excitement I can't believe that I am watching him live on the stage also we are going to tour together but I know that I will be in bus with people I don't even know I will be honest I don't think that I will make friends with anyone he ended with blowing a kiss which caused me to take a photograph of him I walk towards the dressing room I heard a knock came on the door while I collecting my stuff then I walked towards the door opening seeing bouquet of flowers in front of the face then the person took it off seeing Paul I closed the door at his face but he stopped “please baby I..." I cut him off “I am not your baby and you're doing this for the quitting email I sent you this morning look Paul ya said what you said because the artist this time is a male I know that you meant to replace me by other of your best photographers in male artist I won't change my mind by working in your company I will work on my own I photograph whatever I want whoever I want it will be easier for me to let go of the artists who treat me like a trash can" I said as I already handed my bag over my shoulder after I walked pass him as he still talking and I am like usual not listening he pushed me against the wall and something unacceptable happened I found myself kissing him back he smiled “I'm in love with you" he said above a whisper I handed my bag over my shoulder then I ran out after I noticed Kristen on my own after I cried in her arms as she asked what happened she knew about Paul as he is my boss and his shit she held my face between her hands “he kissed me" I said she smiled absolutely she thinks it is Harry I rolled my eyes which caused her smile to drop it is Paul and you know everything about him he still doesn't want to leave me alone I..." I got cut off by his voice that I don't want to hear Kristen stopped him as she tells him that I don't feel the same like him or any of these he thinks that I had for him the same but she kissed me back Kristen" he said loudly I freeze then I turned Kristen is looking between us and Paul is hurt “and I wish I didn't I fucking hate you I do yeah I was in love with you in the very beginning when I applied in your company but after all these years of experience in being a photographer for people who doesn't know how it hurts when you treat a person like a trash can Paul you doesn't even know how I was being treated yourself was treating me like a trash can and today you are saying that you are in love with me but I hate you I freaking do" I said then I walked towards the car that will drive me off to my house I wish that I have a man who loves and cares about me or at least a person yes Kristen do Miss we're here" the driver said I thanked him then I got out of my car I walked towards the door after I unlocked then I closed the door after I walked towards the stairs climbing up to my bedroom I changed my clothes then I got in my pajamas I walked back downstairs to watch the TV I heard the doorbell rang as I already know it is Kristen but I felt a strong wrist I was about to slap him “Harry how..." he cut me off “Paul I saw what happened between you and him also I meet your best friend Kristen" he said letting himself in I walked towards the living room dropping myself on the couch he got seated next to me I can feel his eyes on me as he is playing with his ring I switched the TV off then I turned to him look I am not in the mood for talking about myself so go back home since your fans and those paps already followed I want to live in my photographing life without the artist who I photographing in his own life and I am so those people whom outside don't understand us that we are those boyfriend and girlfriend thingy" I said he laughed then he rested his head on the couch “but I would like to talk with you like a friend" he said I sighed then I putted package on the table I sighed again my name is Mariam Brown Jordan I am Irish and I have two older brothers Niall and Greg actually they..." he cut me off “wait a minute I know them but your middle is Brown and last name is Jordan" he said I cleared my throat then I stood up after I walked towards the kitchen I'll be honest my father married their mother so they are..." he cut me off Maura didn't get married after their biological father Bobby Niall and Greg Horan doesn't have a step father I know Niall he is my friend since we were teens he doesn't have any sisters his older brother Greg is married and have a son Mariam tell me the real you" he said giving me his sharp eyes that melts me already I am really Irish and my brothers are younger than me, my parents are still together until now I swear I am telling the truth my brothers names are Robert and Robin since I was a little I wanted to be a photographer so I applied an photographing university here in London I started working in Paul's company exact after I graduated from the university in the very beginning I was having a thing for him but after what happened from him nothing anymore I hate to photograph female artists my favourite colour is red and my favourite animal is cats I have a fear of dogs I eat any kind of food and my favourite drink is lemonade with mint" I said honestly as he is already holding my wrists then he let go “I don't need to talk about myself you can Google me anyway you found my touring list on my social media" he said I laughed he left I walked towards the bathroom brushed my teeth then I got directly on bed to sleep and forget about what happened between me and Paul

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